Coccinelle release 1.0.0-rc13
[bpt/coccinelle.git] / bundles / menhirLib / menhir-20120123 / src /
1 (**************************************************************************)
2 (* *)
3 (* Menhir *)
4 (* *)
5 (* François Pottier, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
6 (* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *)
7 (* *)
8 (* Copyright 2005-2008 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique *)
9 (* et en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
10 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0, with the change *)
11 (* described in file LICENSE. *)
12 (* *)
13 (**************************************************************************)
15 open IL
16 open CodeBits
18 (* In the following, we only inline global functions. In order to
19 avoid unintended capture, as we traverse terms, we keep track of
20 local identifiers that hide global ones. The following little class
21 helps do that. (The pathological case where a local binding hides a
22 global one probably does not arise very often. Fortunately,
23 checking against it in this way is quite cheap, and lets me sleep
24 safely.) *)
26 class locals table = object(self)
28 method pvar (locals : StringSet.t) (id : string) =
29 if Hashtbl.mem table id then StringSet.add id locals else locals
31 end
33 (* Here is the inliner. *)
35 let inline ({ valdefs = defs } as p : program) =
37 (* Create a table of all global definitions. *)
39 let before, table = Traverse.tabulate_defs defs in
41 (* Prepare to count how many times each function is used, including
42 inside its own definition. The public functions serve as starting
43 points for this discovery phase. *)
45 let queue : valdef Queue.t =
46 Queue.create()
47 and usage : int StringMap.t ref =
48 ref StringMap.empty
49 in
51 (* [visit] is called at every identifier occurrence. *)
53 let visit locals id =
54 if StringSet.mem id locals then
55 (* This is a local identifier. Do nothing. *)
56 ()
57 else
58 try
59 let _, def = Hashtbl.find table id in
61 (* This is a globally defined identifier. Increment its usage
62 count. If it was never visited, enqueue its definition for
63 exploration. *)
65 let n =
66 try
67 StringMap.find id !usage
68 with Not_found ->
69 Queue.add def queue;
70 0
71 in
72 usage := StringMap.add id (n + 1) !usage
74 with Not_found ->
75 (* This identifier is not global. It is either local or a
76 reference to some external library, e.g. ocaml's standard
77 library. *)
78 ()
79 in
81 (* Look for occurrences of identifiers inside expressions. *)
83 let o =
84 object
85 inherit [ StringSet.t, unit ] Traverse.fold
86 inherit locals table
87 method evar locals () id =
88 visit locals id
89 end
90 in
92 (* Initialize the queue with all public definitions, and work from
93 there. We assume that the left-hand side of every definition is
94 a variable. *)
96 List.iter (fun { valpublic = public; valpat = p } ->
97 if public then
98 visit StringSet.empty (pat2var p)
99 ) defs;
100 Misc.qfold (o#valdef StringSet.empty) () queue;
101 let usage = !usage in
103 (* Now, inline every function that is called at most once. At the
104 same time, every function that is never called is dropped. The
105 public functions again serve as starting points for the
106 traversal. *)
108 let queue : valdef Queue.t =
109 Queue.create()
110 and emitted =
111 ref StringSet.empty
112 in
114 let enqueue def =
115 let id = pat2var def.valpat in
116 if not (StringSet.mem id !emitted) then begin
117 emitted := StringSet.add id !emitted;
118 Queue.add def queue
119 end
120 in
122 (* A simple application is an application of a variable to a number
123 of variables, constants, or record accesses out of variables. *)
125 let rec is_simple_arg = function
126 | EVar _
127 | EData (_, [])
128 | ERecordAccess (EVar _, _) ->
129 true
130 | EMagic e ->
131 is_simple_arg e
132 | _ ->
133 false
134 in
136 let is_simple_app = function
137 | EApp (EVar _, actuals) ->
138 List.for_all is_simple_arg actuals
139 | _ ->
140 false
141 in
143 (* Taking a fresh instance of a type scheme. Ugly. *)
145 let instance =
146 let count = ref 0 in
147 let fresh tv =
148 incr count;
149 tv, Printf.sprintf "freshtv%d" !count
150 in
151 fun scheme ->
152 let mapping = fresh scheme.quantifiers in
153 let rec sub typ =
154 match typ with
155 | TypTextual _ ->
156 typ
157 | TypVar v ->
158 begin try
159 TypVar (List.assoc v mapping)
160 with Not_found ->
161 typ
162 end
163 | TypApp (f, typs) ->
164 TypApp (f, sub typs)
165 | TypTuple typs ->
166 TypTuple ( sub typs)
167 | TypArrow (typ1, typ2) ->
168 TypArrow (sub typ1, sub typ2)
169 in
170 sub scheme.body
171 in
173 (* Destructuring a type annotation. *)
175 let rec annotate formals body typ =
176 match formals, typ with
177 | [], _ ->
178 [], EAnnot (body, type2scheme typ)
179 | formal :: formals, TypArrow (targ, tres) ->
180 let formals, body = annotate formals body tres in
181 PAnnot (formal, targ) :: formals, body
182 | _ :: _, _ ->
183 (* Type annotation has insufficient arity. *)
184 assert false
185 in
187 (* The heart of the inliner: rewriting a function call to a [let]
188 expression.
190 If there was a type annotation at the function definition site,
191 it is dropped, provided [--infer] was enabled. Otherwise, it is
192 kept, because, due to the presence of [EMagic] expressions in the
193 code, dropping a type annotation could cause an ill-typed program
194 to become apparently well-typed. Keeping a type annotation
195 requires taking a fresh instance of the type scheme, because
196 OCaml doesn't have support for locally and existentially bound
197 type variables. Yuck. *)
199 let inline formals actuals body oscheme =
200 assert (List.length actuals = List.length formals);
201 match oscheme with
202 | Some scheme
203 when not Settings.infer ->
205 let formals, body = annotate formals body (instance scheme) in
206 mlet formals actuals body
208 | _ ->
209 mlet formals actuals body
210 in
212 (* Look for occurrences of identifiers inside expressions, branches,
213 etc. and replace them with their definitions if they have only
214 one use site or if their definitions are sufficiently simple. *)
216 let o =
217 object (self)
218 inherit [ StringSet.t ] as super
219 inherit locals table
220 method eapp locals e actuals =
221 match e with
222 | EVar id when
223 (Hashtbl.mem table id) && (* a global identifier *)
224 (not (StringSet.mem id locals)) (* not hidden by a local identifier *)
225 ->
227 let _, def = Hashtbl.find table id in (* cannot fail, thanks to the above check *)
229 let formals, body, oscheme =
230 match def with
231 | { valval = EFun (formals, body) } ->
232 formals, body, None
233 | { valval = EAnnot (EFun (formals, body), scheme) } ->
234 formals, body, Some scheme
235 | { valval = _ } ->
236 (* The definition is not a function definition. This should not
237 happen in the kind of code that we generate. *)
238 assert false
239 in
241 assert (StringMap.mem id usage);
242 if StringMap.find id usage = 1 || is_simple_app body then
244 (* The definition can be inlined, with beta reduction. *)
246 inline formals (self#exprs locals actuals) (EComment (id, self#expr locals body)) oscheme
248 else begin
250 (* The definition cannot be inlined. *)
252 enqueue def;
253 super#eapp locals e actuals
255 end
257 | _ ->
258 (* The thing in function position is not a reference to a global. *)
259 super#eapp locals e actuals
261 end
262 in
264 (* Initialize the queue with all public definitions, and work from
265 there. *)
267 List.iter (function { valpublic = public } as def ->
268 if public then
269 enqueue def
270 ) defs;
272 let valdefs =
273 Misc.qfold (fun defs def ->
274 o#valdef StringSet.empty def :: defs
275 ) [] queue
276 in
278 Error.logC 1 (fun f ->
279 Printf.fprintf f "%d functions before inlining, %d functions after inlining.\n"
280 before (List.length valdefs));
282 Time.tick "Inlining";
284 { p with valdefs = valdefs }
286 (* The external entry point. *)
288 let inline p =
289 if Settings.code_inlining then inline p else p