Coccinelle release 1.0.0-rc12
[bpt/coccinelle.git] / bundles / extlib / extlib-1.5.2 /
1 (*
2 * Base64 - Base64 codec
3 * Copyright (C) 2003 Nicolas Cannasse
4 *
5 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version,
9 * with the special exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
10 *
11 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
19 *)
21 exception Invalid_char
22 exception Invalid_table
24 external unsafe_char_of_int : int -> char = "%identity"
26 type encoding_table = char array
27 type decoding_table = int array
29 let chars = [|
30 'A';'B';'C';'D';'E';'F';'G';'H';'I';'J';'K';'L';'M';'N';'O';'P';
31 'Q';'R';'S';'T';'U';'V';'W';'X';'Y';'Z';'a';'b';'c';'d';'e';'f';
32 'g';'h';'i';'j';'k';'l';'m';'n';'o';'p';'q';'r';'s';'t';'u';'v';
33 'w';'x';'y';'z';'0';'1';'2';'3';'4';'5';'6';'7';'8';'9';'+';'/'
34 |]
36 let make_decoding_table tbl =
37 if Array.length tbl <> 64 then raise Invalid_table;
38 let d = Array.make 256 (-1) in
39 for i = 0 to 63 do
40 Array.unsafe_set d (int_of_char (Array.unsafe_get tbl i)) i;
41 done;
42 d
44 let inv_chars = make_decoding_table chars
46 let encode ?(tbl=chars) ch =
47 if Array.length tbl <> 64 then raise Invalid_table;
48 let data = ref 0 in
49 let count = ref 0 in
50 let flush() =
51 if !count > 0 then begin
52 let d = (!data lsl (6 - !count)) land 63 in
53 IO.write ch (Array.unsafe_get tbl d);
54 end;
55 in
56 let write c =
57 let c = int_of_char c in
58 data := (!data lsl 8) lor c;
59 count := !count + 8;
60 while !count >= 6 do
61 count := !count - 6;
62 let d = (!data asr !count) land 63 in
63 IO.write ch (Array.unsafe_get tbl d)
64 done;
65 in
66 let output s p l =
67 for i = p to p + l - 1 do
68 write (String.unsafe_get s i)
69 done;
70 l
71 in
72 IO.create_out ~write ~output
73 ~flush:(fun () -> flush(); IO.flush ch)
74 ~close:(fun() -> flush(); IO.close_out ch)
76 let decode ?(tbl=inv_chars) ch =
77 if Array.length tbl <> 256 then raise Invalid_table;
78 let data = ref 0 in
79 let count = ref 0 in
80 let rec fetch() =
81 if !count >= 8 then begin
82 count := !count - 8;
83 let d = (!data asr !count) land 0xFF in
84 unsafe_char_of_int d
85 end else
86 let c = int_of_char ( ch) in
87 let c = Array.unsafe_get tbl c in
88 if c = -1 then raise Invalid_char;
89 data := (!data lsl 6) lor c;
90 count := !count + 6;
91 fetch()
92 in
93 let read = fetch in
94 let input s p l =
95 let i = ref 0 in
96 try
97 while !i < l do
98 String.unsafe_set s (p + !i) (fetch());
99 incr i;
100 done;
101 l
102 with
103 IO.No_more_input when !i > 0 ->
104 !i
105 in
106 let close() =
107 count := 0;
108 IO.close_in ch
109 in
110 IO.create_in ~read ~input ~close
112 let str_encode ?(tbl=chars) s =
113 let ch = encode ~tbl (IO.output_string()) in
114 IO.nwrite ch s;
115 IO.close_out ch
117 let str_decode ?(tbl=inv_chars) s =
118 let ch = decode ~tbl (IO.input_string s) in
119 IO.nread ch ((String.length s * 6) / 8)