power supply: increase dc cover depth
[clinton/3d-models.git] / cura / dual_temp_lower.py
... / ...
1#Name: Dual Temp Test
2#Info: Lower the temperature for the nozzle that is not printing
3#Depend: GCode
4#Type: postprocess
5#Param: coolTemperatureDifference(float:50.0) Drop idle nozzle temperature (C)
6#Param: heatupTimeDelay(float:20.0) Heatup nozzle before use (sec)
7#Param: zHop(float:0.0) Raise Z when reheating active extruder (mm)
10__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2013 David Braam, Copyright (C) 2016 Clinton Ebadi <clinton@unknownlamer.org> - Released under terms of the AGPLv3 License"
11import re
12import math
13from Cura.util import profile
15def getValue(line, key, default = None):
16 if not key in line or (';' in line and line.find(key) > line.find(';')):
17 return default
18 subPart = line[line.find(key) + 1:]
19 m = re.search('^[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*', subPart)
20 if m is None:
21 return default
22 try:
23 return float(m.group(0))
24 except:
25 return default
27def wipeNozzle (f):
28 f.write ("""
30G0 X{d} Y{d} F{rate}
31G0 X-{d} Y-{d} F{rate}
32G0 X-{d} Y-{d} F{rate}
33G0 X{d} Y{d} F{rate}
35""".format (d=3, rate=float(profile.getProfileSetting('travel_speed')) * 60))
37fanOnCommand = None
39def disableFan(f):
40 if fanOnCommand is not None:
41 f.write ("M107\n")
43def enableFan(f):
44 if fanOnCommand is not None:
45 # ensure fan actually kicks back on
46 f.write ("M106 S255\n")
47 f.write (fanOnCommand)
49with open(filename, "r") as f:
50 lines = f.readlines()
52z = 0.
53x = 0.
54y = 0.
55e = 0.
56feedrate = float(profile.getProfileSetting('print_speed'))
57wipeTowerP = profile.getProfileSetting('wipe_tower') == 'True'
58currentSectionType = 'CUSTOM'
59activeExtruder = -1
60firstLayer = True
61# todo: use 2nd/3rd/etc extruder temp if available (arrays are alright...)
62printTemperature = float(profile.getProfileSetting('print_temperature'))
63coolTemperature = printTemperature - coolTemperatureDifference
65with open(filename, "w") as f:
66 # skip start gcode
67 idx = lines.index (';LAYER:0\n')
68 startIdx = idx
69 for line in lines[0:idx]:
70 if getValue(line, 'T', None) is not None and getValue(line, 'M', None) is None:
71 activeExtruder = getValue(line, 'T', None)
72 f.write (line)
73 while idx < len(lines):
74 line = lines[idx]
75 if getValue(line, 'T', None) is not None and getValue(line, 'M', None) is None:
76 nextExtruder = getValue(line, 'T', None)
77 printTime = 0.0
78 sx = x
79 sy = y
80 sz = z
81 for n in xrange(startIdx, idx):
82 line = lines[n]
83 if line.startswith(';'):
84 continue
85 g = getValue(line, 'G', None)
86 if g == 0 or g == 1:
87 nx = getValue(line, 'X', x)
88 ny = getValue(line, 'Y', y)
89 nz = getValue(line, 'Z', z)
90 feedrate = getValue(line, 'F', feedrate)
91 printTime += math.sqrt((nx-x)*(nx-x)+(ny-y)*(ny-y)+(nz-z)*(nz-z)) / feedrate * 60
92 x = nx
93 y = ny
94 z = nz
96 heatupTime = printTime - heatupTimeDelay
97 if heatupTime < 0.0:
98 heatupTime = None
99 heatupBlocked = not firstLayer # do not reheat until active extruder is heated
100 x = sx
101 y = sy
102 z = sz
104 f.write("M104 T%d S%d\n" % (nextExtruder, coolTemperature))
105 f.write("T%d\n" % (activeExtruder))
107 printTime = 0.0
108 for n in xrange(startIdx, idx):
109 line = lines[n]
110 if line.startswith(';'):
111 f.write(line)
112 continue
113 if getValue(line, 'M', 666) == 107:
114 fanOnCommand = None
115 f.write(line)
116 continue
117 if getValue(line, 'M', 666) == 106:
118 fanOnCommand = line
119 f.write(line)
120 continue
121 # find where the newly activated extruder is unspooled and block until fully reheated
122 if (getValue(line, 'G', 666) == 0 or getValue(line, 'G', 666) == 1) and getValue (line, 'E', 666) == 0.0 and (heatupBlocked or firstLayer):
123 # todo: if wipeTowerP, only
124 # wait for a few degrees below
125 # printTemperature and allow
126 # it to finish heating while
127 # priming
128 if zHop > 0.0:
129 f.write ("G91\nG0 Z%.3f\nG90\n" % zHop)
131 disableFan(f)
132 f.write("M109 T%d S%d\n" % (activeExtruder, printTemperature))
133 wipeNozzle(f)
134 enableFan(f)
136 if zHop > 0.0:
137 f.write ("G91\nG0 Z%.3f\nG90\n" % -zHop)
138 zHop = -1
139 heatupBlocked = False
140 if heatupTime is not None:
141 g = getValue(line, 'G', None)
142 if g == 0 or g == 1:
143 nx = getValue(line, 'X', x)
144 ny = getValue(line, 'Y', y)
145 nz = getValue(line, 'Z', z)
146 feedrate = getValue(line, 'F', feedrate)
147 printTime += math.sqrt((nx-x)*(nx-x)+(ny-y)*(ny-y)+(nz-z)*(nz-z)) / feedrate * 60
148 if (printTime > heatupTime) and (not heatupBlocked):
149 f.write("M104 T%d S%d\n" % (nextExtruder, printTemperature))
150 f.write("T%d\n" % (activeExtruder))
151 heatupTime = None
152 x = nx
153 y = ny
154 z = nz
155 f.write(line)
156 f.write(lines[idx])
157 startIdx = idx + 1
158 activeExtruder = nextExtruder
159 firstLayer = False
160 idx += 1
161 for n in xrange(startIdx, idx):
162 f.write(lines[n])