arities can have noncontiguous starts and ends
[bpt/guile.git] / module / language / glil / compile-assembly.scm
1 ;;; Guile VM assembler
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7 ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8 ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 ;;;;
15 ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16 ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17 ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
19 ;;; Code:
21 (define-module (language glil compile-assembly)
22 #:use-module (system base syntax)
23 #:use-module (system base pmatch)
24 #:use-module (language glil)
25 #:use-module (language assembly)
26 #:use-module (system vm instruction)
27 #:use-module ((system vm program) #:select (make-binding))
28 #:use-module (ice-9 receive)
29 #:use-module ((srfi srfi-1) #:select (fold))
30 #:use-module (rnrs bytevector)
31 #:export (compile-assembly))
33 ;; Variable cache cells go in the object table, and serialize as their
34 ;; keys. The reason we wrap the keys in these records is so they don't
35 ;; compare as `equal?' to other objects in the object table.
36 ;;
37 ;; `key' is either a symbol or the list (MODNAME SYM PUBLIC?)
39 (define-record <variable-cache-cell> key)
41 ;; Subprograms can be loaded into an object table as well. We need a
42 ;; disjoint type here too. (Subprograms have their own object tables --
43 ;; though probably we should just make one table per compilation unit.)
45 (define-record <subprogram> table prog)
48 (define (limn-sources sources)
49 (let lp ((in sources) (out '()) (filename #f))
50 (if (null? in)
51 (reverse! out)
52 (let ((addr (caar in))
53 (new-filename (assq-ref (cdar in ) 'filename))
54 (line (assq-ref (cdar in) 'line))
55 (column (assq-ref (cdar in) 'column)))
56 (cond
57 ((not (equal? new-filename filename))
58 (lp (cdr in)
59 `((,addr . (,line . ,column))
60 (filename . ,new-filename)
61 . ,out)
62 new-filename))
63 ((or (null? out) (not (equal? (cdar out) `(,line . ,column))))
64 (lp (cdr in)
65 `((,addr . (,line . ,column))
66 . ,out)
67 filename))
68 (else
69 (lp (cdr in) out filename)))))))
71 (define (make-meta bindings sources arities tail)
72 (if (and (null? bindings) (null? sources) (null? tail))
73 #f
74 (compile-assembly
75 (make-glil-program '()
76 (list
77 (make-glil-const `(,bindings ,sources ,arities ,@tail))
78 (make-glil-call 'return 1))))))
80 ;; A functional stack of names of live variables.
81 (define (make-open-binding name boxed? index)
82 (list name boxed? index))
83 (define (make-closed-binding open-binding start end)
84 (make-binding (car open-binding) (cadr open-binding)
85 (caddr open-binding) start end))
86 (define (open-binding bindings vars start)
87 (cons
88 (acons start
89 (map
90 (lambda (v)
91 (pmatch v
92 ((,name ,boxed? ,i)
93 (make-open-binding name boxed? i))
94 (else (error "unknown binding type" v))))
95 vars)
96 (car bindings))
97 (cdr bindings)))
98 (define (close-binding bindings end)
99 (pmatch bindings
100 ((((,start . ,closing) . ,open) . ,closed)
101 (cons open
102 (fold (lambda (o tail)
103 ;; the cons is for dsu sort
104 (acons start (make-closed-binding o start end)
105 tail))
106 closed
107 closing)))
108 (else (error "broken bindings" bindings))))
109 (define (close-all-bindings bindings end)
110 (if (null? (car bindings))
111 (map cdr
112 (stable-sort (reverse (cdr bindings))
113 (lambda (x y) (< (car x) (car y)))))
114 (close-all-bindings (close-binding bindings end) end)))
116 ;; A functional object table.
117 (define *module* 1)
118 (define (assoc-ref-or-acons alist x make-y)
119 (cond ((assoc-ref alist x)
120 => (lambda (y) (values y alist)))
121 (else
122 (let ((y (make-y x alist)))
123 (values y (acons x y alist))))))
124 (define (object-index-and-alist x alist)
125 (assoc-ref-or-acons alist x
126 (lambda (x alist)
127 (+ (length alist) *module*))))
128 (define (make-object-table objects)
129 (and (not (null? objects))
130 (list->vector (cons #f objects))))
132 ;; A functional arities thingamajiggy.
133 ;; arities := ((ip nreq [[nopt] [[rest] [kw]]]]) ...)
134 (define (open-arity addr nreq nopt rest kw arities)
135 (cons
136 (cond
137 (kw (list addr nreq nopt rest kw))
138 (rest (list addr nreq nopt rest))
139 (nopt (list addr nreq nopt))
140 (nreq (list addr nreq))
141 (else (list addr)))
142 arities))
143 (define (close-arity addr arities)
144 (pmatch arities
145 (() '())
146 (((,start . ,tail) . ,rest)
147 `((,start ,addr . ,tail) . ,rest))
148 (else (error "bad arities" arities))))
149 (define (begin-arity end start nreq nopt rest kw arities)
150 (open-arity start nreq nopt rest kw (close-arity end arities)))
152 (define (compile-assembly glil)
153 (receive (code . _)
154 (glil->assembly glil #t '(()) '() '() #f '() -1)
155 (car code)))
157 (define (glil->assembly glil toplevel? bindings
158 source-alist label-alist object-alist arities addr)
159 (define (emit-code x)
160 (values x bindings source-alist label-alist object-alist arities))
161 (define (emit-code/object x object-alist)
162 (values x bindings source-alist label-alist object-alist arities))
163 (define (emit-code/arity x nreq nopt rest kw)
164 (values x bindings source-alist label-alist object-alist
165 (begin-arity addr (addr+ addr x) nreq nopt rest kw arities)))
167 (record-case glil
168 ((<glil-program> meta body)
169 (define (process-body)
170 (let lp ((body body) (code '()) (bindings '(())) (source-alist '())
171 (label-alist '()) (object-alist (if toplevel? #f '()))
172 (arities '()) (addr 0))
173 (cond
174 ((null? body)
175 (values (reverse code)
176 (close-all-bindings bindings addr)
177 (limn-sources (reverse! source-alist))
178 (reverse label-alist)
179 (and object-alist (map car (reverse object-alist)))
180 (reverse (close-arity addr arities))
181 addr))
182 (else
183 (receive (subcode bindings source-alist label-alist object-alist
184 arities)
185 (glil->assembly (car body) #f bindings
186 source-alist label-alist object-alist
187 arities addr)
188 (lp (cdr body) (append (reverse subcode) code)
189 bindings source-alist label-alist object-alist arities
190 (addr+ addr subcode)))))))
192 (receive (code bindings sources labels objects arities len)
193 (process-body)
194 (let* ((meta (make-meta bindings sources arities meta))
195 (meta-pad (if meta (modulo (- 8 (modulo len 8)) 8) 0))
196 (prog `(load-program ,labels
197 ,(+ len meta-pad)
198 ,meta
199 ,@code
200 ,@(if meta
201 (make-list meta-pad '(nop))
202 '()))))
203 (cond
204 (toplevel?
205 ;; toplevel bytecode isn't loaded by the vm, no way to do
206 ;; object table or closure capture (not in the bytecode,
207 ;; anyway)
208 (emit-code (align-program prog addr)))
209 (else
210 (let ((table (make-object-table objects)))
211 (cond
212 (object-alist
213 ;; if we are being compiled from something with an object
214 ;; table, cache the program there
215 (receive (i object-alist)
216 (object-index-and-alist (make-subprogram table prog)
217 object-alist)
218 (emit-code/object `(,(if (< i 256)
219 `(object-ref ,i)
220 `(long-object-ref ,(quotient i 256)
221 ,(modulo i 256))))
222 object-alist)))
223 (else
224 ;; otherwise emit a load directly
225 (let ((table-code (dump-object table addr)))
226 (emit-code
227 `(,@table-code
228 ,@(align-program prog (addr+ addr table-code)))))))))))))
230 ((<glil-std-prelude> nreq nlocs else-label)
231 (emit-code/arity
232 `(,(if else-label
233 `(br-if-nargs-ne ,(quotient nreq 256)
234 ,(modulo nreq 256)
235 ,else-label)
236 `(assert-nargs-ee ,(quotient nreq 256)
237 ,(modulo nreq 256)))
238 (reserve-locals ,(quotient nlocs 256)
239 ,(modulo nlocs 256)))
240 nreq #f #f #f))
242 ((<glil-opt-prelude> nreq nopt rest nlocs else-label)
243 (let ((bind-required
244 (if else-label
245 `((br-if-nargs-lt ,(quotient nreq 256)
246 ,(modulo nreq 256)
247 ,else-label))
248 `((assert-nargs-ge ,(quotient nreq 256)
249 ,(modulo nreq 256)))))
250 (bind-optionals
251 (if (zero? nopt)
252 '()
253 `((bind-optionals ,(quotient (+ nopt nreq) 256)
254 ,(modulo (+ nreq nopt) 256)))))
255 (bind-rest
256 (cond
257 (rest
258 `((push-rest ,(quotient (+ nreq nopt) 256)
259 ,(modulo (+ nreq nopt) 256))))
260 (else
261 (if else-label
262 `((br-if-nargs-gt ,(quotient (+ nreq nopt) 256)
263 ,(modulo (+ nreq nopt) 256)
264 ,else-label))
265 `((assert-nargs-ee ,(quotient (+ nreq nopt) 256)
266 ,(modulo (+ nreq nopt) 256))))))))
267 (emit-code/arity
268 `(,@bind-required
269 ,@bind-optionals
270 ,@bind-rest
271 (reserve-locals ,(quotient nlocs 256)
272 ,(modulo nlocs 256)))
273 nreq nopt rest #f)))
275 ((<glil-kw-prelude> nreq nopt rest kw allow-other-keys? nlocs else-label)
276 (receive (kw-idx object-alist)
277 (object-index-and-alist kw object-alist)
278 (let* ((bind-required
279 (if else-label
280 `((br-if-nargs-lt ,(quotient nreq 256)
281 ,(modulo nreq 256)
282 ,else-label))
283 `((assert-nargs-ge ,(quotient nreq 256)
284 ,(modulo nreq 256)))))
285 (ntotal (apply max (+ nreq nopt) (map 1+ (map cdr kw))))
286 (bind-optionals-and-shuffle
287 `((bind-optionals/shuffle
288 ,(quotient nreq 256)
289 ,(modulo nreq 256)
290 ,(quotient (+ nreq nopt) 256)
291 ,(modulo (+ nreq nopt) 256)
292 ,(quotient ntotal 256)
293 ,(modulo ntotal 256))))
294 (bind-kw
295 ;; when this code gets called, all optionals are filled
296 ;; in, space has been made for kwargs, and the kwargs
297 ;; themselves have been shuffled above the slots for all
298 ;; req/opt/kwargs locals.
299 `((bind-kwargs
300 ,(quotient kw-idx 256)
301 ,(modulo kw-idx 256)
302 ,(quotient ntotal 256)
303 ,(modulo ntotal 256)
304 ,(logior (if rest 2 0)
305 (if allow-other-keys? 1 0)))))
306 (bind-rest
307 (if rest
308 `((bind-rest ,(quotient ntotal 256)
309 ,(modulo ntotal 256)
310 ,(quotient rest 256)
311 ,(modulo rest 256)))
312 '())))
314 (let ((code `(,@bind-required
315 ,@bind-optionals-and-shuffle
316 ,@bind-kw
317 ,@bind-rest
318 (reserve-locals ,(quotient nlocs 256)
319 ,(modulo nlocs 256)))))
320 (values code bindings source-alist label-alist object-alist
321 (begin-arity addr (addr+ addr code) nreq nopt rest
322 (and kw (cons allow-other-keys? kw))
323 arities))))))
325 ((<glil-bind> vars)
326 (values '()
327 (open-binding bindings vars addr)
328 source-alist
329 label-alist
330 object-alist
331 arities))
333 ((<glil-mv-bind> vars rest)
334 (values `((truncate-values ,(length vars) ,(if rest 1 0)))
335 (open-binding bindings vars addr)
336 source-alist
337 label-alist
338 object-alist
339 arities))
341 ((<glil-unbind>)
342 (values '()
343 (close-binding bindings addr)
344 source-alist
345 label-alist
346 object-alist
347 arities))
349 ((<glil-source> props)
350 (values '()
351 bindings
352 (acons addr props source-alist)
353 label-alist
354 object-alist
355 arities))
357 ((<glil-void>)
358 (emit-code '((void))))
360 ((<glil-const> obj)
361 (cond
362 ((object->assembly obj)
363 => (lambda (code)
364 (emit-code (list code))))
365 ((not object-alist)
366 (emit-code (dump-object obj addr)))
367 (else
368 (receive (i object-alist)
369 (object-index-and-alist obj object-alist)
370 (emit-code/object (if (< i 256)
371 `((object-ref ,i))
372 `((long-object-ref ,(quotient i 256)
373 ,(modulo i 256))))
374 object-alist)))))
376 ((<glil-lexical> local? boxed? op index)
377 (emit-code
378 (if local?
379 (if (< index 256)
380 (case op
381 ((ref) (if boxed?
382 `((local-boxed-ref ,index))
383 `((local-ref ,index))))
384 ((set) (if boxed?
385 `((local-boxed-set ,index))
386 `((local-set ,index))))
387 ((box) `((box ,index)))
388 ((empty-box) `((empty-box ,index)))
389 ((fix) `((fix-closure 0 ,index)))
390 ((bound?) (if boxed?
391 `((local-ref ,index)
392 (variable-bound?))
393 `((local-bound? ,index))))
394 (else (error "what" op)))
395 (let ((a (quotient index 256))
396 (b (modulo index 256)))
397 `((,(case op
398 ((ref)
399 (if boxed?
400 `((long-local-ref ,a ,b)
401 (variable-ref))
402 `((long-local-ref ,a ,b))))
403 ((set)
404 (if boxed?
405 `((long-local-ref ,a ,b)
406 (variable-set))
407 `((long-local-set ,a ,b))))
408 ((box)
409 `((make-variable)
410 (variable-set)
411 (long-local-set ,a ,b)))
412 ((empty-box)
413 `((make-variable)
414 (long-local-set ,a ,b)))
415 ((fix)
416 `((fix-closure ,a ,b)))
417 ((bound?)
418 (if boxed?
419 `((long-local-ref ,a ,b)
420 (variable-bound?))
421 `((long-local-bound? ,a ,b))))
422 (else (error "what" op)))
423 ,index))))
424 `((,(case op
425 ((ref) (if boxed? 'free-boxed-ref 'free-ref))
426 ((set) (if boxed? 'free-boxed-set (error "what." glil)))
427 (else (error "what" op)))
428 ,index)))))
430 ((<glil-toplevel> op name)
431 (case op
432 ((ref set)
433 (cond
434 ((not object-alist)
435 (emit-code `(,@(dump-object name addr)
436 (link-now)
437 ,(case op
438 ((ref) '(variable-ref))
439 ((set) '(variable-set))))))
440 (else
441 (receive (i object-alist)
442 (object-index-and-alist (make-variable-cache-cell name)
443 object-alist)
444 (emit-code/object (if (< i 256)
445 `((,(case op
446 ((ref) 'toplevel-ref)
447 ((set) 'toplevel-set))
448 ,i))
449 `((,(case op
450 ((ref) 'long-toplevel-ref)
451 ((set) 'long-toplevel-set))
452 ,(quotient i 256)
453 ,(modulo i 256))))
454 object-alist)))))
455 ((define)
456 (emit-code `(,@(dump-object name addr)
457 (define))))
458 (else
459 (error "unknown toplevel var kind" op name))))
461 ((<glil-module> op mod name public?)
462 (let ((key (list mod name public?)))
463 (case op
464 ((ref set)
465 (cond
466 ((not object-alist)
467 (emit-code `(,@(dump-object key addr)
468 (link-now)
469 ,(case op
470 ((ref) '(variable-ref))
471 ((set) '(variable-set))))))
472 (else
473 (receive (i object-alist)
474 (object-index-and-alist (make-variable-cache-cell key)
475 object-alist)
476 (emit-code/object (case op
477 ((ref) `((toplevel-ref ,i)))
478 ((set) `((toplevel-set ,i))))
479 object-alist)))))
480 (else
481 (error "unknown module var kind" op key)))))
483 ((<glil-label> label)
484 (let ((code (align-block addr)))
485 (values code
486 bindings
487 source-alist
488 (acons label (addr+ addr code) label-alist)
489 object-alist
490 arities)))
492 ((<glil-branch> inst label)
493 (emit-code `((,inst ,label))))
495 ;; nargs is number of stack args to insn. probably should rename.
496 ((<glil-call> inst nargs)
497 (if (not (instruction? inst))
498 (error "Unknown instruction:" inst))
499 (let ((pops (instruction-pops inst)))
500 (cond ((< pops 0)
501 (case (instruction-length inst)
502 ((1) (emit-code `((,inst ,nargs))))
503 ((2) (emit-code `((,inst ,(quotient nargs 256)
504 ,(modulo nargs 256)))))
505 (else (error "Unknown length for variable-arg instruction:"
506 inst (instruction-length inst)))))
507 ((= pops nargs)
508 (emit-code `((,inst))))
509 (else
510 (error "Wrong number of stack arguments to instruction:" inst nargs)))))
512 ((<glil-mv-call> nargs ra)
513 (emit-code `((mv-call ,nargs ,ra))))))
515 (define (dump-object x addr)
516 (define (too-long x)
517 (error (string-append x " too long")))
519 (cond
520 ((object->assembly x) => list)
521 ((variable-cache-cell? x) (dump-object (variable-cache-cell-key x) addr))
522 ((subprogram? x)
523 (let ((table-code (dump-object (subprogram-table x) addr)))
524 `(,@table-code
525 ,@(align-program (subprogram-prog x)
526 (addr+ addr table-code)))))
527 ((number? x)
528 `((load-number ,(number->string x))))
529 ((string? x)
530 (case (string-bytes-per-char x)
531 ((1) `((load-string ,x)))
532 ((4) (align-code `(load-wide-string ,x) addr 4 4))
533 (else (error "bad string bytes per char" x))))
534 ((symbol? x)
535 (let ((str (symbol->string x)))
536 (case (string-bytes-per-char str)
537 ((1) `((load-symbol ,str)))
538 ((4) `(,@(dump-object str addr)
539 (make-symbol)))
540 (else (error "bad string bytes per char" str)))))
541 ((keyword? x)
542 `(,@(dump-object (keyword->symbol x) addr)
543 (make-keyword)))
544 ((list? x)
545 (let ((tail (let ((len (length x)))
546 (if (>= len 65536) (too-long "list"))
547 `((list ,(quotient len 256) ,(modulo len 256))))))
548 (let dump-objects ((objects x) (codes '()) (addr addr))
549 (if (null? objects)
550 (fold append tail codes)
551 (let ((code (dump-object (car objects) addr)))
552 (dump-objects (cdr objects) (cons code codes)
553 (addr+ addr code)))))))
554 ((pair? x)
555 (let ((kar (dump-object (car x) addr)))
556 `(,@kar
557 ,@(dump-object (cdr x) (addr+ addr kar))
558 (cons))))
559 ((vector? x)
560 (let* ((len (vector-length x))
561 (tail (if (>= len 65536)
562 (too-long "vector")
563 `((vector ,(quotient len 256) ,(modulo len 256))))))
564 (let dump-objects ((i 0) (codes '()) (addr addr))
565 (if (>= i len)
566 (fold append tail codes)
567 (let ((code (dump-object (vector-ref x i) addr)))
568 (dump-objects (1+ i) (cons code codes)
569 (addr+ addr code)))))))
570 ((and (array? x) (symbol? (array-type x)))
571 (let* ((type (dump-object (array-type x) addr))
572 (shape (dump-object (array-shape x) (addr+ addr type))))
573 `(,@type
574 ,@shape
575 ,@(align-code
576 `(load-array ,(uniform-array->bytevector x))
577 (addr+ (addr+ addr type) shape)
578 8
579 4))))
580 (else
581 (error "assemble: unrecognized object" x))))