Release coccinelle-0.2.0
[bpt/coccinelle.git] / engine /
1 (*
2 * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen
3 * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
4 * This file is part of Coccinelle.
5 *
6 * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License.
9 *
10 * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 * along with Coccinelle. If not, see <>.
17 *
18 * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of
19 * Coccinelle under other licenses.
20 *)
23 open Common
25 open Ograph_extended
27 module F = Control_flow_c
29 (*****************************************************************************)
30 (* Debugging functions *)
31 (*****************************************************************************)
32 let show_or_not_predicate pred =
33 if !Flag_matcher.debug_engine then begin
34 indent_do (fun () ->
35 adjust_pp_with_indent_and_header "labeling: pred = " (fun () ->
36 Pretty_print_engine.pp_predicate pred;
37 );
38 )
39 end
41 let show_or_not_nodes nodes =
42 if !Flag_matcher.debug_engine then begin
43 indent_do (fun () ->
44 adjust_pp_with_indent_and_header "labeling: result = " (fun () ->
45 Common.pp_do_in_box (fun () ->
46 pp "{";
47 Common.print_between
48 (fun () -> pp ";"; Format.print_cut())
49 (fun (nodei, (_predTODO, subst)) ->
50 Format.print_int nodei;
51 Common.pp_do_in_box (fun () ->
52 Pretty_print_engine.pp_binding2_ctlsubst subst
53 )
54 ) nodes;
55 pp "}";
56 );
57 )
58 )
59 end
61 let show_isos rule_elem =
62 match Ast_cocci.get_isos rule_elem with
63 [] -> ()
64 | isos ->
65 let line = Ast_cocci.get_line rule_elem in
66 Printf.printf "rule elem: ";
67 Pretty_print_cocci.rule_elem "" rule_elem;
68 Format.print_newline();
69 List.iter
70 (function (nm,x) ->
71 Printf.printf " iso: %s(%d): " nm line;
72 Pretty_print_cocci.pp_print_anything x;
73 Format.print_newline())
74 isos
76 (*****************************************************************************)
77 (* Labeling function *)
78 (*****************************************************************************)
79 let (-->) x v = Ast_ctl.Subst (x,v);;
81 (* Take list of predicate and for each predicate returns where in the
82 * control flow it matches, and the set of subsitutions for this match.
83 *)
84 let (labels_for_ctl: string list (* dropped isos *) ->
85 (nodei * F.node) list -> Lib_engine.metavars_binding ->
86 Lib_engine.label_ctlcocci) =
87 fun dropped_isos nodes binding ->
89 (fun p ->
90 show_or_not_predicate p;
92 let nodes' = nodes +> (fun (nodei, node) ->
93 (* todo? put part of this code in pattern ? *)
94 (match p, F.unwrap node with
95 | Lib_engine.Paren s, (F.SeqStart (_, bracelevel, _)) ->
96 let make_var x = ("",i_to_s x) in
97 [(nodei, (p,[(s --> (Lib_engine.ParenVal (make_var bracelevel)))]))]
98 | Lib_engine.Paren s, (F.SeqEnd (bracelevel, _)) ->
99 let make_var x = ("",i_to_s x) in
100 [(nodei, (p,[(s --> (Lib_engine.ParenVal (make_var bracelevel)))]))]
101 | Lib_engine.Paren _, _ -> []
102 | Lib_engine.Label s, _ ->
103 let labels = F.extract_labels node in
104 [(nodei,
105 (p,[(s --> (Lib_engine.LabelVal (Lib_engine.Absolute labels)))]))]
106 | Lib_engine.BCLabel s, _ ->
107 (match F.extract_bclabels node with
108 [] -> [] (* null for all nodes that are not break or continue *)
109 | labels ->
110 [(nodei,
111 (p,[(s -->
112 (Lib_engine.LabelVal (Lib_engine.Absolute labels)))]))])
113 | Lib_engine.PrefixLabel s, _ ->
114 let labels = F.extract_labels node in
115 [(nodei,
116 (p,[(s --> (Lib_engine.LabelVal (Lib_engine.Prefix labels)))]))]
118 | Lib_engine.Match (re), _unwrapnode ->
119 let substs =
120 Pattern_c.match_re_node dropped_isos re node binding
121 +> (fun (re', subst) ->
122 Lib_engine.Match (re'), subst
123 )
124 in
125 substs +> (fun (p', subst) ->
126 (nodei,
127 (p',
128 subst +> (fun (s, meta) ->
129 s --> Lib_engine.NormalMetaVal meta
130 ))))
132 | Lib_engine.InLoop, F.InLoopNode -> [nodei, (p,[])]
133 | Lib_engine.TrueBranch , F.TrueNode -> [nodei, (p,[])]
134 | Lib_engine.FalseBranch, F.FalseNode -> [nodei, (p,[])]
135 | Lib_engine.After, F.AfterNode -> [nodei, (p,[])]
136 | Lib_engine.FallThrough, F.FallThroughNode -> [nodei,(p,[])]
137 | Lib_engine.LoopFallThrough, F.LoopFallThroughNode -> [nodei,(p,[])]
138 | Lib_engine.FunHeader, F.FunHeader _ -> [nodei, (p,[])]
139 | Lib_engine.Top, F.TopNode -> [nodei, (p,[])]
140 | Lib_engine.Exit, F.Exit -> [nodei, (p,[])]
141 | Lib_engine.ErrorExit, F.ErrorExit -> [nodei, (p,[])]
142 | Lib_engine.Goto, F.Goto(_,_,_) -> [nodei, (p,[])]
144 | Lib_engine.InLoop , _ -> []
145 | Lib_engine.TrueBranch , _ -> []
146 | Lib_engine.FalseBranch, _ -> []
147 | Lib_engine.After, _ -> []
148 | Lib_engine.FallThrough, _ -> []
149 | Lib_engine.LoopFallThrough, _ -> []
150 | Lib_engine.FunHeader, _ -> []
151 | Lib_engine.Top, _ -> []
152 | Lib_engine.Exit, _ -> []
153 | Lib_engine.ErrorExit, _ -> []
154 | Lib_engine.Goto, _ -> []
156 | Lib_engine.BindGood s, _ -> [(nodei, (p,[(s --> Lib_engine.GoodVal)]))]
157 | Lib_engine.BindBad s, _ -> [(nodei, (p,[(s --> Lib_engine.BadVal)]))]
158 | Lib_engine.FakeBrace, _ ->
159 if F.extract_is_fake node then [nodei, (p,[])] else []
161 | Lib_engine.Return, node ->
162 (match node with
163 (* todo? should match the Exit code ?
164 * todo: one day try also to match the special function
165 * such as panic();
166 *)
167 | F.Return _ -> [nodei, (p,[])]
168 | F.ReturnExpr _ -> [nodei, (p,[])]
169 | _ -> []
170 )
171 )
172 ) +> List.concat
173 in
175 show_or_not_nodes nodes';
176 nodes'
177 )
179 (*****************************************************************************)
180 (* Some fix flow, for CTL, for unparse *)
181 (*****************************************************************************)
182 (* could erase info on nodes, and edge, because they are not used by rene *)
183 let (control_flow_for_ctl: F.cflow -> ('a, 'b) ograph_mutable) =
184 fun cflow -> cflow
188 (* Just make the final node of the control flow loop over itself.
189 * It seems that one hypothesis of the SAT algorithm is that each node as at
190 * least a successor.
191 *
192 * update: do same for errorexit node.
193 *
194 * update: also erase the fake nodes (and adjust the edges accordingly),
195 * so that AX in CTL can now work.
196 * Indeed, à la fin de la branche then (et else), on devrait aller directement
197 * au suivant du endif, sinon si ecrit if(1) { foo(); }; bar();
198 * sans '...' entre le if et bar(), alors ca matchera pas car le CTL
199 * generera un AX bar() qui il tombera d'abord sur le [endif] :(
200 * Mais chiant de changer l'algo de generation, marche pas tres bien avec
201 * ma facon de faire recursive et compositionnel.
202 * => faire une fonction qui applique des fixes autour de ce control flow,
203 * comme ca passe un bon flow a rene, mais garde un flow a moi pour pouvoir
204 * facilement generate back the ast.
205 * alt: faire un wrapper autourde mon graphe pour lui passer dans le module CFG
206 * une fonction qui passe a travers les Fake, mais bof.
207 *
208 * update: also make loop the deadcode nodes, the one that have
209 * no predecessor.
210 *)
211 let (fix_flow_ctl2: F.cflow -> F.cflow) = fun flow ->
212 let g = ref flow in
214 let topi = F.first_node !g in
215 !g#add_arc ((topi, topi), F.Direct);
217 (* for the #define CFG who have no Exit but have at least a EndNode *)
218 (try
219 let endi = F.find_node (fun x -> x =*= F.EndNode) !g in
220 !g#add_arc ((endi, endi), F.Direct);
221 with Not_found -> ()
222 );
224 (* for the regular functions *)
225 (try
226 let exitnodei = F.find_node (fun x -> x =*= F.Exit) !g in
227 let errornodei = F.find_node (fun x -> x =*= F.ErrorExit) !g in
229 !g#add_arc ((exitnodei, exitnodei), F.Direct);
231 if null ((!g#successors errornodei)#tolist) &&
232 null ((!g#predecessors errornodei)#tolist)
233 then !g#del_node errornodei
234 else !g#add_arc ((errornodei, errornodei), F.Direct);
235 with Not_found -> ()
236 );
238 let fake_nodes = !g#nodes#tolist +> List.filter (fun (nodei, node) ->
239 match F.unwrap node with
240 | F.CaseNode _
241 | F.Enter
242 (*| F.Fake*) (* [endif], [endswitch], ... *)
243 -> true
244 | _ -> false
245 ) in
247 fake_nodes +> List.iter (fun (nodei, node) -> F.remove_one_node nodei !g);
249 (* even when have deadcode, julia want loop over those nodes *)
250 !g#nodes#tolist +> List.iter (fun (nodei, node) ->
251 if (!g#predecessors nodei)#null
252 then begin
253 let fakei = !g#add_node (F.mk_node F.Fake [] [] "DEADCODELOOP") in
254 !g#add_arc ((fakei, nodei), F.Direct);
255 !g#add_arc ((fakei, fakei), F.Direct);
256 end
257 );
259 !g#nodes#tolist +> List.iter (fun (nodei, node) ->
260 assert (List.length ((!g#successors nodei)#tolist) >= 1);
261 (* no: && List.length ((!g#predecessors nodei)#tolist) >= 1
262 because the enter node at least have no predecessors *)
263 );
265 !g
266 let fix_flow_ctl a =
267 Common.profile_code "fix_flow" (fun () -> fix_flow_ctl2 a)
273 (*****************************************************************************)
274 (* subtil: the label must operate on newflow, not (old) cflow
275 * update: now I supposed that we give me a fixed_flow
276 *)
277 let model_for_ctl dropped_isos cflow binding =
278 let newflow = cflow (* old: fix_flow_ctl (control_flow_for_ctl cflow) *) in
279 let labels = labels_for_ctl dropped_isos (newflow#nodes#tolist) binding in
280 let states = fst newflow#nodes#tolist in
281 newflow, labels, states
284 (*****************************************************************************)
286 module PRED =
287 struct
288 type t = Lib_engine.predicate
289 let print_predicate x =
290 Pretty_print_cocci.print_plus_flag := false;
291 Pretty_print_cocci.print_minus_flag := false;
292 Pretty_print_engine.pp_predicate x
293 end
295 (* prefix has to be nonempty *)
296 let prefix l1 l2 =
297 let rec loop = function
298 ([],_) -> true
299 | (_,[]) -> false
300 | (x::xs,y::ys) when x = y -> loop (xs,ys)
301 | _ -> false in
302 loop(l1,l2)
304 let compatible_labels l1 l2 =
305 match (l1,l2) with
306 (Lib_engine.Absolute(l1),Lib_engine.Absolute(l2)) -> l1 =*= l2
307 | (Lib_engine.Absolute(l1),Lib_engine.Prefix(l2)) -> prefix l1 l2
308 | (Lib_engine.Prefix(l1),Lib_engine.Absolute(l2)) -> prefix l2 l1
309 | (Lib_engine.Prefix(l1),Lib_engine.Prefix(l2)) ->
310 not (l1 = []) && not (l2 = []) &&
311 List.hd l1 =*= List.hd l2 (* labels are never empty *)
313 let merge_labels l1 l2 =
314 match (l1,l2) with
315 (* known to be compatible *)
316 (Lib_engine.Absolute(_),Lib_engine.Absolute(_)) -> l1
317 | (Lib_engine.Absolute(_),Lib_engine.Prefix(_)) -> l1
318 | (Lib_engine.Prefix(_),Lib_engine.Absolute(_)) -> l2
319 | (Lib_engine.Prefix(l1),Lib_engine.Prefix(l2)) ->
320 let rec max_prefix = function
321 (x::xs,y::ys) when x = y -> x::(max_prefix(xs,ys))
322 | (l1,l2) -> [] in
323 Lib_engine.Prefix(max_prefix(l1,l2))
325 module ENV =
326 struct
327 type value = Lib_engine.metavar_binding_kind2
328 type mvar = Ast_cocci.meta_name
329 let eq_mvar x x' = x =*= x'
330 let eq_val v v' =
331 (* v = v' *)
332 match (v,v') with
333 (Lib_engine.NormalMetaVal(Ast_c.MetaPosVal(min1,max1)),
334 Lib_engine.NormalMetaVal(Ast_c.MetaPosVal(min2,max2))) ->
335 ((min1 <= min2) && (max1 >= max2)) or
336 ((min2 <= min1) && (max2 >= max1))
337 | (Lib_engine.NormalMetaVal(Ast_c.MetaTypeVal a),
338 Lib_engine.NormalMetaVal(Ast_c.MetaTypeVal b)) ->
339 C_vs_c.eq_type a b
340 | (Lib_engine.LabelVal(l1),Lib_engine.LabelVal(l2)) ->
341 compatible_labels l1 l2
342 | _ -> v =*= v'
343 let merge_val v v' = (* values guaranteed to be compatible *)
344 (* v *)
345 match (v,v') with
346 (Lib_engine.NormalMetaVal(Ast_c.MetaPosVal(min1,max1)),
347 Lib_engine.NormalMetaVal(Ast_c.MetaPosVal(min2,max2))) ->
348 if (min1 <= min2) && (max1 >= max2)
349 then Lib_engine.NormalMetaVal(Ast_c.MetaPosVal(min1,max1))
350 else
351 if (min2 <= min1) && (max2 >= max1)
352 then Lib_engine.NormalMetaVal(Ast_c.MetaPosVal(min2,max2))
353 else failwith "incompatible positions give to merge"
354 | (Lib_engine.NormalMetaVal(Ast_c.MetaTypeVal a),
355 Lib_engine.NormalMetaVal(Ast_c.MetaTypeVal b)) ->
356 Lib_engine.NormalMetaVal (Ast_c.MetaTypeVal (C_vs_c.merge_type a b))
357 | (Lib_engine.LabelVal(l1),Lib_engine.LabelVal(l2)) ->
358 Lib_engine.LabelVal(merge_labels l1 l2)
360 | _ -> v
361 let print_mvar (_,s) = Format.print_string s
362 let print_value x = Pretty_print_engine.pp_binding_kind2 x
363 end
365 module CFG =
366 struct
367 type node = Ograph_extended.nodei
368 type cfg = (F.node, F.edge) Ograph_extended.ograph_mutable
369 let predecessors cfg n = fst ((cfg#predecessors n)#tolist)
370 let successors cfg n = fst ((cfg#successors n)#tolist)
371 let extract_is_loop cfg n =
372 Control_flow_c.extract_is_loop (cfg#nodes#find n)
373 let print_node i = Format.print_string (i_to_s i)
374 let size cfg = cfg#nodes#length
376 (* In ctl_engine, we use 'node' for the node but in the Ograph_extended
377 * terminology, this 'node' is in fact an index to access the real
378 * node information (that ctl/ wants to abstract away to be more generic),
379 * the 'Ograph_extended.nodei'.
380 *)
381 let print_graph cfg label border_colors fill_colors filename =
382 Ograph_extended.print_ograph_mutable_generic cfg label
383 (fun (nodei, (node: F.node)) ->
384 (* the string julia wants to put ? *)
385 let bc = try Some(List.assoc nodei border_colors) with _ -> None in
386 let fc = try Some(List.assoc nodei fill_colors) with _ -> None in
387 (* the string yoann put as debug information in the cfg *)
388 let str = snd node in
389 (str,bc,fc)
390 )
391 ~output_file:filename
392 ~launch_gv:false
393 end
396 module WRAPPED_ENGINE = Wrapper_ctl.CTL_ENGINE_BIS (ENV) (CFG) (PRED)
398 let print_bench _ = WRAPPED_ENGINE.print_bench()
400 type pred = Lib_engine.predicate * Ast_cocci.meta_name Ast_ctl.modif
402 (*****************************************************************************)
403 let metavars_binding2_to_binding binding2 =
404 binding2 +> Common.map_filter (fun (s, kind2) ->
405 match kind2 with
406 | Lib_engine.NormalMetaVal kind -> Some (s, kind)
407 (* I thought it was Impossible to have this when called from
408 satbis_to_trans_info but it does not seems so *)
409 | Lib_engine.ParenVal _ -> None
410 | Lib_engine.LabelVal _ -> None
411 | Lib_engine.BadVal -> None (* should not occur *)
412 | Lib_engine.GoodVal -> None (* should not occur *)
413 )
415 let metavars_binding_to_binding2 binding =
416 binding +> (fun (s, kind) -> s, Lib_engine.NormalMetaVal kind)
419 let (satbis_to_trans_info:
420 (int list *
421 (nodei * Lib_engine.metavars_binding2 * Lib_engine.predicate)) list ->
422 (int list *
423 (nodei * Lib_engine.metavars_binding * Ast_cocci.rule_elem)) list) =
424 fun xs ->
425 xs +> List.fold_left (fun prev (index,(nodei, binding2, pred)) ->
426 match pred with
427 | Lib_engine.Match (rule_elem) ->
428 if !Flag.track_iso_usage then show_isos rule_elem;
429 (index,
430 (nodei, metavars_binding2_to_binding binding2, rule_elem))
431 ::prev
432 (* see BindGood in asttotctl2 *)
433 | Lib_engine.BindGood (_) -> prev
434 | _ -> raise Impossible
435 ) []
437 (*****************************************************************************)
439 let rec coalesce_positions = function
440 [] -> []
441 | (x,Ast_c.MetaPosValList l)::rest ->
442 let (same,others) = List.partition (function (x1,_) -> x =*= x1) rest in
443 let ls =
444 List.concat
445 (
446 (function
447 (_,Ast_c.MetaPosValList l) -> l
448 | _ -> failwith "unexpected non-position")
449 same) in
450 let new_ls = List.sort compare (l@ls) in
451 (x,Ast_c.MetaPosValList new_ls) :: coalesce_positions others
452 | x::rest -> x :: coalesce_positions rest
454 let strip env =
456 (function (v,vl) ->
457 let vl =
458 match vl with
459 Ast_c.MetaExprVal a ->
460 Ast_c.MetaExprVal(Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_expr a)
461 | Ast_c.MetaExprListVal a ->
462 Ast_c.MetaExprListVal(Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_arguments a)
463 | Ast_c.MetaStmtVal a ->
464 Ast_c.MetaStmtVal(Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_statement a)
465 | Ast_c.MetaInitVal a ->
466 Ast_c.MetaInitVal(Lib_parsing_c.al_inh_init a)
467 | x -> (*don't contain binding info*) x in
468 (v,vl))
469 env
471 let rec nub ls =
472 match ls with
473 [] -> []
474 | (x::xs) when (List.mem x xs) -> nub xs
475 | (x::xs) -> x::(nub xs)
477 (*****************************************************************************)
478 (* Call ctl engine *)
479 (*****************************************************************************)
480 let (mysat2:
481 Lib_engine.model ->
482 (Lib_engine.ctlcocci * (pred list list)) ->
483 (Lib_engine.mvar list*Lib_engine.metavars_binding) ->
484 (Lib_engine.numbered_transformation_info * bool *
485 Lib_engine.metavars_binding * Lib_engine.metavars_binding list)) =
486 fun (flow, label, states) ctl (used_after, binding) ->
487 let binding2 = metavars_binding_to_binding2 binding in
488 let (triples,(trans_info2, returned_any_states, used_after_envs)) =
489 WRAPPED_ENGINE.satbis (flow, label, states) ctl
490 (used_after, binding2)
491 in
492 if not (!Flag_parsing_cocci.sgrep_mode || !Flag.sgrep_mode2 ||
493 !Flag_matcher.allow_inconsistent_paths)
494 then Check_reachability.check_reachability triples flow;
495 let (trans_info2,used_after_fresh_envs) =
496 Postprocess_transinfo.process used_after binding2 trans_info2 in
497 let used_after_envs =
498 Common.uniq(List.map2 (@) used_after_fresh_envs used_after_envs) in
499 let trans_info = satbis_to_trans_info trans_info2 in
500 let newbindings = metavars_binding2_to_binding used_after_envs in
501 let newbindings = coalesce_positions newbindings in
502 let newbindings = strip newbindings in
503 let newbindings = nub newbindings in
504 (trans_info, returned_any_states, binding, newbindings)
506 let mysat a b c =
507 Common.profile_code "mysat" (fun () -> mysat2 a b c)