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[bpt/emacs.git] / etc / LPF
1 Protect Your Freedom to Write Programs
2 Join the League for Programming Freedom
3 (Version of February 3, 1994)
5Ten years ago, programmers were allowed to write programs using all
6the techniques they knew, and providing whatever features they felt
7were useful. This is no longer the case. New monopolies, known as
8software patents and interface copyrights, have taken away our freedom
9of expression and our ability to do a good job.
11"Look and feel" lawsuits attempt to monopolize well-known command
12languages; some have succeeded. Copyrights on command languages
13enforce gratuitous incompatibility, close opportunities for
14competition, and stifle incremental improvements.
16Software patents are even more dangerous; they make every design
17decision in the development of a program carry a risk of a lawsuit,
18with draconian pretrial seizure. It is difficult and expensive to
19find out whether the techniques you consider using are patented; it is
20impossible to find out whether they will be patented in the future.
22The League for Programming Freedom is a grass-roots organization of
23professors, students, businessmen, programmers and users dedicated to
24bringing back the freedom to write programs. The League is not
25opposed to the legal system that Congress expressly established for
26software--copyright on individual programs. Our aim is to reverse the
27recent changes that prevent programmers from doing their work.
29The League works to abolish the new monopolies by publishing articles,
30talking with public officials, denouncing egregious offenders, and
31filing amicus curiae briefs, most notably against Lotus in its suit
32against Borland. We testified twice at the recent Patent Office
33hearings on software patents. We welcome suggestions for other
34activities, as well as help in carrying them out.
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37(Added 2003) The League for Programming Freedom is inactive nowadays,
38though its web site is still maintained.
39It would be very useful to find a person who could take the initiative
40to get the LPF operating again. It will be a substantial job,
41requiring persistence and working with a lawyer. If you want to do
42it, please write to
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