cycle main loop a few times before suspending to clear any buffered commands
[clinton/Smoothieware.git] / src / modules / utils / player / Player.cpp
1 /*
2 This file is part of Smoothie ( The motion control part is heavily based on Grbl (
3 Smoothie is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
4 Smoothie is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
5 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Smoothie. If not, see <>.
6 */
8 #include "Player.h"
10 #include "libs/Kernel.h"
11 #include "Robot.h"
12 #include "libs/nuts_bolts.h"
13 #include "libs/utils.h"
14 #include "SerialConsole.h"
15 #include "libs/SerialMessage.h"
16 #include "libs/StreamOutputPool.h"
17 #include "libs/StreamOutput.h"
18 #include "Gcode.h"
19 #include "checksumm.h"
20 #include "Pauser.h"
21 #include "Config.h"
22 #include "ConfigValue.h"
23 #include "SDFAT.h"
25 #include "modules/robot/Conveyor.h"
26 #include "DirHandle.h"
27 #include "PublicDataRequest.h"
28 #include "PublicData.h"
29 #include "PlayerPublicAccess.h"
30 #include "TemperatureControlPublicAccess.h"
31 #include "TemperatureControlPool.h"
33 #include <cstddef>
34 #include <cmath>
35 #include <algorithm>
37 #include "mbed.h"
39 #define on_boot_gcode_checksum CHECKSUM("on_boot_gcode")
40 #define on_boot_gcode_enable_checksum CHECKSUM("on_boot_gcode_enable")
41 #define after_suspend_gcode_checksum CHECKSUM("after_suspend_gcode")
42 #define before_resume_gcode_checksum CHECKSUM("before_resume_gcode")
43 #define extruder_checksum CHECKSUM("extruder")
44 #define save_state_checksum CHECKSUM("save_state")
45 #define restore_state_checksum CHECKSUM("restore_state")
47 extern SDFAT mounter;
49 Player::Player()
50 {
51 this->playing_file = false;
52 this->current_file_handler = nullptr;
53 this->booted = false;
54 this->elapsed_secs = 0;
55 this->reply_stream = nullptr;
56 this->halted= false;
57 this->suspended= false;
58 this->suspend_loops= 0;
59 }
61 void Player::on_module_loaded()
62 {
63 this->register_for_event(ON_CONSOLE_LINE_RECEIVED);
64 this->register_for_event(ON_MAIN_LOOP);
65 this->register_for_event(ON_SECOND_TICK);
66 this->register_for_event(ON_GET_PUBLIC_DATA);
67 this->register_for_event(ON_SET_PUBLIC_DATA);
68 this->register_for_event(ON_GCODE_RECEIVED);
69 this->register_for_event(ON_HALT);
71 this->on_boot_gcode = THEKERNEL->config->value(on_boot_gcode_checksum)->by_default("/sd/on_boot.gcode")->as_string();
72 this->on_boot_gcode_enable = THEKERNEL->config->value(on_boot_gcode_enable_checksum)->by_default(true)->as_bool();
74 this->after_suspend_gcode = THEKERNEL->config->value(after_suspend_gcode_checksum)->by_default("")->as_string();
75 this->before_resume_gcode = THEKERNEL->config->value(before_resume_gcode_checksum)->by_default("")->as_string();
76 std::replace( this->after_suspend_gcode.begin(), this->after_suspend_gcode.end(), '_', ' '); // replace _ with space
77 std::replace( this->before_resume_gcode.begin(), this->before_resume_gcode.end(), '_', ' '); // replace _ with space
78 }
80 void Player::on_halt(void *arg)
81 {
82 halted= (arg == nullptr);
83 }
85 void Player::on_second_tick(void *)
86 {
87 if(this->playing_file) this->elapsed_secs++;
88 }
90 // extract any options found on line, terminates args at the space before the first option (-v)
91 // eg this is a file.gcode -v
92 // will return -v and set args to this is a file.gcode
93 string Player::extract_options(string& args)
94 {
95 string opts;
96 size_t pos= args.find(" -");
97 if(pos != string::npos) {
98 opts= args.substr(pos);
99 args= args.substr(0, pos);
100 }
102 return opts;
103 }
105 void Player::on_gcode_received(void *argument)
106 {
107 Gcode *gcode = static_cast<Gcode *>(argument);
108 string args = get_arguments(gcode->get_command());
109 if (gcode->has_m) {
110 if (gcode->m == 21) { // Dummy code; makes Octoprint happy -- supposed to initialize SD card
111 gcode->mark_as_taken();
112 mounter.remount();
113 gcode->stream->printf("SD card ok\r\n");
115 } else if (gcode->m == 23) { // select file
116 gcode->mark_as_taken();
117 this->filename = "/sd/" + args; // filename is whatever is in args
118 this->current_stream = &(StreamOutput::NullStream);
120 if(this->current_file_handler != NULL) {
121 this->playing_file = false;
122 fclose(this->current_file_handler);
123 }
124 this->current_file_handler = fopen( this->filename.c_str(), "r");
126 if(this->current_file_handler == NULL) {
127 gcode->stream->printf(" failed: %s\r\n", this->filename.c_str());
128 return;
130 } else {
131 // get size of file
132 int result = fseek(this->current_file_handler, 0, SEEK_END);
133 if (0 != result) {
134 this->file_size = 0;
135 } else {
136 this->file_size = ftell(this->current_file_handler);
137 fseek(this->current_file_handler, 0, SEEK_SET);
138 }
139 gcode->stream->printf("File opened:%s Size:%ld\r\n", this->filename.c_str(), this->file_size);
140 gcode->stream->printf("File selected\r\n");
141 }
144 this->played_cnt = 0;
145 this->elapsed_secs = 0;
147 } else if (gcode->m == 24) { // start print
148 gcode->mark_as_taken();
149 if (this->current_file_handler != NULL) {
150 this->playing_file = true;
151 // this would be a problem if the stream goes away before the file has finished,
152 // so we attach it to the kernel stream, however network connections from pronterface
153 // do not connect to the kernel streams so won't see this FIXME
154 this->reply_stream = THEKERNEL->streams;
155 }
157 } else if (gcode->m == 25) { // pause print
158 gcode->mark_as_taken();
159 this->playing_file = false;
161 } else if (gcode->m == 26) { // Reset print. Slightly different than M26 in Marlin and the rest
162 gcode->mark_as_taken();
163 if(this->current_file_handler != NULL) {
164 string currentfn = this->filename.c_str();
165 unsigned long old_size = this->file_size;
167 // abort the print
168 abort_command("", gcode->stream);
170 if(!currentfn.empty()) {
171 // reload the last file opened
172 this->current_file_handler = fopen(currentfn.c_str() , "r");
174 if(this->current_file_handler == NULL) {
175 gcode->stream->printf(" failed: %s\r\n", currentfn.c_str());
176 } else {
177 this->filename = currentfn;
178 this->file_size = old_size;
179 this->current_stream = &(StreamOutput::NullStream);
180 }
181 }
183 } else {
184 gcode->stream->printf("No file loaded\r\n");
185 }
187 } else if (gcode->m == 27) { // report print progress, in format used by Marlin
188 gcode->mark_as_taken();
189 progress_command("-b", gcode->stream);
191 } else if (gcode->m == 32) { // select file and start print
192 gcode->mark_as_taken();
193 // Get filename
194 this->filename = "/sd/" + args; // filename is whatever is in args including spaces
195 this->current_stream = &(StreamOutput::NullStream);
197 if(this->current_file_handler != NULL) {
198 this->playing_file = false;
199 fclose(this->current_file_handler);
200 }
202 this->current_file_handler = fopen( this->filename.c_str(), "r");
203 if(this->current_file_handler == NULL) {
204 gcode->stream->printf(" failed: %s\r\n", this->filename.c_str());
205 } else {
206 this->playing_file = true;
207 }
209 }
210 }
211 }
213 // When a new line is received, check if it is a command, and if it is, act upon it
214 void Player::on_console_line_received( void *argument )
215 {
216 if(halted) return; // if in halted state ignore any commands
218 SerialMessage new_message = *static_cast<SerialMessage *>(argument);
220 // ignore comments and blank lines and if this is a G code then also ignore it
221 char first_char = new_message.message[0];
222 if(strchr(";( \n\rGMTN", first_char) != NULL) return;
224 string possible_command = new_message.message;
225 string cmd = shift_parameter(possible_command);
227 //>printf("Received %s\r\n", possible_command.c_str());
229 // Act depending on command
230 if (cmd == "play"){
231 this->play_command( possible_command, );
232 }else if (cmd == "progress"){
233 this->progress_command( possible_command, );
234 }else if (cmd == "abort") {
235 this->abort_command( possible_command, );
236 }else if (cmd == "suspend") {
237 this->suspend_command( possible_command, );
238 }else if (cmd == "resume") {
239 this->resume_command( possible_command, );
240 }
241 }
243 // Play a gcode file by considering each line as if it was received on the serial console
244 void Player::play_command( string parameters, StreamOutput *stream )
245 {
246 // extract any options from the line and terminate the line there
247 string options= extract_options(parameters);
248 // Get filename which is the entire parameter line upto any options found or entire line
249 this->filename = absolute_from_relative(parameters);
251 if(this->playing_file || this->suspended) {
252 stream->printf("Currently printing, abort print first\r\n");
253 return;
254 }
256 if(this->current_file_handler != NULL) { // must have been a paused print
257 fclose(this->current_file_handler);
258 }
260 this->current_file_handler = fopen( this->filename.c_str(), "r");
261 if(this->current_file_handler == NULL) {
262 stream->printf("File not found: %s\r\n", this->filename.c_str());
263 return;
264 }
266 stream->printf("Playing %s\r\n", this->filename.c_str());
268 this->playing_file = true;
270 // Output to the current stream if we were passed the -v ( verbose ) option
271 if( options.find_first_of("Vv") == string::npos ) {
272 this->current_stream = &(StreamOutput::NullStream);
273 } else {
274 // we send to the kernels stream as it cannot go away
275 this->current_stream = THEKERNEL->streams;
276 }
278 // get size of file
279 int result = fseek(this->current_file_handler, 0, SEEK_END);
280 if (0 != result) {
281 stream->printf("WARNING - Could not get file size\r\n");
282 file_size = 0;
283 } else {
284 file_size = ftell(this->current_file_handler);
285 fseek(this->current_file_handler, 0, SEEK_SET);
286 stream->printf(" File size %ld\r\n", file_size);
287 }
288 this->played_cnt = 0;
289 this->elapsed_secs = 0;
290 }
292 void Player::progress_command( string parameters, StreamOutput *stream )
293 {
295 // get options
296 string options = shift_parameter( parameters );
297 bool sdprinting= options.find_first_of("Bb") != string::npos;
299 if(!playing_file && current_file_handler != NULL) {
300 if(sdprinting)
301 stream->printf("SD printing byte %lu/%lu\r\n", played_cnt, file_size);
302 else
303 stream->printf("SD print is paused at %lu/%lu\r\n", played_cnt, file_size);
304 return;
306 } else if(!playing_file) {
307 stream->printf("Not currently playing\r\n");
308 return;
309 }
311 if(file_size > 0) {
312 unsigned long est = 0;
313 if(this->elapsed_secs > 10) {
314 unsigned long bytespersec = played_cnt / this->elapsed_secs;
315 if(bytespersec > 0)
316 est = (file_size - played_cnt) / bytespersec;
317 }
319 unsigned int pcnt = (file_size - (file_size - played_cnt)) * 100 / file_size;
320 // If -b or -B is passed, report in the format used by Marlin and the others.
321 if (!sdprinting) {
322 stream->printf("%u %% complete, elapsed time: %lu s", pcnt, this->elapsed_secs);
323 if(est > 0) {
324 stream->printf(", est time: %lu s", est);
325 }
326 stream->printf("\r\n");
327 } else {
328 stream->printf("SD printing byte %lu/%lu\r\n", played_cnt, file_size);
329 }
331 } else {
332 stream->printf("File size is unknown\r\n");
333 }
334 }
336 void Player::abort_command( string parameters, StreamOutput *stream )
337 {
338 if(!playing_file && current_file_handler == NULL) {
339 stream->printf("Not currently playing\r\n");
340 return;
341 }
342 suspended= false;
343 playing_file = false;
344 played_cnt = 0;
345 file_size = 0;
346 this->filename = "";
347 this->current_stream = NULL;
348 fclose(current_file_handler);
349 current_file_handler = NULL;
350 if(parameters.empty()) {
351 // clear out the block queue
352 // I think this is a HACK... wait for queue !full as flushing a full queue doesn't work well
353 // as it means there is probably a gcode waiting to be pushed and will be as soon as I flush the queue this causes
354 // one more move but it is the last move queued so is completely wrong, this HACK means we stop cleanly but
355 // only after the current move has completed and maybe the next one.
356 while (THEKERNEL->conveyor->is_queue_full()) {
357 THEKERNEL->call_event(ON_IDLE);
358 }
360 THEKERNEL->conveyor->flush_queue();
362 // now the position will think it is at the last received pos, so we need to do FK to get the actuator position and reset the current position
363 THEKERNEL->robot->reset_position_from_current_actuator_position();
364 }
365 stream->printf("Aborted playing or paused file\r\n");
366 }
368 void Player::on_main_loop(void *argument)
369 {
370 if(suspended && suspend_loops > 0) {
371 // if we are suspended we need to allow main loop to cycle a few times then finsih off the supend processing
372 if(--suspend_loops == 0) {
373 suspend_part2();
374 return;
375 }
376 }
378 if( !this->booted ) {
379 this->booted = true;
380 if( this->on_boot_gcode_enable ) {
381 this->play_command(this->on_boot_gcode, THEKERNEL->serial);
382 } else {
383 //THEKERNEL->serial->printf("On boot gcode disabled! skipping...\n");
384 }
385 }
387 if( this->playing_file ) {
388 if(halted) {
389 abort_command("1", &(StreamOutput::NullStream));
390 return;
391 }
393 char buf[130]; // lines upto 128 characters are allowed, anything longer is discarded
394 bool discard = false;
396 while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), this->current_file_handler) != NULL) {
397 int len = strlen(buf);
398 if(len == 0) continue; // empty line? should not be possible
399 if(buf[len - 1] == '\n' || feof(this->current_file_handler)) {
400 if(discard) { // we are discarding a long line
401 discard = false;
402 continue;
403 }
404 if(len == 1) continue; // empty line
406 this->current_stream->printf("%s", buf);
407 struct SerialMessage message;
408 message.message = buf;
409 = this->current_stream;
411 // waits for the queue to have enough room
412 THEKERNEL->call_event(ON_CONSOLE_LINE_RECEIVED, &message);
413 played_cnt += len;
414 return; // we feed one line per main loop
416 } else {
417 // discard long line
418 this->current_stream->printf("Warning: Discarded long line\n");
419 discard = true;
420 }
421 }
423 this->playing_file = false;
424 this->filename = "";
425 played_cnt = 0;
426 file_size = 0;
427 fclose(this->current_file_handler);
428 current_file_handler = NULL;
429 this->current_stream = NULL;
431 if(this->reply_stream != NULL) {
432 // if we were printing from an M command from pronterface we need to send this back
433 this->reply_stream->printf("Done printing file\r\n");
434 this->reply_stream = NULL;
435 }
436 }
437 }
439 void Player::on_get_public_data(void *argument)
440 {
441 PublicDataRequest *pdr = static_cast<PublicDataRequest *>(argument);
443 if(!pdr->starts_with(player_checksum)) return;
445 if(pdr->second_element_is(is_playing_checksum) || pdr->second_element_is(is_suspended_checksum)) {
446 static bool bool_data;
447 bool_data = pdr->second_element_is(is_playing_checksum) ? this->playing_file : this->suspended;
448 pdr->set_data_ptr(&bool_data);
449 pdr->set_taken();
451 } else if(pdr->second_element_is(get_progress_checksum)) {
452 static struct pad_progress p;
453 if(file_size > 0 && playing_file) {
454 p.elapsed_secs = this->elapsed_secs;
455 p.percent_complete = (this->file_size - (this->file_size - this->played_cnt)) * 100 / this->file_size;
456 p.filename = this->filename;
457 pdr->set_data_ptr(&p);
458 pdr->set_taken();
459 }
460 }
461 }
463 void Player::on_set_public_data(void *argument)
464 {
465 PublicDataRequest *pdr = static_cast<PublicDataRequest *>(argument);
467 if(!pdr->starts_with(player_checksum)) return;
469 if(pdr->second_element_is(abort_play_checksum)) {
470 abort_command("", &(StreamOutput::NullStream));
471 pdr->set_taken();
472 }
473 }
475 /**
476 Suspend a print in progress
477 1. send pause to upstream host, or pause if printing from sd
478 1a. loop on_main_loop several times to clear any buffered commmands
479 2. wait for empty queue
480 3. save the current position, extruder position, temperatures - any state that would need to be restored
481 4. retract by specifed amount either on command line or in config
482 5. turn off heaters.
483 6. optionally run after_suspend gcode (either in config or on command line)
485 User may jog or remove and insert filament at this point, extruding or retracting as needed
487 */
488 void Player::suspend_command(string parameters, StreamOutput *stream )
489 {
490 if(suspended) {
491 stream->printf("Already suspended\n");
492 return;
493 }
495 stream->printf("ok Suspending print, waiting for queue to empty...\n");
497 suspended= true;
498 if( this->playing_file ) {
499 // pause an sd print
500 this->playing_file = false;
501 this->was_playing_file= true;
502 }else{
503 // send pause to upstream host, we send it on all ports as we don't know which it is on
504 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("// action:pause\r\n");
505 this->was_playing_file= false;
506 }
508 // we need to allow main loop to cycle a few times to clear any buffered commands in the serial streams etc
509 suspend_loops= 10;
510 suspend_stream= stream;
511 }
513 // this completes the suspend
514 void Player::suspend_part2()
515 {
516 // wait for queue to empty
517 THEKERNEL->conveyor->wait_for_empty_queue();
519 suspend_stream->printf("Saving current state...\n");
521 // save current XYZ position
522 THEKERNEL->robot->get_axis_position(this->saved_position);
524 // save current extruder state
525 PublicData::set_value( extruder_checksum, save_state_checksum, nullptr );
527 // save state
528 this->saved_inch_mode= THEKERNEL->robot->inch_mode;
529 this->saved_absolute_mode= THEKERNEL->robot->absolute_mode;
530 this->saved_feed_rate= THEKERNEL->robot->get_feed_rate();
532 // save current temperatures
533 for(auto m : THEKERNEL->temperature_control_pool->get_controllers()) {
534 // query each heater and save the target temperature if on
535 void *p;
536 if(PublicData::get_value( temperature_control_checksum, m, current_temperature_checksum, &p )) {
537 struct pad_temperature *temp= static_cast<struct pad_temperature *>(p);
538 if(temp != nullptr && temp->target_temperature > 0) {
539 this->saved_temperatures[m]= temp->target_temperature;
540 }
541 }
542 }
544 // TODO retract by optional amount...
546 // turn off heaters that were on
547 for(auto& h : this->saved_temperatures) {
548 float t= 0;
549 PublicData::set_value( temperature_control_checksum, h.first, &t );
550 }
552 // execute optional gcode if defined
553 if(!after_suspend_gcode.empty()) {
554 struct SerialMessage message;
555 message.message = after_suspend_gcode;
556 = &(StreamOutput::NullStream);
557 THEKERNEL->call_event(ON_CONSOLE_LINE_RECEIVED, &message );
558 }
560 suspend_stream->printf("Print Suspended, enter resume to continue printing\n");
561 }
563 /**
564 resume the suspended print
565 1. restore the temperatures and wait for them to get up to temp
566 2. optionally run before_resume gcode if specified
567 3. restore the position it was at and E and any other saved state
568 4. resume sd print or send resume upstream
569 */
570 void Player::resume_command(string parameters, StreamOutput *stream )
571 {
572 if(!suspended) {
573 stream->printf("Not suspended\n");
574 return;
575 }
577 stream->printf("ok resuming print...\n");
579 // set heaters to saved temps
580 for(auto& h : this->saved_temperatures) {
581 float t= h.second;
582 PublicData::set_value( temperature_control_checksum, h.first, &t );
583 }
585 // wait for them to reach temp
586 if(!this->saved_temperatures.empty()) {
587 stream->printf("Waiting for heaters...\n");
588 bool wait= true;
589 uint32_t tus= us_ticker_read(); // mbed call
590 while(wait) {
591 wait= false;
593 bool timeup= false;
594 if((us_ticker_read() - tus) >= 1000000) { // print every 1 second
595 timeup= true;
596 tus= us_ticker_read(); // mbed call
597 }
599 for(auto& h : this->saved_temperatures) {
600 void *p;
601 if(PublicData::get_value( temperature_control_checksum, h.first, current_temperature_checksum, &p )) {
602 struct pad_temperature *temp= static_cast<struct pad_temperature *>(p);
603 if(timeup) stream->printf("%s:%3.1f /%3.1f @%d ", temp->designator.c_str(), temp->current_temperature, ((temp->target_temperature == -1) ? 0.0 : temp->target_temperature), temp->pwm);
604 wait= wait || (temp->current_temperature < h.second);
605 }
606 }
607 if(timeup) stream->printf("\n");
609 if(wait)
610 THEKERNEL->call_event(ON_IDLE, this);
611 }
612 }
614 // execute optional gcode if defined
615 if(!before_resume_gcode.empty()) {
616 stream->printf("Executing before resume gcode...\n");
617 struct SerialMessage message;
618 message.message = before_resume_gcode;
619 = &(StreamOutput::NullStream);
620 THEKERNEL->call_event(ON_CONSOLE_LINE_RECEIVED, &message );
621 }
623 // Restore position
624 stream->printf("Restoring saved XYZ positions and state...\n");
625 THEKERNEL->robot->inch_mode= saved_inch_mode;
626 THEKERNEL->robot->absolute_mode= saved_absolute_mode;
627 char buf[128];
628 {
629 int n = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "G1 X%f Y%f Z%f F%f", saved_position[0], saved_position[1], saved_position[2], saved_feed_rate);
630 string g(buf, n);
631 Gcode gcode(g, &(StreamOutput::NullStream));
632 THEKERNEL->call_event(ON_GCODE_RECEIVED, &gcode );
633 }
635 // restore extruder state
636 PublicData::set_value( extruder_checksum, restore_state_checksum, nullptr );
638 stream->printf("Resuming print\n");
640 if(this->was_playing_file) {
641 this->playing_file = true;
642 }else{
643 // Send resume to host
644 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("// action:resume\r\n");
645 }
647 // clean up
648 this->saved_temperatures.clear();
649 suspended= false;
650 }