Release coccinelle-0.2.1-rc1
[bpt/coccinelle.git] /
1 (*
2 * Copyright 2005-2010, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen
3 * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
4 * This file is part of Coccinelle.
5 *
6 * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License.
9 *
10 * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 * along with Coccinelle. If not, see <>.
17 *
18 * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of
19 * Coccinelle under other licenses.
20 *)
23 open Common
25 (*****************************************************************************)
26 (* Test framework *)
27 (*****************************************************************************)
29 (* There can be multiple .c for the same cocci file. The convention
30 * is to have one base.cocci and a base.c and some optional
31 * base_vernn.[c,res].
32 *
33 * If want to test without iso, use -iso_file empty.iso option.
34 *)
35 let testone x compare_with_expected_flag =
36 let x = if x =~ "\\(.*\\)_ver0$" then matched1 x else x in
37 let base = if x =~ "\\(.*\\)_ver[0-9]+$" then matched1 x else x in
39 let cfile = "tests/" ^ x ^ ".c" in
40 let cocci_file = "tests/" ^ base ^ ".cocci" in
42 let expected_res = "tests/" ^ x ^ ".res" in
43 begin
44 let cocci_infos = Cocci.pre_engine (cocci_file, !Config.std_iso) in
45 let res = Cocci.full_engine cocci_infos [cfile] in
46 Cocci.post_engine cocci_infos;
47 let generated =
48 match Common.optionise (fun () -> List.assoc cfile res) with
49 | Some (Some outfile) ->
50 if List.length res > 1
51 then pr2 ("note that not just " ^ cfile ^ " was involved");
53 let tmpfile = "/tmp/"^Common.basename cfile in
54 pr2 (sprintf "One file modified. Result is here: %s" tmpfile);
55 Common.command2 ("mv "^outfile^" "^tmpfile);
56 tmpfile
57 | Some None ->
58 pr2 "no modification on the input file";
59 cfile
60 | None -> raise Impossible
61 in
62 if compare_with_expected_flag
63 then
64 Compare_c.compare_default generated expected_res
65 +> Compare_c.compare_result_to_string
66 +> pr2;
67 end
70 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
71 (* note: if you get some weird results in -testall, and not in -test,
72 * it is possible that a test file work in -test but may not
73 * work while used inside a -testall. If we have some bugs in our
74 * parser that modify some global state and that those states
75 * are not reseted between each test file, then having run previous
76 * test files may have an influence on another test file which mean
77 * than a test may work in isolation (via -test) but not otherwise
78 * (via -testall). Fortunately such bugs are rare.
79 *
80 *)
81 let testall ?(expected_score_file="tests/SCORE_expected.sexp") () =
83 let score = empty_score () in
85 let expected_result_files =
86 Common.glob "tests/*.res"
87 +> List.filter (fun f -> Common.filesize f > 0)
88 +> Filename.basename
89 +> List.sort compare
90 in
92 begin
93 expected_result_files +> List.iter (fun res ->
94 let x =
95 if res =~ "\\(.*\\).res" then matched1 res else raise Impossible in
96 let base = if x =~ "\\(.*\\)_ver[0-9]+" then matched1 x else x in
97 let cfile = "tests/" ^ x ^ ".c" in
98 let cocci_file = "tests/" ^ base ^ ".cocci" in
99 let expected = "tests/" ^ res in
101 let timeout_testall = 30 in
103 try (
104 Common.timeout_function timeout_testall (fun () ->
106 pr2 res;
108 let cocci_infos = Cocci.pre_engine (cocci_file, !Config.std_iso) in
109 let xs = Cocci.full_engine cocci_infos [cfile] in
110 Cocci.post_engine cocci_infos;
112 let generated =
113 match List.assoc cfile xs with
114 | Some generated -> generated
115 | None -> cfile
116 in
118 let (correct, diffxs) = Compare_c.compare_default generated expected
119 in
121 (* I don't use Compare_c.compare_result_to_string because
122 * I want to indent a little more the messages.
123 *)
124 (match correct with
125 | Compare_c.Correct -> Hashtbl.add score res Common.Ok;
126 | Compare_c.Pb s ->
127 let s = Str.global_replace
128 (Str.regexp "\"/tmp/cocci-output.*\"") "<COCCIOUTPUTFILE>" s
129 in
130 (* on macos the temporary files are stored elsewhere *)
131 let s = Str.global_replace
132 (Str.regexp "\"/var/folders/.*/cocci-output.*\"") "<COCCIOUTPUTFILE>" s
133 in
134 let s =
135 "INCORRECT:" ^ s ^ "\n" ^
136 " diff (result(<) vs expected_result(>)) = \n" ^
137 (diffxs +> s -> " "^s^"\n") +> Common.join "")
138 in
139 Hashtbl.add score res (Common.Pb s)
140 | Compare_c.PbOnlyInNotParsedCorrectly s ->
141 let s =
142 "seems incorrect, but only because of code that " ^
143 "was not parsable" ^ s
144 in
145 Hashtbl.add score res (Common.Pb s)
146 )
147 )
148 )
149 with exn ->
150 Common.reset_pr_indent();
151 let s = "PROBLEM\n" ^ (" exn = " ^ Printexc.to_string exn ^ "\n") in
152 Hashtbl.add score res (Common.Pb s)
153 );
156 pr2 "--------------------------------";
157 pr2 "statistics";
158 pr2 "--------------------------------";
160 Common.hash_to_list score +> List.iter (fun (s, v) ->
161 pr_no_nl (Printf.sprintf "%-30s: " s);
162 pr_no_nl (
163 match v with
164 | Common.Ok -> "CORRECT\n"
165 | Common.Pb s -> s
166 )
167 );
168 flush stdout; flush stderr;
170 pr2 "--------------------------------";
171 pr2 "regression testing information";
172 pr2 "--------------------------------";
174 (* now default argument of testall:
175 let expected_score_file = "tests/SCORE_expected.sexp" in
176 *)
177 let expected_score_file_orig = "tests/SCORE_expected_orig.sexp" in
178 let best_of_both_file = "tests/SCORE_best_of_both.sexp" in
179 let actual_score_file = "tests/SCORE_actual.sexp" in
181 pr2 ("regression file: "^ expected_score_file);
182 let (expected_score : score) =
183 if Sys.file_exists expected_score_file
184 then
185 let sexp = Sexp.load_sexp expected_score_file in
186 Sexp_common.score_of_sexp sexp
187 else
188 if Sys.file_exists expected_score_file_orig
189 then begin
190 pr2 (spf "use expected orig file (%s)" expected_score_file_orig);
191 Common.command2 (spf "cp %s %s" expected_score_file_orig
192 expected_score_file);
193 let sexp = Sexp.load_sexp expected_score_file in
194 Sexp_common.score_of_sexp sexp
195 end
196 else
197 empty_score()
198 in
200 let new_bestscore = Common.regression_testing_vs score expected_score in
203 let xs = Common.hash_to_list score in
204 let sexp = Sexp_common.sexp_of_score_list xs in
205 let s_score = Sexp.to_string_hum sexp in
206 Common.write_file ~file:(actual_score_file) s_score;
208 let xs2 = Common.hash_to_list new_bestscore in
209 let sexp2 = Sexp_common.sexp_of_score_list xs2 in
210 let s_score2 = Sexp.to_string_hum sexp2 in
211 Common.write_file ~file:(best_of_both_file) s_score2;
213 Common.print_total_score score;
215 let (good, total) = Common.total_scores score in
216 let (expected_good, expected_total) = Common.total_scores expected_score in
218 if good = expected_good
219 then begin
220 pr2 "Current score is equal to expected score; everything is fine";
221 raise (UnixExit 0);
222 end
223 else
224 if good < expected_good
225 then begin
226 pr2 "Current score is lower than expected :(";
227 pr2 (spf "(was expecting %d but got %d)" expected_good good);
228 pr2 "";
229 pr2 "If you think it's normal, then maybe you need to update the";
230 pr2 (spf "score file %s, copying info from %s."
231 expected_score_file actual_score_file);
232 raise (UnixExit 1);
233 end
234 else begin
235 pr2 "Current score is greater than expected :)";
236 pr2 (spf "(was expecting %d but got %d)" expected_good good);
237 pr2 "Generating new expected score file and saving old one";
238 Common.command2_y_or_no_exit_if_no
239 (spf "mv %s %s" expected_score_file (expected_score_file ^ ".save"));
240 Common.command2_y_or_no_exit_if_no
241 (spf "mv %s %s" best_of_both_file expected_score_file);
242 raise (UnixExit 0);
243 end
245 end
247 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
249 type okfailed = Ok | SpatchOK | Failed
251 (* test_to_string *)
252 let t_to_s = function
253 | Ok -> ".ok"
254 | SpatchOK -> ".spatch_ok"
255 | Failed -> ".failed"
257 let delete_previous_result_files infile =
258 [Ok;SpatchOK;Failed] +> List.iter (fun kind ->
259 Common.command2 ("rm -f " ^ infile ^ t_to_s kind)
260 )
262 (* quite similar to compare_with_expected below *)
263 let test_okfailed cocci_file cfiles =
264 cfiles +> List.iter delete_previous_result_files;
266 (* final_files contain the name of an output file (a .ok or .failed
267 * or .spatch_ok), and also some additionnal strings to be printed in
268 * this output file in addition to the general error message of
269 * full_engine. *)
270 let final_files = ref [] in
273 let newout =
274 Common.new_temp_file "cocci" ".stdout"
275 in
277 let t = Unix.gettimeofday () in
278 let time_per_file_str () =
279 let t' = Unix.gettimeofday () in
280 let tdiff = t' -. t in
281 let tperfile = tdiff /. (float_of_int (List.length cfiles)) in
282 spf "time: %f" tperfile
283 in
285 Common.redirect_stdout_stderr newout (fun () ->
286 try (
287 Common.timeout_function_opt !Flag_cocci.timeout (fun () ->
289 let cocci_infos = Cocci.pre_engine (cocci_file, !Config.std_iso) in
290 let outfiles = Cocci.full_engine cocci_infos cfiles in
291 Cocci.post_engine cocci_infos;
293 let time_str = time_per_file_str () in
295 outfiles +> List.iter (fun (infile, outopt) ->
296 let (dir, base, ext) = Common.dbe_of_filename infile in
297 let expected_suffix =
298 match ext with
299 | "c" -> "res"
300 | "h" -> "h.res"
301 | s -> pr2 ("WEIRD: not a .c or .h :" ^ base ^ "." ^ s);
302 "" (* no extension, will compare to same file *)
303 in
304 let expected_res =
305 Common.filename_of_dbe (dir, base, expected_suffix) in
306 let expected_res2 =
307 Common.filename_of_dbe (dir,"corrected_"^ base,expected_suffix)
308 in
310 (* can delete more than the first delete_previous_result_files
311 * because here we can have more files than in cfiles, for instance
312 * the header files
313 *)
314 delete_previous_result_files infile;
316 match outopt, Common.lfile_exists expected_res with
317 | None, false ->
318 ()
319 | Some outfile, false ->
320 let s =("PB: input file " ^ infile ^ " modified but no .res") in
321 push2 (infile^t_to_s Failed, [s;time_str]) final_files
323 | x, true ->
324 let outfile =
325 match x with
326 | Some outfile -> outfile
327 | None -> infile
328 in
330 let diff = Compare_c.compare_default outfile expected_res in
331 let s1 = (Compare_c.compare_result_to_string diff) in
332 if fst diff =*= Compare_c.Correct
333 then push2 (infile ^ (t_to_s Ok), [s1;time_str]) final_files
334 else
335 if Common.lfile_exists expected_res2
336 then begin
337 let diff = Compare_c.compare_default outfile expected_res2 in
338 let s2 = Compare_c.compare_result_to_string diff in
339 if fst diff =*= Compare_c.Correct
340 then push2 (infile ^ (t_to_s SpatchOK),[s2;s1;time_str])
341 final_files
342 else push2 (infile ^ (t_to_s Failed), [s2;s1;time_str])
343 final_files
344 end
345 else push2 (infile ^ (t_to_s Failed), [s1;time_str]) final_files
346 )
347 );
348 )
349 with exn ->
350 let clean s =
351 Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\\\\n") "\n"
352 (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp ("\\\\\"")) "\""
353 (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\\\\t") "\t" s)) in
354 let s = "PROBLEM\n"^(" exn = " ^ clean(Printexc.to_string exn) ^ "\n")
355 in
356 let time_str = time_per_file_str ()
357 in
358 (* we may miss some file because cfiles is shorter than outfiles.
359 * For instance the detected local headers are not in cfiles, so
360 * may have less failed. But at least have some failed.
361 *)
362 cfiles +> List.iter (fun infile ->
363 push2 (infile ^ (t_to_s Failed), [s;time_str]) final_files;
364 );
365 );
366 !final_files +> List.iter (fun (file, additional_strs) ->
367 Common.command2 ("cp " ^ newout ^ " " ^ file);
368 with_open_outfile file (fun (pr, chan) ->
369 additional_strs +> List.iter (fun s -> pr (s ^ "\n"))
370 );
372 )
375 let test_regression_okfailed () =
377 (* it's xxx.c.ok *)
378 let chop_ext f = f +> Filename.chop_extension in
380 let newscore = Common.empty_score () in
381 let oks =
382 Common.cmd_to_list ("find -name \"*.ok\"")
383 ++
384 Common.cmd_to_list ("find -name \"*.spatch_ok\"")
385 in
386 let failed = Common.cmd_to_list ("find -name \"*.failed\"") in
388 if null (oks ++ failed)
389 then failwith "no ok/failed file, you certainly did a make clean"
390 else begin
391 oks +> List.iter (fun s ->
392 Hashtbl.add newscore (chop_ext s) Common.Ok
393 );
394 failed +> List.iter (fun s ->
395 Hashtbl.add newscore (chop_ext s) (Common.Pb "fail")
396 );
397 pr2 "--------------------------------";
398 pr2 "regression testing information";
399 pr2 "--------------------------------";
400 Common.regression_testing newscore ("score_failed.marshalled")
401 end
404 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
405 (* quite similar to test_ok_failed. Maybe could factorize code *)
406 let compare_with_expected outfiles =
407 pr2 "";
408 outfiles +> List.iter (fun (infile, outopt) ->
409 let (dir, base, ext) = Common.dbe_of_filename infile in
410 let expected_suffix =
411 match ext with
412 | "c" -> "res"
413 | "h" -> "h.res"
414 | s -> failwith ("weird C file, not a .c or .h :" ^ s)
415 in
416 let expected_res =
417 Common.filename_of_dbe (dir, base, expected_suffix) in
418 let expected_res2 =
419 Common.filename_of_dbe (dir,"corrected_"^ base,expected_suffix)
420 in
422 match outopt, Common.lfile_exists expected_res with
423 | None, false -> ()
424 | Some outfile, false ->
425 let s =("PB: input file " ^ infile ^ " modified but no .res") in
426 pr2 s
427 | x, true ->
428 let outfile =
429 match x with
430 | Some outfile -> outfile
431 | None -> infile
432 in
433 let diff = Compare_c.compare_default outfile expected_res in
434 let s1 = (Compare_c.compare_result_to_string diff) in
435 if fst diff =*= Compare_c.Correct
436 then pr2_no_nl (infile ^ " " ^ s1)
437 else
438 if Common.lfile_exists expected_res2
439 then begin
440 let diff = Compare_c.compare_default outfile expected_res2 in
441 let s2 = Compare_c.compare_result_to_string diff in
442 if fst diff =*= Compare_c.Correct
443 then pr2 (infile ^ " is spatchOK " ^ s2)
444 else pr2 (infile ^ " is failed " ^ s2)
445 end
446 else pr2 (infile ^ " is failed " ^ s1)
447 )
449 (*****************************************************************************)
450 (* Subsystem testing *)
451 (*****************************************************************************)
453 let test_parse_cocci file =
454 if not (file =~ ".*\\.cocci")
455 then pr2 "warning: seems not a .cocci file";
457 let (_,xs,_,_,_,_,grep_tokens,query) =
458 Parse_cocci.process file (Some !Config.std_iso) false in
459 xs +> List.iter Pretty_print_cocci.unparse;
460 Printf.printf "grep tokens\n";
461 List.iter (function x -> Printf.printf "%s\n" (String.concat " " x))
462 grep_tokens;
463 match !Flag.scanner with
464 Flag.NoScanner -> ()
465 | Flag.Glimpse | Flag.Google _ ->
466 (match query with
467 None -> pr "No query"
468 | Some x -> pr (String.concat " || " x))
472 (*****************************************************************************)
473 (* to be called by ocaml toplevel, to test. *)
474 (*****************************************************************************)
476 (* no point to memoize this one *)
477 let sp_of_file file iso = Parse_cocci.process file iso false
479 (* TODO: Remove
480 *)
482 (*
483 let flows_of_ast astc =
484 astc +> Common.map_filter (fun e -> ast_to_flow_with_error_messages e)
486 let one_flow flows =
487 List.hd flows
489 let one_ctl ctls = List.hd (List.hd ctls)
490 *)