Merge commit '1e3fd6a0c81bb3e9900a93a9d1923cc788de0f99'
[bpt/guile.git] / doc / ref /
1 /*
2 * Process this file with graphviz to produce hierarchy.[png,eps]
3 * e.g. dot -Tpng > hierarchy.png
4 */
5 digraph hierarchy {
6 graph [rankdir="BT"];
7 node [shape="none"];
8 F -> D
9 F -> E
10 D -> A
11 E -> A
12 D -> B
13 E -> C
14 A -> "<object>"
15 B -> "<object>"
16 C -> "<object>"
17 "<object>" -> "<top>"
18 "<pair>" -> "<top>"
19 "<procedure>" -> "<top>"
20 "<integer>" -> "<real>" -> "<complex>" -> "<number>" -> "<top>"
21 }