* Makefile.am (BUILT_SOURCES): Added cpp_err_symbols.c,
[bpt/guile.git] / libguile / eval.h
1 /* classes: h_files */
3 #ifndef EVALH
4 #define EVALH
5 /* Copyright (C) 1995,1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
6 *
7 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
10 * any later version.
11 *
12 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
19 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
20 * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21 *
22 * As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives permission
23 * for additional uses of the text contained in its release of GUILE.
24 *
25 * The exception is that, if you link the GUILE library with other files
26 * to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
27 * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
28 * Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of
29 * linking the GUILE library code into it.
30 *
31 * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
32 * the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
33 *
34 * This exception applies only to the code released by the
35 * Free Software Foundation under the name GUILE. If you copy
36 * code from other Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of
37 * GUILE, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
38 * not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading
39 * anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
40 * this exception notice from them.
41 *
42 * If you write modifications of your own for GUILE, it is your choice
43 * whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
44 * If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. */
45 \f
47 #include "libguile/__scm.h"
49 \f
51 /* {Options}
52 */
54 extern scm_option scm_eval_opts[];
56 #define SCM_EVAL_STACK scm_eval_opts[0].val
57 #define SCM_N_EVAL_OPTIONS 1
59 extern int scm_eval_stack;
61 extern scm_option scm_evaluator_trap_table[];
63 #define SCM_ENTER_FRAME_P scm_evaluator_trap_table[0].val
64 #define SCM_APPLY_FRAME_P scm_evaluator_trap_table[1].val
65 #define SCM_EXIT_FRAME_P scm_evaluator_trap_table[2].val
68 \f
70 /* {Ilocs}
71 *
72 * Ilocs are relative pointers into local environment structures.
73 *
74 */
75 #define SCM_ILOCP(n) (SCM_ITAG8(n)==scm_tc8_iloc)
76 #define SCM_ILOC00 SCM_MAKE_ITAG8(0L, scm_tc8_iloc)
77 #define SCM_IDINC (0x00100000L)
78 #define SCM_ICDR (0x00080000L)
79 #define SCM_IFRINC (0x00000100L)
81 #define SCM_IFRAME(n) ((int)((SCM_ICDR-SCM_IFRINC)>>8) & ((int)(n)>>8))
82 #define SCM_IDIST(n) (((unsigned long)(n))>>20)
83 #define SCM_ICDRP(n) (SCM_ICDR & (n))
85 \f
88 /* {Evaluator}
89 *
90 * For an explanation of symbols containing "EVAL", see beginning of eval.c.
91 */
93 #define XEVAL(x, env) (SCM_IMP(x) \
94 ? (x) \
95 : (*scm_ceval_ptr) ((x), (env)))
96 #else
97 #define XEVAL(x, env) (SCM_IMP(x)?(x):scm_ceval((x), (env)))
98 #endif /* DEBUG_EXTENSIONS */
100 #define SCM_CEVAL scm_ceval
101 #define SIDEVAL(x, env) if SCM_NIMP(x) SCM_CEVAL((x), (env))
103 \f
105 #define SCM_EXTEND_ENV scm_acons
107 \f
108 extern SCM scm_i_dot;
109 extern SCM scm_i_quote;
110 extern SCM scm_i_quasiquote;
111 extern SCM scm_i_lambda;
112 extern SCM scm_i_let;
113 extern SCM scm_i_arrow;
114 extern SCM scm_i_else;
115 extern SCM scm_i_unquote;
116 extern SCM scm_i_uq_splicing;
117 extern SCM scm_i_apply;
119 extern long scm_tc16_macro;
121 /* A resolved global variable reference in the CAR position
122 * of a list is stored (in code only) as a pointer to a pair with a
123 * tag of 1. This is called a "gloc".
124 */
126 #define SCM_GLOC_SYM(x) (SCM_CAR((x)-1L))
127 #define SCM_GLOC_VAL(x) (SCM_CDR((x)-1L))
128 #define SCM_GLOC_VAL_LOC(x) (SCM_CDRLOC((x)-1L))
130 \f
132 extern SCM * scm_ilookup SCM_P ((SCM iloc, SCM env));
133 extern SCM * scm_lookupcar SCM_P ((SCM vloc, SCM genv));
134 extern SCM scm_unmemocar SCM_P ((SCM form, SCM env));
135 extern SCM scm_unmemocopy SCM_P ((SCM form, SCM env));
136 extern SCM scm_eval_car SCM_P ((SCM pair, SCM env));
137 extern SCM scm_eval_args SCM_P ((SCM i, SCM env));
138 extern SCM scm_deval_args SCM_P ((SCM l, SCM env, SCM *lloc));
139 extern SCM scm_m_quote SCM_P ((SCM xorig, SCM env));
140 extern SCM scm_m_begin SCM_P ((SCM xorig, SCM env));
141 extern SCM scm_m_if SCM_P ((SCM xorig, SCM env));
142 extern SCM scm_m_set SCM_P ((SCM xorig, SCM env));
143 extern SCM scm_m_vref SCM_P ((SCM xorig, SCM env));
144 extern SCM scm_m_vset SCM_P ((SCM xorig, SCM env));
145 extern SCM scm_m_and SCM_P ((SCM xorig, SCM env));
146 extern SCM scm_m_or SCM_P ((SCM xorig, SCM env));
147 extern SCM scm_m_case SCM_P ((SCM xorig, SCM env));
148 extern SCM scm_m_cond SCM_P ((SCM xorig, SCM env));
149 extern SCM scm_m_lambda SCM_P ((SCM xorig, SCM env));
150 extern SCM scm_m_letstar SCM_P ((SCM xorig, SCM env));
151 extern SCM scm_m_do SCM_P ((SCM xorig, SCM env));
152 extern SCM scm_m_quasiquote SCM_P ((SCM xorig, SCM env));
153 extern SCM scm_m_delay SCM_P ((SCM xorig, SCM env));
154 extern SCM scm_m_define SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM env));
155 extern SCM scm_m_letrec SCM_P ((SCM xorig, SCM env));
156 extern SCM scm_m_let SCM_P ((SCM xorig, SCM env));
157 extern SCM scm_m_apply SCM_P ((SCM xorig, SCM env));
158 extern SCM scm_m_cont SCM_P ((SCM xorig, SCM env));
159 extern SCM scm_m_undefine SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM env));
160 extern int scm_badargsp SCM_P ((SCM formals, SCM args));
161 extern SCM scm_ceval SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM env));
162 extern SCM scm_deval SCM_P ((SCM x, SCM env));
163 extern SCM scm_procedure_documentation SCM_P ((SCM proc));
164 extern SCM scm_nconc2last SCM_P ((SCM lst));
165 extern SCM scm_apply SCM_P ((SCM proc, SCM arg1, SCM args));
166 extern SCM scm_dapply SCM_P ((SCM proc, SCM arg1, SCM args));
167 extern SCM SCM_APPLY SCM_P ((SCM proc, SCM arg1, SCM args));
168 extern SCM scm_map SCM_P ((SCM proc, SCM arg1, SCM args));
169 extern SCM scm_for_each SCM_P ((SCM proc, SCM arg1, SCM args));
170 extern SCM scm_closure SCM_P ((SCM code, SCM env));
171 extern SCM scm_makprom SCM_P ((SCM code));
172 extern SCM scm_makacro SCM_P ((SCM code));
173 extern SCM scm_makmacro SCM_P ((SCM code));
174 extern SCM scm_makmmacro SCM_P ((SCM code));
175 extern SCM scm_macro_p SCM_P ((SCM obj));
176 extern SCM scm_macro_type SCM_P ((SCM m));
177 extern SCM scm_macro_name SCM_P ((SCM m));
178 extern SCM scm_macro_transformer SCM_P ((SCM m));
179 extern SCM scm_force SCM_P ((SCM x));
180 extern SCM scm_promise_p SCM_P ((SCM x));
181 extern SCM scm_copy_tree SCM_P ((SCM obj));
182 extern SCM scm_eval_3 SCM_P ((SCM obj, int copyp, SCM env));
183 extern SCM scm_top_level_env SCM_P ((SCM thunk));
184 extern SCM scm_eval2 SCM_P ((SCM obj, SCM env_thunk));
185 extern SCM scm_eval SCM_P ((SCM obj));
186 extern SCM scm_eval_x SCM_P ((SCM obj));
187 extern SCM scm_macro_eval_x SCM_P ((SCM exp, SCM env));
188 extern SCM scm_definedp SCM_P ((SCM sym));
189 extern SCM scm_make_synt SCM_P ((char *name,
190 SCM (*macroizer) (SCM),
191 SCM (*fcn) ()));
192 extern void scm_init_eval SCM_P ((void));
194 #endif /* EVALH */