[bpt/coccinelle.git] / ocaml / yes_prepare_ocamlcocci.ml
1 (* Note: this module passes paths to other commands, but does not take
2 * quoting into account. Thus, if these paths contain spaces, it's likely
3 * that things go wrong.
4 *)
6 module Ast = Ast_cocci
8 exception CompileFailure of string
9 exception LinkFailure of string
11 let ext = if Config.dynlink_is_native then ".cmxs" else ".cma"
13 let sysdir () =
14 let sysdircmd = !Flag.ocamlfind ^ " printconf stdlib" in
15 match Common.cmd_to_list sysdircmd with
16 [sysdir] -> sysdir
17 | _ -> raise (CompileFailure (sysdircmd ^" has failed"))
19 let check_cmd cmd =
20 let (_,stat) = Common.cmd_to_list_and_status cmd in
21 match stat with
22 Unix.WEXITED 0 -> true
23 | _ -> false
25 (* this function does not work when the executable has an extension like .exe *)
26 let to_opt cmd =
27 let n = String.length cmd in
28 if n > 4 && String.compare (String.sub cmd (n-4) 4) ".opt" == 0
29 then cmd
30 else cmd ^ ".opt"
32 let check_runtime () =
33 let has_opt = check_cmd (to_opt (!Flag.ocamlc) ^ " -version 2>&1 > /dev/null") in
34 let has_c = check_cmd (!Flag.ocamlc ^ " -version 2>&1 > /dev/null") in
35 if has_opt then
36 begin
37 Flag.ocamlc := to_opt (!Flag.ocamlc);
38 Flag.ocamlopt := to_opt (!Flag.ocamlopt);
39 Flag.ocamldep := to_opt (!Flag.ocamldep);
40 Common.pr2 "Using native version of ocamlc/ocamlopt/ocamldep"
41 end
42 else
43 if has_c then
44 Common.pr2 "Using bytecode version of ocamlc/ocamlopt/ocamldep"
45 else
46 if Config.dynlink_is_native then
47 failwith
48 "No OCaml compiler found! Install either ocamlopt or ocamlopt.opt"
49 else
50 failwith
51 "No OCaml compiler found! Install either ocamlc or ocamlc.opt"
53 let init_ocamlcocci _ =
54 "open Coccilib\n"
56 let print_match ctr nm kind =
57 let endlet = "| _ -> failwith \"bad value\" in\n" in
58 let index = !ctr in
59 ctr := !ctr + 1;
60 Printf.sprintf
61 "let %s = match List.nth args %d with Coccilib.%s x -> x %s"
62 nm index kind endlet
64 let string_rep_binding ctr = function
65 (Some nm,Ast.MetaPosDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Pos"
66 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaListlenDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Int"
67 | (Some nm,_) (* strings for everything else *) ->
68 print_match ctr nm "Str"
69 | (None,_) -> ""
71 let ast_rep_binding ctr = function
72 (Some nm,Ast.MetaPosDecl _) ->
73 failwith
74 (Printf.sprintf "%s: No AST representation for position variables" nm)
75 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaMetaDecl _) ->
76 failwith
77 (Printf.sprintf
78 "%s: No AST representation for metavariables declared as \"%s\""
79 "metavariable" nm)
80 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaIdDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Str"
81 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaFreshIdDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Str"
82 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaTypeDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Type"
83 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaInitDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Init"
84 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaInitListDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "InitList"
85 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaListlenDecl _) ->
86 failwith
87 (Printf.sprintf "%s: No AST representation for listlen variables" nm)
88 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaParamDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Param"
89 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaParamListDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "ParamList"
90 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaConstDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Expr"
91 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaErrDecl _) -> failwith ("not supported: "^nm)
92 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaExpDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Expr"
93 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaIdExpDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Expr"
94 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaLocalIdExpDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Expr"
95 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaExpListDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "ExprList"
96 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaDeclDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Decl"
97 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaFieldDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Field"
98 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaFieldListDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "FieldList"
99 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaStmDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Stmt"
100 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaStmListDecl _) -> failwith ("not supported: "^nm)
101 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaFuncDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Str"
102 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaLocalFuncDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Str"
103 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaDeclarerDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Str"
104 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaIteratorDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Str"
105 | (None,_) -> ""
107 let manage_script_vars script_vars =
108 let rec loop n = function
109 [] -> ""
110 | (_,x)::xs ->
111 (Printf.sprintf "let %s = List.nth script_args %d in\n" x n) ^
112 (loop (n+1) xs) in
113 loop 0 script_vars
115 (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
116 (* Iteration management *)
118 let print_iteration_code o =
119 let translator l =
120 String.concat "\n | "
121 (List.map
122 (function x -> Printf.sprintf "%s -> \"%s\""
123 (String.capitalize x) x)
124 l) in
125 let add_virt_rules_method =
126 match !Iteration.parsed_virtual_rules with
127 [] -> ""
128 | l ->
129 Printf.sprintf "
130 method add_virtual_rule r =
131 let r = match r with %s in
132 virtual_rules <- Common.union_set [r] virtual_rules\n"
133 (translator l) in
134 let add_virt_ids_method =
135 match !Iteration.parsed_virtual_identifiers with
136 [] -> ""
137 | l ->
138 Printf.sprintf "
139 method add_virtual_identifier i v =
140 let i = match i with %s in
141 try
142 let v1 = List.assoc i virtual_identifiers in
143 if not (v = v1)
144 then failwith (\"multiple values specified for \"^i)
145 with Not_found ->
146 virtual_identifiers <- (i,v) :: virtual_identifiers"
147 (translator l) in
148 Printf.fprintf o "
149 class iteration () =
150 object
151 val mutable files = None
152 val mutable files_changed = false
153 val mutable virtual_rules = ([] : string list)
154 val mutable virtual_identifiers = ([] : (string * string) list)
155 method set_files f = files <- Some f
156 %s%s
157 method register () =
158 Iteration.add_pending_instance (files,virtual_rules,virtual_identifiers)
159 end\n\n" add_virt_rules_method add_virt_ids_method
161 (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
163 let prepare_rule (name, metavars, script_vars, code) =
164 let fname = String.concat "_" (Str.split (Str.regexp " ") name) in
165 (* function header *)
166 let function_header body =
167 Printf.sprintf "let %s args script_args =\n %s" fname body in
168 (* parameter list *)
169 let build_parameter_list body =
170 let ctr = ref 0 in
171 let lets =
172 String.concat ""
173 (List.rev
174 (List.fold_left
175 (function prev ->
176 function ((str_nm,ast_nm),_,mv) ->
177 (* order important; ctr is incremented *)
178 let string_rep = string_rep_binding ctr (str_nm,mv) in
179 let ast_rep = ast_rep_binding ctr (ast_nm,mv) in
180 ast_rep :: string_rep :: prev)
181 [] metavars)) in
182 lets ^ (manage_script_vars script_vars) ^ body in
183 (* add to hash table *)
184 let hash_add body =
185 Printf.sprintf
186 "%s\nlet _ = Hashtbl.add Coccilib.fcts \"%s\" %s\n" body name fname in
187 hash_add (function_header (build_parameter_list code))
189 let prepare coccifile code =
190 let init_rules =
191 List.fold_left
192 (function prev ->
193 function
194 Ast_cocci.InitialScriptRule (name,"ocaml",deps,code) ->
195 code :: prev
196 | _ -> prev)
197 [] code in
198 let init_rules = List.rev init_rules in
199 let other_rules =
200 List.fold_left
201 (function prev ->
202 function
203 Ast_cocci.ScriptRule (name,"ocaml",deps,mv,script_vars,code) ->
204 (name,mv,script_vars,code) :: prev
205 | Ast_cocci.InitialScriptRule (name,"ocaml",deps,code) -> prev
206 | Ast_cocci.FinalScriptRule (name,"ocaml",deps,code) ->
207 (name,[],[],code) :: prev
208 | _ -> prev)
209 [] code in
210 let other_rules = List.rev other_rules in
211 if init_rules = [] && other_rules = []
212 then None
213 else
214 begin
215 let basefile = Filename.basename (Filename.chop_extension coccifile) in
216 let basefile =
217 String.concat "_" (Str.split (Str.regexp "-") basefile) in
218 let (file,o) = Filename.open_temp_file basefile ".ml" in
219 (* Global initialization *)
220 Printf.fprintf o "%s\n" (init_ocamlcocci());
221 (* virtual rules and identifiers *)
222 (if !Iteration.parsed_virtual_rules != []
223 then
224 Printf.fprintf o "type __virtual_rules__ = %s\n\n"
225 (String.concat " | "
226 (List.map String.capitalize !Iteration.parsed_virtual_rules)));
227 (if !Iteration.parsed_virtual_identifiers != []
228 then
229 Printf.fprintf o "type __virtual_identifiers__ = %s\n\n"
230 (String.concat " | "
231 (List.map
232 (function x -> Printf.sprintf "%s" x)
233 (List.map String.capitalize
234 !Iteration.parsed_virtual_identifiers))));
235 print_iteration_code o;
236 (* Semantic patch specific initialization *)
237 Printf.fprintf o "%s" (String.concat "\n\n" init_rules);
238 (* Semantic patch rules and finalizer *)
239 let rule_code = List.map prepare_rule other_rules in
240 Printf.fprintf o "%s" (String.concat "\n\n" rule_code);
241 close_out o;
242 check_runtime ();
243 Some file
244 end
246 (* give a path to the coccilib cmi file *)
247 let find_cmifile name =
248 let path1 = Printf.sprintf "%s/ocaml/%s.cmi" Config.path name in
249 if Sys.file_exists path1 then path1 else
250 let path2 = Printf.sprintf "%s/ocaml/coccilib/%s.cmi" Config.path name in
251 if Sys.file_exists path2 then path2 else
252 raise (CompileFailure ("No coccilib.cmi in " ^ path1 ^ " or " ^ path2))
254 (* extract upper case identifiers from the cmi file. This will be an
255 * approximation of the modules referenced by the coccilib, which are
256 * thus present in the application and do not need to be loaded by
257 * the dynamic linker.
258 *)
260 module ModuleSet = Set.Make(String)
262 let approx_coccilib_deps cmi =
263 let chan = open_in_bin cmi in
264 let tbl = Hashtbl.create 1024 in
265 let buf = Buffer.create 140 in
266 begin
267 try
268 while true do
269 let c = input_char chan in
270 let has_ident = Buffer.length buf > 0 in
271 if has_ident
272 then begin
273 if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
274 (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
275 (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
276 c == '_' || c == '\''
277 then Buffer.add_char buf c
278 else begin
279 if Buffer.length buf >= 3
280 then begin
281 let key = Buffer.contents buf in
282 if Hashtbl.mem tbl key
283 then ()
284 else Hashtbl.add tbl (Buffer.contents buf) ()
285 end;
286 Buffer.clear buf
287 end
288 end
289 else begin
290 if c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'
291 then (* perhaps the begin of a captialized identifier *)
292 Buffer.add_char buf c
293 else ()
294 end
295 done
296 with End_of_file -> ()
297 end;
298 close_in chan;
299 tbl
301 let filter_dep existing_deps (accld, accinc) dep =
302 if Hashtbl.mem existing_deps dep
303 then (accld, accinc) (* skip an existing dep *)
304 else match dep with
305 (* Built-in and OCaml defaults are filtered out *)
306 "Arg" | "Arith_status" | "Array" | "ArrayLabels" | "Big_int" | "Bigarray"
307 | "Buffer" | "Callback" | "CamlinternalLazy" | "CamlinternalMod"
308 | "CamlinternalOO"
309 | "Char" | "Complex" | "Condition" | "Digest" | "Dynlink" | "Event"
310 | "Filename"
311 | "Format" | "Gc" | "Genlex" | "GraphicsX11" | "Hashtbl" | "Int32"
312 | "Int64"
313 | "Lazy" | "Lexing" | "List" | "ListLabels" | "Map" | "Marshal"
314 | "MoreLabels" | "Mutex"
315 | "Nativeint" | "Num" | "Obj" | "Oo" | "Parsing" | "Pervasives"
316 | "Printexc" | "Printf"
317 | "Queue" | "Random" | "Scanf" | "Set" | "Sort" | "Stack" | "StdLabels"
318 | "Str" | "Stream"
319 | "String" | "StringLabels" | "Sys" | "ThreadUnix" | "Unix" | "UnixLabels"
320 | "Weak" -> (accld, accinc)
321 | "Dbm" -> ("dbm"::accld, accinc)
322 | "Graphics" -> ("graphics"::accld, accinc)
323 | "Thread" -> ("thread"::accld, accinc)
324 | "Tk" -> ("tk"::accld, accinc)
326 | _ ->
327 let l = Char.lowercase (String.get dep 0)in
328 String.set dep 0 l;
329 (accld, dep::accinc)
331 let get_dir p =
332 let inclcmd = !Flag.ocamlfind ^" query "^p in
333 let dir = List.hd (Common.cmd_to_list inclcmd) in
334 (dir, p)
336 let parse_dep cmifile mlfile depout =
337 let empty_deps = ([], "") in
338 let existing_deps = approx_coccilib_deps cmifile in
339 let re_colon = Str.regexp_string ":" in
340 match Str.split re_colon depout with
341 _::[dep] ->
342 let deplist = Str.split (Str.regexp_string " ") dep in
343 let (libs, orderdep) = List.fold_left (filter_dep existing_deps) ([],[]) deplist in
344 if libs <> [] || orderdep <> [] then
345 begin
346 if check_cmd (!Flag.ocamlfind ^ " printconf 2>&1 > /dev/null")
347 then
348 let packages = List.rev orderdep in
349 let inclflags = List.map get_dir packages in
350 let intlib = List.map get_dir libs in
351 let alllibs = List.rev_append intlib inclflags in
352 let plist =
353 List.fold_left (fun acc (_,p) -> acc ^" "^p) "" alllibs in
354 let flags =
355 String.concat " " (List.map (fun (d,_) -> "-I "^d) inclflags) in
356 if flags <> "" || libs <> []
357 then begin
358 Common.pr2
359 ("Extra OCaml packages used in the semantic patch:"^ plist);
360 (alllibs, flags)
361 end
362 else begin
363 Common.pr2 ("Warning: ocamlfind did not find "^
364 (if (List.length libs + List.length orderdep) = 1
365 then "this package:"
366 else "one of these packages:")^ plist);
367 empty_deps
368 end
369 else begin
370 Common.pr2 ("Warning: ocamlfind not found but "^mlfile^" uses "^dep);
371 empty_deps
372 end
373 end
374 else
375 empty_deps
376 | _ ->
377 raise
378 (CompileFailure ("Wrong dependencies for "^mlfile^" (Got "^depout^")"))
380 let dep_flag cmifile mlfile =
381 let depcmd = !Flag.ocamldep ^" -modules "^mlfile in
382 match Common.cmd_to_list depcmd with
383 [dep] -> parse_dep cmifile mlfile dep
384 | err ->
385 List.iter (function x -> Common.pr2 (x^"\n")) err;
386 raise (CompileFailure ("Failed ocamldep for "^mlfile))
388 let compile_bytecode_cmd flags mlfile =
389 let obj = (Filename.chop_extension mlfile) ^ ".cmo" in
390 (obj, Printf.sprintf "%s -c %s %s %s" !Flag.ocamlc obj flags mlfile)
392 let compile_native_cmd flags mlfile =
393 let obj = (Filename.chop_extension mlfile) ^ ".cmxs" in
394 (obj,
395 Printf.sprintf "%s -shared -o %s %s %s" !Flag.ocamlopt obj flags mlfile)
397 let compile mlfile cmd =
398 Common.pr2 cmd;
399 match Sys.command cmd with
400 0 -> ()
401 | _ -> raise (CompileFailure mlfile)
403 let load_obj obj =
404 Dynlink.allow_unsafe_modules true;
405 try Dynlink.loadfile obj
406 with Dynlink.Error e ->
407 Common.pr2 (Dynlink.error_message e);
408 raise (LinkFailure obj)
410 let load_lib (dir, name) =
411 let obj = dir ^ "/" ^name ^ ext in
412 Common.pr2 ("Loading "^ obj ^"...");
413 load_obj obj
415 let load_libs libs =
416 List.iter load_lib libs
418 let load_file mlfile =
419 let cmifile = find_cmifile "coccilib" in
420 let (ldlibs, inc) = dep_flag cmifile mlfile in
421 (* add ocaml and ocaml/coccilib as search directories for the ocaml scripting *)
422 let flags =
423 Printf.sprintf
424 "-g -I %s %s -I %s"
425 (sysdir ()) inc (Filename.dirname cmifile) in
426 let (obj, cmd) =
427 if Config.dynlink_is_native
428 then compile_native_cmd flags mlfile
429 else compile_bytecode_cmd flags mlfile in
430 compile mlfile cmd;
431 Common.pr2 "Compilation OK!";
432 load_libs ldlibs;
433 Common.pr2 "Loading ML code of the SP...";
434 load_obj obj
436 let clean_file mlfile =
437 let basefile = Filename.chop_extension mlfile in
438 let files =
439 if Config.dynlink_is_native then
440 [basefile ^ ".cmxs";
441 basefile ^ ".cmx";
442 basefile ^ ".o";
443 basefile ^ ".annot"]
444 else
445 [basefile ^ ".cmo";
446 basefile ^ ".annot"]
447 in
448 if not !Flag_parsing_cocci.keep_ml_script then Sys.remove mlfile;
449 Sys.remove (basefile^".cmi");
450 List.iter (fun f -> try Sys.remove f with _ -> ()) files
452 (*
453 This function is used in testing.ml.
454 Once the ML file is compiled and loaded,
455 newly available functions are reported here.
456 *)
457 let test () =
458 Hashtbl.iter
459 (fun key fct ->
460 Common.pr2 ("Fct registered: \""^key^"\"")
461 ) Coccilib.fcts