[bpt/emacs.git] / lisp / emacs-lisp / nadvice.el
1 ;;; nadvice.el --- Light-weight advice primitives for Elisp functions -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca>
6 ;; Keywords: extensions, lisp, tools
7 ;; Package: emacs
9 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 ;; (at your option) any later version.
14 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
19 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 ;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 ;;; Commentary:
24 ;; This package lets you add behavior (which we call "piece of advice") to
25 ;; existing functions, like the old `advice.el' package, but with much fewer
26 ;; bells and whistles. It comes in 2 parts:
27 ;;
28 ;; - The first part lets you add/remove functions, similarly to
29 ;; add/remove-hook, from any "place" (i.e. as accepted by `setf') that
30 ;; holds a function.
31 ;; This part provides mainly 2 macros: `add-function' and `remove-function'.
32 ;;
33 ;; - The second part provides `advice-add' and `advice-remove' which are
34 ;; refined version of the previous macros specially tailored for the case
35 ;; where the place that we want to modify is a `symbol-function'.
37 ;;; Code:
39 ;;;; Lightweight advice/hook
40 (defvar advice--where-alist
41 '((:around . (apply function main args))
42 (:before . (progn
43 (apply function args)
44 (apply main args)))
45 (:after . (prog1 (apply main args)
46 (apply function args)))
47 (:override . (apply function args))
48 (:after-until . (or (apply main args) (apply function args)))
49 (:after-while . (and (apply main args) (apply function args)))
50 (:before-until . (or (apply function args) (apply main args)))
51 (:before-while . (and (apply function args) (apply main args)))
52 (:filter-args . (apply main (apply function args)))
53 (:filter-return . (funcall function (apply main args))))
54 "List of descriptions of how to add a function.")
56 (setq advice--where-alist
57 (mapcar #'(lambda (tem)
58 (cons (car tem)
59 (eval `(lambda (function main)
60 (lambda (&rest args)
61 ,(cdr tem))))))
62 advice--where-alist))
64 (defun advice--p (object)
65 (when (funcall (@ (guile) procedure?) object)
66 (funcall (@ (guile) procedure-property) object 'advice)))
68 (defun advice--car (f)
69 (when (funcall (@ (guile) procedure?) f)
70 (funcall (@ (guile) procedure-property) f 'advice-car)))
72 (defun advice--cdr (f)
73 (when (funcall (@ (guile) procedure?) f)
74 (funcall (@ (guile) procedure-property) f 'advice-cdr)))
76 (defun advice--props (f)
77 (when (funcall (@ (guile) procedure?) f)
78 (funcall (@ (guile) procedure-property) f 'advice-props)))
80 (defun advice--cd*r (f)
81 (while (advice--p f)
82 (setq f (advice--cdr f)))
83 f)
85 (defun advice--make-docstring (function)
86 "Build the raw docstring for FUNCTION, presumably advised."
87 (let* ((flist (indirect-function function))
88 (docfun nil)
89 (docstring nil))
90 (if (eq 'macro (car-safe flist)) (setq flist (cdr flist)))
91 (while (advice--p flist)
92 (let ((bytecode (aref flist 1))
93 (doc (aref flist 4))
94 (where nil))
95 ;; Hack attack! For advices installed before calling
96 ;; Snarf-documentation, the integer offset into the DOC file will not
97 ;; be installed in the "core unadvised function" but in the advice
98 ;; object instead! So here we try to undo the damage.
99 (if (integerp doc) (setq docfun flist))
100 (dolist (elem advice--where-alist)
101 (if (eq bytecode (cdr elem)) (setq where (car elem))))
102 (setq docstring
103 (concat
104 docstring
105 (propertize (format "%s advice: " where)
106 'face 'warning)
107 (let ((fun (advice--car flist)))
108 (if (symbolp fun) (format "`%S'" fun)
109 (let* ((name (cdr (assq 'name (advice--props flist))))
110 (doc (documentation fun t))
111 (usage (help-split-fundoc doc function)))
112 (if usage (setq doc (cdr usage)))
113 (if name
114 (if doc
115 (format "%s\n%s" name doc)
116 (format "%s" name))
117 (or doc "No documentation")))))
118 "\n")))
119 (setq flist (advice--cdr flist)))
120 (if docstring (setq docstring (concat docstring "\n")))
121 (unless docfun (setq docfun flist))
122 (let* ((origdoc (unless (eq function docfun) ;Avoid inf-loops.
123 (documentation docfun t)))
124 (usage (help-split-fundoc origdoc function)))
125 (setq usage (if (null usage)
126 (let ((arglist (help-function-arglist flist)))
127 (format "%S" (help-make-usage function arglist)))
128 (setq origdoc (cdr usage)) (car usage)))
129 (help-add-fundoc-usage (concat docstring origdoc) usage))))
131 (defun advice-eval-interactive-spec (spec)
132 "Evaluate the interactive spec SPEC."
133 (cond
134 ((stringp spec)
135 ;; There's no direct access to the C code (in call-interactively) that
136 ;; processes those specs, but that shouldn't stop us, should it?
137 ;; FIXME: Despite appearances, this is not faithful: SPEC and
138 ;; (advice-eval-interactive-spec SPEC) will behave subtly differently w.r.t
139 ;; command-history (and maybe a few other details).
140 (call-interactively `(lambda (&rest args) (interactive ,spec) args)))
141 ;; ((functionp spec) (funcall spec))
142 (t (eval spec))))
144 (defun advice--interactive-form (function)
145 ;; Like `interactive-form' but tries to avoid autoloading functions.
146 (when (commandp function)
147 (if (not (and (symbolp function) (autoloadp (indirect-function function))))
148 (interactive-form function)
149 `(interactive (advice-eval-interactive-spec
150 (cadr (interactive-form ',function)))))))
152 (defun advice--make-interactive-form (function main)
153 ;; TODO: make it so that interactive spec can be a constant which
154 ;; dynamically checks the advice--car/cdr to do its job.
155 ;; For that, advice-eval-interactive-spec needs to be more faithful.
156 (let* ((iff (advice--interactive-form function))
157 (ifm (advice--interactive-form main))
158 (fspec (cadr iff)))
159 (when (eq 'function (car-safe fspec)) ;; Macroexpanded lambda?
160 (setq fspec (nth 1 fspec)))
161 (if (functionp fspec)
162 `(funcall ',fspec ',(cadr ifm))
163 (cadr (or iff ifm)))))
165 (defun advice--make-1 (type make-wrapper function main props)
166 "Build a function value that adds FUNCTION to MAIN."
167 (let ((adv-sig (gethash main advertised-signature-table))
168 (advice
169 (funcall make-wrapper function main)))
170 (funcall (@ (guile) set-procedure-property!)
171 advice 'advice-type type)
172 (funcall (@ (guile) set-procedure-property!)
173 advice 'advice-car function)
174 (funcall (@ (guile) set-procedure-property!)
175 advice 'advice-cdr main)
176 (funcall (@ (guile) set-procedure-property!)
177 advice 'advice-props props)
178 (when (or (commandp function) (commandp main))
179 (funcall (@ (guile) set-procedure-property!)
180 advice
181 'interactive-form
182 (advice--make-interactive-form function main)))
183 (when adv-sig (puthash advice adv-sig advertised-signature-table))
184 advice))
186 (defun advice--make (where function main props)
187 "Build a function value that adds FUNCTION to MAIN at WHERE.
188 WHERE is a symbol to select an entry in `advice--where-alist'."
189 (let ((fd (or (cdr (assq 'depth props)) 0))
190 (md (if (advice--p main)
191 (or (cdr (assq 'depth (advice--props main))) 0))))
192 (if (and md (> fd md))
193 ;; `function' should go deeper.
194 (let ((rest (advice--make where function (advice--cdr main) props)))
195 (advice--make-1 (aref main 1) (aref main 3)
196 (advice--car main) rest (advice--props main)))
197 (let ((desc (assq where advice--where-alist)))
198 (unless desc (error "Unknown add-function location `%S'" where))
199 (advice--make-1 (car desc) (cdr desc)
200 function main props)))))
202 (defun advice--member-p (function use-name definition)
203 (let ((found nil))
204 (while (and (not found) (advice--p definition))
205 (if (if (eq use-name :use-both)
206 (or (equal function
207 (cdr (assq 'name (advice--props definition))))
208 (equal function (advice--car definition)))
209 (equal function (if use-name
210 (cdr (assq 'name (advice--props definition)))
211 (advice--car definition))))
212 (setq found definition)
213 (setq definition (advice--cdr definition))))
214 found))
216 (defun advice--tweak (flist tweaker)
217 (if (not (advice--p flist))
218 (funcall tweaker nil flist nil)
219 (let ((first (advice--car flist))
220 (rest (advice--cdr flist))
221 (props (advice--props flist)))
222 (let ((val (funcall tweaker first rest props)))
223 (if val (car val)
224 (let ((nrest (advice--tweak rest tweaker)))
225 (if (eq rest nrest) flist
226 (advice--make-1 (aref flist 1) (aref flist 3)
227 first nrest props))))))))
229 ;;;###autoload
230 (defun advice--remove-function (flist function)
231 (advice--tweak flist
232 (lambda (first rest props)
233 (cond ((not first) rest)
234 ((or (equal function first)
235 (equal function (cdr (assq 'name props))))
236 (list (advice--remove-function rest function)))))))
238 (defvar advice--buffer-local-function-sample nil
239 "keeps an example of the special \"run the default value\" functions.
240 These functions play the same role as t in buffer-local hooks, and to recognize
241 them, we keep a sample here against which to compare. Each instance is
242 different, but `function-equal' will hopefully ignore those differences.")
244 (defun advice--set-buffer-local (var val)
245 (if (function-equal val advice--buffer-local-function-sample)
246 (kill-local-variable var)
247 (set (make-local-variable var) val)))
249 ;;;###autoload
250 (defun advice--buffer-local (var)
251 "Buffer-local value of VAR, presumed to contain a function."
252 (declare (gv-setter advice--set-buffer-local))
253 (if (local-variable-p var) (symbol-value var)
254 (setq advice--buffer-local-function-sample
255 ;; This function acts like the t special value in buffer-local hooks.
256 (lambda (&rest args) (apply (default-value var) args)))))
258 (eval-and-compile
259 (defun advice--normalize-place (place)
260 (cond ((eq 'local (car-safe place)) `(advice--buffer-local ,@(cdr place)))
261 ((eq 'var (car-safe place)) (nth 1 place))
262 ((symbolp place) `(default-value ',place))
263 (t place))))
265 ;;;###autoload
266 (defmacro add-function (where place function &optional props)
267 ;; TODO:
268 ;; - maybe let `where' specify some kind of predicate and use it
269 ;; to implement things like mode-local or eieio-defmethod.
270 ;; Of course, that only makes sense if the predicates of all advices can
271 ;; be combined and made more efficient.
272 ;; :before is like a normal add-hook on a normal hook.
273 ;; :before-while is like add-hook on run-hook-with-args-until-failure.
274 ;; :before-until is like add-hook on run-hook-with-args-until-success.
275 ;; Same with :after-* but for (add-hook ... 'append).
276 "Add a piece of advice on the function stored at PLACE.
277 FUNCTION describes the code to add. WHERE describes where to add it.
278 WHERE can be explained by showing the resulting new function, as the
279 result of combining FUNCTION and the previous value of PLACE, which we
280 call OLDFUN here:
281 `:before' (lambda (&rest r) (apply FUNCTION r) (apply OLDFUN r))
282 `:after' (lambda (&rest r) (prog1 (apply OLDFUN r) (apply FUNCTION r)))
283 `:around' (lambda (&rest r) (apply FUNCTION OLDFUN r))
284 `:override' (lambda (&rest r) (apply FUNCTION r))
285 `:before-while' (lambda (&rest r) (and (apply FUNCTION r) (apply OLDFUN r)))
286 `:before-until' (lambda (&rest r) (or (apply FUNCTION r) (apply OLDFUN r)))
287 `:after-while' (lambda (&rest r) (and (apply OLDFUN r) (apply FUNCTION r)))
288 `:after-until' (lambda (&rest r) (or (apply OLDFUN r) (apply FUNCTION r)))
289 `:filter-args' (lambda (&rest r) (apply OLDFUN (funcall FUNCTION r)))
290 `:filter-return'(lambda (&rest r) (funcall FUNCTION (apply OLDFUN r)))
291 If FUNCTION was already added, do nothing.
292 PROPS is an alist of additional properties, among which the following have
293 a special meaning:
294 - `name': a string or symbol. It can be used to refer to this piece of advice.
295 - `depth': a number indicating a preference w.r.t ordering.
296 The default depth is 0. By convention, a depth of 100 means that
297 the advice should be innermost (i.e. at the end of the list),
298 whereas a depth of -100 means that the advice should be outermost.
300 If PLACE is a symbol, its `default-value' will be affected.
301 Use (local 'SYMBOL) if you want to apply FUNCTION to SYMBOL buffer-locally.
302 Use (var VAR) if you want to apply FUNCTION to the (lexical) VAR.
304 If one of FUNCTION or OLDFUN is interactive, then the resulting function
305 is also interactive. There are 3 cases:
306 - FUNCTION is not interactive: the interactive spec of OLDFUN is used.
307 - The interactive spec of FUNCTION is itself a function: it should take one
308 argument (the interactive spec of OLDFUN, which it can pass to
309 `advice-eval-interactive-spec') and return the list of arguments to use.
310 - Else, use the interactive spec of FUNCTION and ignore the one of OLDFUN."
311 (declare (debug t)) ;;(indent 2)
312 `(advice--add-function ,where (gv-ref ,(advice--normalize-place place))
313 ,function ,props))
315 ;;;###autoload
316 (defun advice--add-function (where ref function props)
317 (let* ((name (cdr (assq 'name props)))
318 (a (advice--member-p (or name function) (if name t) (gv-deref ref))))
319 (when a
320 ;; The advice is already present. Remove the old one, first.
321 (setf (gv-deref ref)
322 (advice--remove-function (gv-deref ref)
323 (or name (advice--car a)))))
324 (setf (gv-deref ref)
325 (advice--make where function (gv-deref ref) props))))
327 ;;;###autoload
328 (defmacro remove-function (place function)
329 "Remove the FUNCTION piece of advice from PLACE.
330 If FUNCTION was not added to PLACE, do nothing.
331 Instead of FUNCTION being the actual function, it can also be the `name'
332 of the piece of advice."
333 (declare (debug t))
334 (gv-letplace (getter setter) (advice--normalize-place place)
335 (macroexp-let2 nil new `(advice--remove-function ,getter ,function)
336 `(unless (eq ,new ,getter) ,(funcall setter new)))))
338 (defun advice-function-mapc (f function-def)
339 "Apply F to every advice function in FUNCTION-DEF.
340 F is called with two arguments: the function that was added, and the
341 properties alist that was specified when it was added."
342 (while (advice--p function-def)
343 (funcall f (advice--car function-def) (advice--props function-def))
344 (setq function-def (advice--cdr function-def))))
346 (defun advice-function-member-p (advice function-def)
347 "Return non-nil if ADVICE is already in FUNCTION-DEF.
348 Instead of ADVICE being the actual function, it can also be the `name'
349 of the piece of advice."
350 (advice--member-p advice :use-both function-def))
352 ;;;; Specific application of add-function to `symbol-function' for advice.
354 (defun advice--subst-main (old new)
355 (advice--tweak old
356 (lambda (first _rest _props) (if (not first) new))))
358 (defun advice--normalize (symbol def)
359 (cond
360 ((special-form-p def)
361 ;; Not worth the trouble trying to handle this, I think.
362 (error "Advice impossible: %S is a special form" symbol))
363 ((and (symbolp def) (macrop def))
364 (let ((newval `(macro . ,(lambda (&rest r) (macroexpand `(,def . ,r))))))
365 (put symbol 'advice--saved-rewrite (cons def (cdr newval)))
366 newval))
367 ;; `f' might be a pure (hence read-only) cons!
368 ((and (eq 'macro (car-safe def))
369 (not (ignore-errors (setcdr def (cdr def)) t)))
370 (cons 'macro (cdr def)))
371 (t def)))
373 (defsubst advice--strip-macro (x)
374 (if (eq 'macro (car-safe x)) (cdr x) x))
376 (defun advice--symbol-function (symbol)
377 ;; The value conceptually stored in `symbol-function' is split into two
378 ;; parts:
379 ;; - the normal function definition.
380 ;; - the list of advice applied to it.
381 ;; `advice--symbol-function' is intended to return the second part (i.e. the
382 ;; list of advice, which includes a hole at the end which typically holds the
383 ;; first part, but this function doesn't care much which value is found
384 ;; there).
385 ;; In the "normal" state both parts are combined into a single value stored
386 ;; in the "function slot" of the symbol. But the way they are combined is
387 ;; different depending on whether the definition is a function or a macro.
388 ;; Also if the function definition is nil (i.e. unbound) or is an autoload,
389 ;; the second part is stashed away temporarily in the `advice--pending'
390 ;; symbol property.
391 (or (get symbol 'advice--pending)
392 (advice--strip-macro (symbol-function symbol))))
394 (defun advice--defalias-fset (fsetfun symbol newdef)
395 (unless fsetfun (setq fsetfun #'fset))
396 (when (get symbol 'advice--saved-rewrite)
397 (put symbol 'advice--saved-rewrite nil))
398 (setq newdef (advice--normalize symbol newdef))
399 (let ((oldadv (advice--symbol-function symbol)))
400 (if (and newdef (not (autoloadp newdef)))
401 (let* ((snewdef (advice--strip-macro newdef))
402 (snewadv (advice--subst-main oldadv snewdef)))
403 (put symbol 'advice--pending nil)
404 (funcall fsetfun symbol
405 (if (eq snewdef newdef) snewadv (cons 'macro snewadv))))
406 (unless (eq oldadv (get symbol 'advice--pending))
407 (put symbol 'advice--pending (advice--subst-main oldadv nil)))
408 (funcall fsetfun symbol newdef))))
410 ;;;###autoload
411 (defun advice-add (symbol where function &optional props)
412 "Like `add-function' but for the function named SYMBOL.
413 Contrary to `add-function', this will properly handle the cases where SYMBOL
414 is defined as a macro, alias, command, ..."
415 ;; TODO:
416 ;; - record the advice location, to display in describe-function.
417 ;; - change all defadvice in lisp/**/*.el.
418 ;; - obsolete advice.el.
419 (let* ((f (symbol-function symbol))
420 (nf (advice--normalize symbol f)))
421 (unless (eq f nf) (fset symbol nf))
422 (add-function where (cond
423 ((eq (car-safe nf) 'macro) (cdr nf))
424 ;; Reasons to delay installation of the advice:
425 ;; - If the function is not yet defined, installing
426 ;; the advice would affect `fboundp'ness.
427 ;; - the symbol-function slot of an autoloaded
428 ;; function is not itself a function value.
429 ;; - `autoload' does nothing if the function is
430 ;; not an autoload or undefined.
431 ((or (not nf) (autoloadp nf))
432 (get symbol 'advice--pending))
433 (t (symbol-function symbol)))
434 function props)
435 (put symbol 'function-documentation `(advice--make-docstring ',symbol))
436 (add-function :around (get symbol 'defalias-fset-function)
437 #'advice--defalias-fset))
438 nil)
440 ;;;###autoload
441 (defun advice-remove (symbol function)
442 "Like `remove-function' but for the function named SYMBOL.
443 Contrary to `remove-function', this also works when SYMBOL is a macro
444 or an autoload and it preserves `fboundp'.
445 Instead of the actual function to remove, FUNCTION can also be the `name'
446 of the piece of advice."
447 (let ((f (symbol-function symbol)))
448 (remove-function (cond ;This is `advice--symbol-function' but as a "place".
449 ((get symbol 'advice--pending)
450 (get symbol 'advice--pending))
451 ((eq (car-safe f) 'macro) (cdr f))
452 (t (symbol-function symbol)))
453 function)
454 (unless (advice--p (advice--symbol-function symbol))
455 (remove-function (get symbol 'defalias-fset-function)
456 #'advice--defalias-fset)
457 (let ((asr (get symbol 'advice--saved-rewrite)))
458 (and asr (eq (cdr-safe (symbol-function symbol))
459 (cdr asr))
460 (fset symbol (car (get symbol 'advice--saved-rewrite)))))))
461 nil)
463 (defun advice-mapc (fun symbol)
464 "Apply FUN to every advice function in SYMBOL.
465 FUN is called with a two arguments: the function that was added, and the
466 properties alist that was specified when it was added."
467 (advice-function-mapc fun (advice--symbol-function symbol)))
469 ;;;###autoload
470 (defun advice-member-p (advice symbol)
471 "Return non-nil if ADVICE has been added to SYMBOL.
472 Instead of ADVICE being the actual function, it can also be the `name'
473 of the piece of advice."
474 (advice-function-member-p advice (advice--symbol-function symbol)))
476 ;; When code is advised, called-interactively-p needs to be taught to skip
477 ;; the advising frames.
478 ;; FIXME: This Major Ugly Hack won't handle calls to called-interactively-p
479 ;; done from the advised function if the deepest advice is an around advice!
480 ;; In other cases (calls from an advice or calls from the advised function when
481 ;; the deepest advice is not an around advice), it should hopefully get
482 ;; it right.
483 (add-hook 'called-interactively-p-functions
484 #'advice--called-interactively-skip)
485 (defun advice--called-interactively-skip (origi frame1 frame2)
486 (let* ((i origi)
487 (get-next-frame
488 (lambda ()
489 (setq frame1 frame2)
490 (setq frame2 (backtrace-frame i #'called-interactively-p))
491 ;; (message "Advice Frame %d = %S" i frame2)
492 (setq i (1+ i)))))
493 (when (and (eq (nth 1 frame2) 'apply)
494 (progn
495 (funcall get-next-frame)
496 (advice--p (indirect-function (nth 1 frame2)))))
497 (funcall get-next-frame)
498 ;; If we now have the symbol, this was the head advice and
499 ;; we're done.
500 (while (advice--p (nth 1 frame1))
501 ;; This was an inner advice called from some earlier advice.
502 ;; The stack frames look different depending on the particular
503 ;; kind of the earlier advice.
504 (let ((inneradvice (nth 1 frame1)))
505 (if (and (eq (nth 1 frame2) 'apply)
506 (progn
507 (funcall get-next-frame)
508 (advice--p (indirect-function
509 (nth 1 frame2)))))
510 ;; The earlier advice was something like a before/after
511 ;; advice where the "next" code is called directly by the
512 ;; advice--p object.
513 (funcall get-next-frame)
514 ;; It's apparently an around advice, where the "next" is
515 ;; called by the body of the advice in any way it sees fit,
516 ;; so we need to skip the frames of that body.
517 (while
518 (progn
519 (funcall get-next-frame)
520 (not (and (eq (nth 1 frame2) 'apply)
521 (eq (nth 3 frame2) inneradvice)))))
522 (funcall get-next-frame)
523 (funcall get-next-frame))))
524 (- i origi 1))))
527 (provide 'nadvice)
528 ;;; nadvice.el ends here