Add `scm_smob_type_class()'.
[bpt/guile.git] / module / web / response.scm
1 ;;; HTTP response objects
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7 ;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8 ;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 ;;
10 ;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 ;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 ;;
15 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16 ;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17 ;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
18 ;; 02110-1301 USA
20 ;;; Code:
22 (define-module (web response)
23 #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
24 #:use-module (ice-9 binary-ports)
25 #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
26 #:use-module (ice-9 match)
27 #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
28 #:use-module (web http)
29 #:export (response?
30 response-version
31 response-code
32 response-reason-phrase
33 response-headers
34 response-port
35 read-response
36 build-response
37 adapt-response-version
38 write-response
40 response-must-not-include-body?
41 response-body-port
42 read-response-body
43 write-response-body
45 ;; General headers
46 ;;
47 response-cache-control
48 response-connection
49 response-date
50 response-pragma
51 response-trailer
52 response-transfer-encoding
53 response-upgrade
54 response-via
55 response-warning
57 ;; Entity headers
58 ;;
59 response-allow
60 response-content-encoding
61 response-content-language
62 response-content-length
63 response-content-location
64 response-content-md5
65 response-content-range
66 response-content-type
67 text-content-type?
68 response-expires
69 response-last-modified
71 ;; Response headers
72 ;;
73 response-accept-ranges
74 response-age
75 response-etag
76 response-location
77 response-proxy-authenticate
78 response-retry-after
79 response-server
80 response-vary
81 response-www-authenticate))
84 (define-record-type <response>
85 (make-response version code reason-phrase headers port)
86 response?
87 (version response-version)
88 (code response-code)
89 (reason-phrase %response-reason-phrase)
90 (headers response-headers)
91 (port response-port))
93 (define (bad-response message . args)
94 (throw 'bad-response message args))
96 (define (non-negative-integer? n)
97 (and (number? n) (>= n 0) (exact? n) (integer? n)))
99 (define (validate-headers headers)
100 (if (pair? headers)
101 (let ((h (car headers)))
102 (if (pair? h)
103 (let ((k (car h)) (v (cdr h)))
104 (if (valid-header? k v)
105 (validate-headers (cdr headers))
106 (bad-response "Bad value for header ~a: ~s" k v)))
107 (bad-response "Header not a pair: ~a" h)))
108 (if (not (null? headers))
109 (bad-response "Headers not a list: ~a" headers))))
111 (define* (build-response #:key (version '(1 . 1)) (code 200) reason-phrase
112 (headers '()) port (validate-headers? #t))
113 "Construct an HTTP response object. If VALIDATE-HEADERS? is true,
114 the headers are each run through their respective validators."
115 (cond
116 ((not (and (pair? version)
117 (non-negative-integer? (car version))
118 (non-negative-integer? (cdr version))))
119 (bad-response "Bad version: ~a" version))
120 ((not (and (non-negative-integer? code) (< code 600)))
121 (bad-response "Bad code: ~a" code))
122 ((and reason-phrase (not (string? reason-phrase)))
123 (bad-response "Bad reason phrase" reason-phrase))
124 (else
125 (if validate-headers?
126 (validate-headers headers))))
127 (make-response version code reason-phrase headers port))
129 (define *reason-phrases*
130 '((100 . "Continue")
131 (101 . "Switching Protocols")
132 (200 . "OK")
133 (201 . "Created")
134 (202 . "Accepted")
135 (203 . "Non-Authoritative Information")
136 (204 . "No Content")
137 (205 . "Reset Content")
138 (206 . "Partial Content")
139 (300 . "Multiple Choices")
140 (301 . "Moved Permanently")
141 (302 . "Found")
142 (303 . "See Other")
143 (304 . "Not Modified")
144 (305 . "Use Proxy")
145 (307 . "Temporary Redirect")
146 (400 . "Bad Request")
147 (401 . "Unauthorized")
148 (402 . "Payment Required")
149 (403 . "Forbidden")
150 (404 . "Not Found")
151 (405 . "Method Not Allowed")
152 (406 . "Not Acceptable")
153 (407 . "Proxy Authentication Required")
154 (408 . "Request Timeout")
155 (409 . "Conflict")
156 (410 . "Gone")
157 (411 . "Length Required")
158 (412 . "Precondition Failed")
159 (413 . "Request Entity Too Large")
160 (414 . "Request-URI Too Long")
161 (415 . "Unsupported Media Type")
162 (416 . "Requested Range Not Satisfiable")
163 (417 . "Expectation Failed")
164 (500 . "Internal Server Error")
165 (501 . "Not Implemented")
166 (502 . "Bad Gateway")
167 (503 . "Service Unavailable")
168 (504 . "Gateway Timeout")
169 (505 . "HTTP Version Not Supported")))
171 (define (code->reason-phrase code)
172 (or (assv-ref *reason-phrases* code)
173 "(Unknown)"))
175 (define (response-reason-phrase response)
176 "Return the reason phrase given in RESPONSE, or the standard
177 reason phrase for the response's code."
178 (or (%response-reason-phrase response)
179 (code->reason-phrase (response-code response))))
181 (define (text-content-type? type)
182 "Return #t if TYPE, a symbol as returned by `response-content-type',
183 represents a textual type such as `text/plain'."
184 (let ((type (symbol->string type)))
185 (or (string-prefix? "text/" type)
186 (string-suffix? "/xml" type)
187 (string-suffix? "+xml" type))))
189 (define (read-response port)
190 "Read an HTTP response from PORT.
192 As a side effect, sets the encoding on PORT to
193 ISO-8859-1 (latin-1), so that reading one character reads one byte. See
194 the discussion of character sets in \"HTTP Responses\" in the manual,
195 for more information."
196 (set-port-encoding! port "ISO-8859-1")
197 (call-with-values (lambda () (read-response-line port))
198 (lambda (version code reason-phrase)
199 (make-response version code reason-phrase (read-headers port) port))))
201 (define (adapt-response-version response version)
202 "Adapt the given response to a different HTTP version. Returns a new
203 HTTP response.
205 The idea is that many applications might just build a response for the
206 default HTTP version, and this method could handle a number of
207 programmatic transformations to respond to older HTTP versions (0.9 and
208 1.0). But currently this function is a bit heavy-handed, just updating
209 the version field."
210 (build-response #:code (response-code response)
211 #:version version
212 #:headers (response-headers response)
213 #:port (response-port response)))
215 (define (write-response r port)
216 "Write the given HTTP response to PORT.
218 Returns a new response, whose ‘response-port’ will continue writing
219 on PORT, perhaps using some transfer encoding."
220 (write-response-line (response-version r) (response-code r)
221 (response-reason-phrase r) port)
222 (write-headers (response-headers r) port)
223 (display "\r\n" port)
224 (if (eq? port (response-port r))
225 r
226 (make-response (response-version r) (response-code r)
227 (response-reason-phrase r) (response-headers r) port)))
229 (define (response-must-not-include-body? r)
230 "Returns ‘#t’ if the response R is not permitted to have a body.
232 This is true for some response types, like those with code 304."
233 ;; RFC 2616, section 4.3.
234 (or (<= 100 (response-code r) 199)
235 (= (response-code r) 204)
236 (= (response-code r) 304)))
238 (define (make-delimited-input-port port len keep-alive?)
239 "Return an input port that reads from PORT, and makes sure that
240 exactly LEN bytes are available from PORT. Closing the returned port
241 closes PORT, unless KEEP-ALIVE? is true."
242 (define bytes-read 0)
244 (define (fail)
245 (bad-response "EOF while reading response body: ~a bytes of ~a"
246 bytes-read len))
248 (define (read! bv start count)
249 ;; Read at most LEN bytes in total. HTTP/1.1 doesn't say what to do
250 ;; when a server provides more than the Content-Length, but it seems
251 ;; wise to just stop reading at LEN.
252 (let ((count (min count (- len bytes-read))))
253 (let loop ((ret (get-bytevector-n! port bv start count)))
254 (cond ((eof-object? ret)
255 (if (= bytes-read len)
256 0 ; EOF
257 (fail)))
258 ((and (zero? ret) (> count 0))
259 ;; Do not return zero since zero means EOF, so try again.
260 (loop (get-bytevector-n! port bv start count)))
261 (else
262 (set! bytes-read (+ bytes-read ret))
263 ret)))))
265 (define close
266 (and (not keep-alive?)
267 (lambda ()
268 (close port))))
270 (make-custom-binary-input-port "delimited input port" read! #f #f close))
272 (define* (response-body-port r #:key (decode? #t) (keep-alive? #t))
273 "Return an input port from which the body of R can be read. The
274 encoding of the returned port is set according to R's ‘content-type’
275 header, when it's textual, except if DECODE? is ‘#f’. Return #f when
276 no body is available.
278 When KEEP-ALIVE? is ‘#f’, closing the returned port also closes R's
279 response port."
280 (define port
281 (cond
282 ((member '(chunked) (response-transfer-encoding r))
283 (make-chunked-input-port (response-port r)
284 #:keep-alive? keep-alive?))
285 ((response-content-length r)
286 => (lambda (len)
287 (make-delimited-input-port (response-port r)
288 len keep-alive?)))
289 ((response-must-not-include-body? r)
290 #f)
291 ((or (memq 'close (response-connection r))
292 (and (equal? (response-version r) '(1 . 0))
293 (not (memq 'keep-alive (response-connection r)))))
294 (response-port r))
295 (else
296 ;; Here we have a message with no transfer encoding, no
297 ;; content-length, and a response that won't necessarily be closed
298 ;; by the server. Not much we can do; assume that the client
299 ;; knows how to handle it.
300 (response-port r))))
302 (when (and decode? port)
303 (match (response-content-type r)
304 (((? text-content-type?) . props)
305 (set-port-encoding! port
306 (or (assq-ref props 'charset)
307 "ISO-8859-1")))
308 (_ #f)))
310 port)
312 (define (read-response-body r)
313 "Reads the response body from R, as a bytevector. Returns
314 ‘#f’ if there was no response body."
315 (let ((body (and=> (response-body-port r #:decode? #f)
316 get-bytevector-all)))
317 ;; Reading a body of length 0 will result in get-bytevector-all
318 ;; returning the EOF object.
319 (if (eof-object? body)
320 #vu8()
321 body)))
323 (define (write-response-body r bv)
324 "Write BV, a bytevector, to the port corresponding to the HTTP
325 response R."
326 (put-bytevector (response-port r) bv))
328 (define-syntax define-response-accessor
329 (lambda (x)
330 (syntax-case x ()
331 ((_ field)
332 #'(define-response-accessor field #f))
333 ((_ field def) (identifier? #'field)
334 #`(define* (#,(datum->syntax
335 #'field
336 (symbol-append 'response- (syntax->datum #'field)))
337 response
338 #:optional (default def))
339 (cond
340 ((assq 'field (response-headers response)) => cdr)
341 (else default)))))))
343 ;; General headers
344 ;;
345 (define-response-accessor cache-control '())
346 (define-response-accessor connection '())
347 (define-response-accessor date #f)
348 (define-response-accessor pragma '())
349 (define-response-accessor trailer '())
350 (define-response-accessor transfer-encoding '())
351 (define-response-accessor upgrade '())
352 (define-response-accessor via '())
353 (define-response-accessor warning '())
355 ;; Entity headers
356 ;;
357 (define-response-accessor allow '())
358 (define-response-accessor content-encoding '())
359 (define-response-accessor content-language '())
360 (define-response-accessor content-length #f)
361 (define-response-accessor content-location #f)
362 (define-response-accessor content-md5 #f)
363 (define-response-accessor content-range #f)
364 (define-response-accessor content-type #f)
365 (define-response-accessor expires #f)
366 (define-response-accessor last-modified #f)
368 ;; Response headers
369 ;;
370 (define-response-accessor accept-ranges #f)
371 (define-response-accessor age #f)
372 (define-response-accessor etag #f)
373 (define-response-accessor location #f)
374 (define-response-accessor proxy-authenticate #f)
375 (define-response-accessor retry-after #f)
376 (define-response-accessor server #f)
377 (define-response-accessor vary '())
378 (define-response-accessor www-authenticate #f)