1999-08-29 Gary Houston <ghouston@easynet.co.uk>
[bpt/guile.git] / test-suite / tests / ports.test
1 ;;;; ports.test --- test suite for Guile I/O ports -*- scheme -*-
2 ;;;; Jim Blandy <jimb@red-bean.com> --- October 1998
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 ;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 ;;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
9 ;;;; any later version.
10 ;;;;
11 ;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 ;;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
15 ;;;;
16 ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 ;;;; along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
18 ;;;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
19 ;;;; Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21 (use-modules (test-suite lib)
22 (ice-9 popen))
24 (define (display-line . args)
25 (for-each display args)
26 (newline))
28 (define (test-file)
29 (tmpnam))
31 \f
32 ;;;; Some general utilities for testing ports.
34 ;;; Read from PORT until EOF, and return the result as a string.
35 (define (read-all port)
36 (let loop ((chars '()))
37 (let ((char (read-char port)))
38 (if (eof-object? char)
39 (list->string (reverse! chars))
40 (loop (cons char chars))))))
42 (define (read-file filename)
43 (let* ((port (open-input-file filename))
44 (string (read-all port)))
45 (close-port port)
46 string))
48 \f
49 ;;;; Normal file ports.
51 ;;; Write out an s-expression, and read it back.
52 (catch-test-errors
53 (let ((string '("From fairest creatures we desire increase,"
54 "That thereby beauty's rose might never die,"))
55 (filename (test-file)))
56 (let ((port (open-output-file filename)))
57 (write string port)
58 (close-port port))
59 (let ((port (open-input-file filename)))
60 (let ((in-string (read port)))
61 (pass-if "file: write and read back list of strings"
62 (equal? string in-string)))
63 (close-port port))
64 (delete-file filename)))
66 ;;; Write out a string, and read it back a character at a time.
67 (catch-test-errors
68 (let ((string "This is a test string\nwith no newline at the end")
69 (filename (test-file)))
70 (let ((port (open-output-file filename)))
71 (display string port)
72 (close-port port))
73 (let ((in-string (read-file filename)))
74 (pass-if "file: write and read back characters"
75 (equal? string in-string)))
76 (delete-file filename)))
78 ;;; Buffered input/output port with seeking.
79 (catch-test-errors
80 (let* ((filename (test-file))
81 (port (open-file filename "w+")))
82 (display "J'Accuse" port)
83 (seek port -1 SEEK_CUR)
84 (pass-if "file: r/w 1"
85 (char=? (read-char port) #\e))
86 (pass-if "file: r/w 2"
87 (eof-object? (read-char port)))
88 (seek port -1 SEEK_CUR)
89 (write-char #\x port)
90 (seek port 7 SEEK_SET)
91 (pass-if "file: r/w 3"
92 (char=? (read-char port) #\x))
93 (seek port -2 SEEK_END)
94 (pass-if "file: r/w 4"
95 (char=? (read-char port) #\s))
96 (delete-file filename)))
98 ;;; Unbuffered input/output port with seeking.
99 (catch-test-errors
100 (let* ((filename (test-file))
101 (port (open-file filename "w+0")))
102 (display "J'Accuse" port)
103 (seek port -1 SEEK_CUR)
104 (pass-if "file: ub r/w 1"
105 (char=? (read-char port) #\e))
106 (pass-if "file: ub r/w 2"
107 (eof-object? (read-char port)))
108 (seek port -1 SEEK_CUR)
109 (write-char #\x port)
110 (seek port 7 SEEK_SET)
111 (pass-if "file: ub r/w 3"
112 (char=? (read-char port) #\x))
113 (seek port -2 SEEK_END)
114 (pass-if "file: ub r/w 4"
115 (char=? (read-char port) #\s))
116 (delete-file filename)))
118 ;;; unusual characters.
119 (catch-test-errors
120 (let* ((filename (test-file))
121 (port (open-output-file filename)))
122 (display (string #\nul (integer->char 255) (integer->char 128)
123 #\nul) port)
124 (close-port port)
125 (let* ((port (open-input-file filename))
126 (line (read-line port)))
127 (pass-if "file: read back NUL 1"
128 (char=? (string-ref line 0) #\nul))
129 (pass-if "file: read back 255"
130 (char=? (string-ref line 1) (integer->char 255)))
131 (pass-if "file: read back 128"
132 (char=? (string-ref line 2) (integer->char 128)))
133 (pass-if "file: read back NUL 2"
134 (char=? (string-ref line 3) #\nul))
135 (pass-if "file: EOF"
136 (eof-object? (read-char port))))
137 (delete-file filename)))
139 ;;; line buffering mode.
140 (catch-test-errors
141 (let* ((filename (test-file))
142 (port (open-file filename "wl"))
143 (test-string "one line more or less"))
144 (write-line test-string port)
145 (let* ((in-port (open-input-file filename))
146 (line (read-line in-port)))
147 (close-port in-port)
148 (close-port port)
149 (pass-if "file: line buffering"
150 (string=? line test-string)))
151 (delete-file filename)))
153 ;;; ungetting characters and strings.
154 (catch-test-errors
155 (with-input-from-string "walk on the moon\nmoon"
156 (lambda ()
157 (read-char)
158 (unread-char #\a (current-input-port))
159 (pass-if "unread-char"
160 (char=? (read-char) #\a))
161 (read-line)
162 (let ((replacenoid "chicken enchilada"))
163 (unread-char #\newline (current-input-port))
164 (unread-string replacenoid (current-input-port))
165 (pass-if "unread-string"
166 (string=? (read-line) replacenoid)))
167 (pass-if "unread residue"
168 (string=? (read-line) "moon")))))
170 \f
171 ;;;; Pipe ports.
173 ;;; Run a command, and read its output.
174 (catch-test-errors
175 (let* ((pipe (open-pipe "echo 'Howdy there, partner!'" "r"))
176 (in-string (read-all pipe)))
177 (close-pipe pipe)
178 (pass-if "pipe: read"
179 (equal? in-string "Howdy there, partner!\n"))))
181 ;;; Run a command, send some output to it, and see if it worked.
182 (catch-test-errors
183 (let* ((filename (test-file))
184 (pipe (open-pipe (string-append "grep Mommy > " filename) "w")))
185 (display "Now Jimmy lives on a mushroom cloud\n" pipe)
186 (display "Mommy, why does everybody have a bomb?\n" pipe)
187 (close-pipe pipe)
188 (let ((in-string (read-file filename)))
189 (pass-if "pipe: write"
190 (equal? in-string "Mommy, why does everybody have a bomb?\n")))
191 (delete-file filename)))
193 \f
194 ;;;; Void ports. These are so trivial we don't test them.
196 \f
197 ;;;; String ports.
199 (with-test-prefix "string ports"
201 ;; Write text to a string port.
202 (catch-test-errors
203 (let* ((string "Howdy there, partner!")
204 (in-string (call-with-output-string
205 (lambda (port)
206 (display string port)
207 (newline port)))))
208 (pass-if "display text"
209 (equal? in-string (string-append string "\n")))))
211 ;; Write an s-expression to a string port.
212 (catch-test-errors
213 (let* ((sexpr '("more utterly random text" 1729 #(a vector) 3.1415926))
214 (in-sexpr
215 (call-with-input-string (call-with-output-string
216 (lambda (port)
217 (write sexpr port)))
218 read)))
219 (pass-if "write/read sexpr"
220 (equal? in-sexpr sexpr)))))
222 \f
223 ;;;; Soft ports. No tests implemented yet.
225 \f
226 ;;;; Generic operations across all port types.
228 (let ((port-loop-temp (test-file)))
230 ;; Return a list of input ports that all return the same text.
231 ;; We map tests over this list.
232 (define (input-port-list text)
234 ;; Create a text file some of the ports will use.
235 (let ((out-port (open-output-file port-loop-temp)))
236 (display text out-port)
237 (close-port out-port))
239 (list (open-input-file port-loop-temp)
240 (open-input-pipe (string-append "cat " port-loop-temp))
241 (call-with-input-string text (lambda (x) x))
242 ;; We don't test soft ports at the moment.
243 ))
245 (define port-list-names '("file" "pipe" "string"))
247 ;; Test the line counter.
248 (define (test-line-counter text second-line final-column)
249 (with-test-prefix "line counter"
250 (let ((ports (input-port-list text)))
251 (for-each
252 (lambda (port port-name)
253 (with-test-prefix port-name
254 (pass-if "at beginning of input"
255 (= (port-line port) 0))
256 (pass-if "read first character"
257 (eqv? (read-char port) #\x))
258 (pass-if "after reading one character"
259 (= (port-line port) 0))
260 (pass-if "read first newline"
261 (eqv? (read-char port) #\newline))
262 (pass-if "after reading first newline char"
263 (= (port-line port) 1))
264 (pass-if "second line read correctly"
265 (equal? (read-line port) second-line))
266 (pass-if "read-line increments line number"
267 (= (port-line port) 2))
268 (pass-if "read-line returns EOF"
269 (let loop ((i 0))
270 (cond
271 ((eof-object? (read-line port)) #t)
272 ((> i 20) #f)
273 (else (loop (+ i 1))))))
274 (pass-if "line count is 5 at EOF"
275 (= (port-line port) 5))
276 (pass-if "column is correct at EOF"
277 (= (port-column port) final-column))))
278 ports port-list-names)
279 (for-each close-port ports)
280 (delete-file port-loop-temp))))
282 (catch-test-errors
283 (with-test-prefix "newline"
284 (test-line-counter
285 (string-append "x\n"
286 "He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction\n"
287 "himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his\n"
288 "taper at mine, receives light without darkening me.\n"
289 " --- Thomas Jefferson\n")
290 "He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction"
291 0)))
293 (catch-test-errors
294 (with-test-prefix "no newline"
295 (test-line-counter
296 (string-append "x\n"
297 "He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction\n"
298 "himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his\n"
299 "taper at mine, receives light without darkening me.\n"
300 " --- Thomas Jefferson\n"
301 "no newline here")
302 "He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction"
303 15))))
305 \f
306 ;;;; testing read-delimited and friends
308 (with-test-prefix "read-delimited!"
309 (let ((c (make-string 20 #\!)))
310 (call-with-input-string
311 "defdef\nghighi\n"
312 (lambda (port)
314 (read-delimited! "\n" c port 'concat)
315 (pass-if "read-delimited! reads a first line"
316 (string=? c "defdef\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!"))
318 (read-delimited! "\n" c port 'concat 3)
319 (pass-if "read-delimited! reads a first line"
320 (string=? c "defghighi\n!!!!!!!!!!"))))))
322 \f
323 ;;;; char-ready?
325 (call-with-input-string
326 "howdy"
327 (lambda (port)
328 (pass-if "char-ready? returns true on string port"
329 (char-ready? port))))
331 ;;; This segfaults on some versions of Guile. We really should run
332 ;;; the tests in a subprocess...
334 (call-with-input-string
335 "howdy"
336 (lambda (port)
337 (with-input-from-port
338 port
339 (lambda ()
340 (pass-if "char-ready? returns true on string port as default port"
341 (char-ready?))))))