Coccinelle release 1.0.0-rc3
[bpt/coccinelle.git] / parsing_cocci /
1 (*
2 * Copyright 2010, INRIA, University of Copenhagen
3 * Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
4 * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen
5 * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
6 * This file is part of Coccinelle.
7 *
8 * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License.
11 *
12 * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 * along with Coccinelle. If not, see <>.
19 *
20 * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of
21 * Coccinelle under other licenses.
22 *)
25 module Ast = Ast_cocci
26 module TC = Type_cocci
28 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
29 (* Modified code *)
31 type arity = OPT | UNIQUE | NONE
33 type token_info =
34 { tline_start : int; tline_end : int;
35 left_offset : int; right_offset : int }
36 let default_token_info =
37 { tline_start = -1; tline_end = -1; left_offset = -1; right_offset = -1 }
39 (* MIXED is like CONTEXT, since sometimes MIXED things have to revert to
40 CONTEXT - see *)
42 type mcodekind =
43 MINUS of (Ast.anything Ast.replacement * token_info) ref
44 | PLUS of Ast.count
45 | CONTEXT of (Ast.anything Ast.befaft * token_info * token_info) ref
46 | MIXED of (Ast.anything Ast.befaft * token_info * token_info) ref
48 type position_info = { line_start : int; line_end : int;
49 logical_start : int; logical_end : int;
50 column : int; offset : int; }
52 type info = { pos_info : position_info;
53 attachable_start : bool; attachable_end : bool;
54 mcode_start : mcodekind list; mcode_end : mcodekind list;
55 (* the following are only for + code *)
56 strings_before : (Ast.added_string * position_info) list;
57 strings_after : (Ast.added_string * position_info) list }
59 (* adjacency index is incremented when we skip over dots or nest delimiters
60 it is used in deciding how much to remove, when two adjacent code tokens are
61 removed. *)
62 type 'a mcode =
63 'a * arity * info * mcodekind * meta_pos list ref (* pos, - only *) *
64 int (* adjacency_index *)
65 (* int ref is an index *)
66 and 'a wrap =
67 { node : 'a;
68 info : info;
69 index : int ref;
70 mcodekind : mcodekind ref;
71 exp_ty : TC.typeC option ref; (* only for expressions *)
72 bef_aft : dots_bef_aft; (* only for statements *)
73 true_if_arg : bool; (* true if "arg_exp", only for exprs *)
74 true_if_test : bool; (* true if "test position", only for exprs *)
75 true_if_test_exp : bool;(* true if "test_exp from iso", only for exprs *)
76 (*nonempty if this represents the use of an iso*)
77 iso_info : (string*anything) list }
79 and dots_bef_aft =
80 NoDots | AddingBetweenDots of statement | DroppingBetweenDots of statement
82 (* for iso metavariables, true if they can only match nonmodified terms with
83 all metavariables unitary
84 for SP metavariables, true if the metavariable is unitary (valid up to
85 isomorphism phase only)
86 In SP, the only options are impure and context
87 *)
88 and pure = Impure | Pure | Context | PureContext (* pure and only context *)
90 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
91 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
92 (* Dots *)
94 and 'a base_dots =
95 DOTS of 'a list
96 | CIRCLES of 'a list
97 | STARS of 'a list
99 and 'a dots = 'a base_dots wrap
101 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
102 (* Identifier *)
104 and base_ident =
105 Id of string mcode
106 | MetaId of Ast.meta_name mcode * Ast.idconstraint * Ast.seed * pure
107 | MetaFunc of Ast.meta_name mcode * Ast.idconstraint * pure
108 | MetaLocalFunc of Ast.meta_name mcode * Ast.idconstraint * pure
109 | DisjId of string mcode * ident list *
110 string mcode list (* the |s *) * string mcode
111 | OptIdent of ident
112 | UniqueIdent of ident
114 and ident = base_ident wrap
116 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
117 (* Expression *)
119 and base_expression =
120 Ident of ident
121 | Constant of Ast.constant mcode
122 | FunCall of expression * string mcode (* ( *) *
123 expression dots * string mcode (* ) *)
124 | Assignment of expression * Ast.assignOp mcode * expression *
125 bool (* true if it can match an initialization *)
126 | CondExpr of expression * string mcode (* ? *) * expression option *
127 string mcode (* : *) * expression
128 | Postfix of expression * Ast.fixOp mcode
129 | Infix of expression * Ast.fixOp mcode
130 | Unary of expression * Ast.unaryOp mcode
131 | Binary of expression * Ast.binaryOp mcode * expression
132 | Nested of expression * Ast.binaryOp mcode * expression
133 | Paren of string mcode (* ( *) * expression *
134 string mcode (* ) *)
135 | ArrayAccess of expression * string mcode (* [ *) * expression *
136 string mcode (* ] *)
137 | RecordAccess of expression * string mcode (* . *) * ident
138 | RecordPtAccess of expression * string mcode (* -> *) * ident
139 | Cast of string mcode (* ( *) * typeC * string mcode (* ) *) *
140 expression
141 | SizeOfExpr of string mcode (* sizeof *) * expression
142 | SizeOfType of string mcode (* sizeof *) * string mcode (* ( *) *
143 typeC * string mcode (* ) *)
144 | TypeExp of typeC (* type name used as an expression, only in args *)
145 | MetaErr of Ast.meta_name mcode * constraints * pure
146 | MetaExpr of Ast.meta_name mcode * constraints *
147 TC.typeC list option * Ast.form * pure
148 | MetaExprList of Ast.meta_name mcode (* only in arg lists *) *
149 listlen * pure
150 | EComma of string mcode (* only in arg lists *)
151 | DisjExpr of string mcode * expression list *
152 string mcode list (* the |s *) * string mcode
153 | NestExpr of string mcode * expression dots * string mcode *
154 expression option * Ast.multi
155 | Edots of string mcode (* ... *) * expression option
156 | Ecircles of string mcode (* ooo *) * expression option
157 | Estars of string mcode (* *** *) * expression option
158 | OptExp of expression
159 | UniqueExp of expression
161 and expression = base_expression wrap
163 and constraints =
164 NoConstraint
165 | NotIdCstrt of Ast.reconstraint
166 | NotExpCstrt of expression list
167 | SubExpCstrt of Ast.meta_name list
169 and listlen =
170 MetaListLen of Ast.meta_name mcode
171 | CstListLen of int
172 | AnyListLen
174 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
175 (* Types *)
177 and base_typeC =
178 ConstVol of Ast.const_vol mcode * typeC
179 | BaseType of Ast.baseType * string mcode list
180 | Signed of Ast.sign mcode * typeC option
181 | Pointer of typeC * string mcode (* * *)
182 | FunctionPointer of typeC *
183 string mcode(* ( *)*string mcode(* * *)*string mcode(* ) *)*
184 string mcode (* ( *)*parameter_list*string mcode(* ) *)
185 | FunctionType of typeC option *
186 string mcode (* ( *) * parameter_list *
187 string mcode (* ) *)
188 | Array of typeC * string mcode (* [ *) *
189 expression option * string mcode (* ] *)
190 | EnumName of string mcode (*enum*) * ident option (* name *)
191 | EnumDef of typeC (* either StructUnionName or metavar *) *
192 string mcode (* { *) * expression dots * string mcode (* } *)
193 | StructUnionName of Ast.structUnion mcode * ident option (* name *)
194 | StructUnionDef of typeC (* either StructUnionName or metavar *) *
195 string mcode (* { *) * declaration dots * string mcode (* } *)
196 | TypeName of string mcode
197 | MetaType of Ast.meta_name mcode * pure
198 | DisjType of string mcode * typeC list * (* only after iso *)
199 string mcode list (* the |s *) * string mcode
200 | OptType of typeC
201 | UniqueType of typeC
203 and typeC = base_typeC wrap
205 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
206 (* Variable declaration *)
207 (* Even if the Cocci program specifies a list of declarations, they are
208 split out into multiple declarations of a single variable each. *)
210 and base_declaration =
211 MetaDecl of Ast.meta_name mcode * pure (* variables *)
212 (* the following are kept separate from MetaDecls because ultimately
213 they don't match the same thin at all. Consider whether there
214 should be a separate type for fields, as in the C AST *)
215 | MetaField of Ast.meta_name mcode * pure (* structure fields *)
216 | MetaFieldList of Ast.meta_name mcode * listlen * pure (* structure fields *)
217 | Init of mcode option * typeC * ident * string mcode (*=*) *
218 initialiser * string mcode (*;*)
219 | UnInit of mcode option * typeC * ident * string mcode (* ; *)
220 | TyDecl of typeC * string mcode (* ; *)
221 | MacroDecl of ident (* name *) * string mcode (* ( *) *
222 expression dots * string mcode (* ) *) * string mcode (* ; *)
223 | Typedef of string mcode (* typedef *) * typeC * typeC * string mcode (*;*)
224 | DisjDecl of string mcode * declaration list *
225 string mcode list (* the |s *) * string mcode
226 (* Ddots is for a structure declaration *)
227 | Ddots of string mcode (* ... *) * declaration option (* whencode *)
228 | OptDecl of declaration
229 | UniqueDecl of declaration
231 and declaration = base_declaration wrap
233 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
234 (* Initializers *)
236 and base_initialiser =
237 MetaInit of Ast.meta_name mcode * pure
238 | MetaInitList of Ast.meta_name mcode * listlen * pure
239 | InitExpr of expression
240 | InitList of string mcode (*{*) * initialiser_list * string mcode (*}*) *
241 (* true if ordered, as for array, false if unordered, as for struct *)
242 bool
243 | InitGccExt of
244 designator list (* name *) * string mcode (*=*) *
245 initialiser (* gccext: *)
246 | InitGccName of ident (* name *) * string mcode (*:*) *
247 initialiser
248 | IComma of string mcode (* , *)
249 | Idots of string mcode (* ... *) * initialiser option (* whencode *)
250 | OptIni of initialiser
251 | UniqueIni of initialiser
253 and designator =
254 DesignatorField of string mcode (* . *) * ident
255 | DesignatorIndex of string mcode (* [ *) * expression * string mcode (* ] *)
256 | DesignatorRange of
257 string mcode (* [ *) * expression * string mcode (* ... *) *
258 expression * string mcode (* ] *)
260 and initialiser = base_initialiser wrap
262 and initialiser_list = initialiser dots
264 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
265 (* Parameter *)
267 and base_parameterTypeDef =
268 VoidParam of typeC
269 | Param of typeC * ident option
270 | MetaParam of Ast.meta_name mcode * pure
271 | MetaParamList of Ast.meta_name mcode * listlen * pure
272 | PComma of string mcode
273 | Pdots of string mcode (* ... *)
274 | Pcircles of string mcode (* ooo *)
275 | OptParam of parameterTypeDef
276 | UniqueParam of parameterTypeDef
278 and parameterTypeDef = base_parameterTypeDef wrap
280 and parameter_list = parameterTypeDef dots
282 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
283 (* #define Parameters *)
285 and base_define_param =
286 DParam of ident
287 | DPComma of string mcode
288 | DPdots of string mcode (* ... *)
289 | DPcircles of string mcode (* ooo *)
290 | OptDParam of define_param
291 | UniqueDParam of define_param
293 and define_param = base_define_param wrap
295 and base_define_parameters =
296 NoParams
297 | DParams of string mcode(*( *) * define_param dots * string mcode(* )*)
299 and define_parameters = base_define_parameters wrap
301 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
302 (* Statement*)
304 and base_statement =
305 Decl of (info * mcodekind) (* before the decl *) * declaration
306 | Seq of string mcode (* { *) * statement dots *
307 string mcode (* } *)
308 | ExprStatement of expression option * string mcode (*;*)
309 | IfThen of string mcode (* if *) * string mcode (* ( *) *
310 expression * string mcode (* ) *) *
311 statement * (info * mcodekind) (* after info *)
312 | IfThenElse of string mcode (* if *) * string mcode (* ( *) *
313 expression * string mcode (* ) *) *
314 statement * string mcode (* else *) * statement *
315 (info * mcodekind)
316 | While of string mcode (* while *) * string mcode (* ( *) *
317 expression * string mcode (* ) *) *
318 statement * (info * mcodekind) (* after info *)
319 | Do of string mcode (* do *) * statement *
320 string mcode (* while *) * string mcode (* ( *) *
321 expression * string mcode (* ) *) *
322 string mcode (* ; *)
323 | For of string mcode (* for *) * string mcode (* ( *) *
324 expression option * string mcode (*;*) *
325 expression option * string mcode (*;*) *
326 expression option * string mcode (* ) *) * statement *
327 (info * mcodekind) (* after info *)
328 | Iterator of ident (* name *) * string mcode (* ( *) *
329 expression dots * string mcode (* ) *) *
330 statement * (info * mcodekind) (* after info *)
331 | Switch of string mcode (* switch *) * string mcode (* ( *) *
332 expression * string mcode (* ) *) * string mcode (* { *) *
333 statement (*decl*) dots *
334 case_line dots * string mcode (* } *)
335 | Break of string mcode (* break *) * string mcode (* ; *)
336 | Continue of string mcode (* continue *) * string mcode (* ; *)
337 | Label of ident * string mcode (* : *)
338 | Goto of string mcode (* goto *) * ident * string mcode (* ; *)
339 | Return of string mcode (* return *) * string mcode (* ; *)
340 | ReturnExpr of string mcode (* return *) * expression *
341 string mcode (* ; *)
342 | MetaStmt of Ast.meta_name mcode * pure
343 | MetaStmtList of Ast.meta_name mcode(*only in statement lists*) * pure
344 | Exp of expression (* only in dotted statement lists *)
345 | TopExp of expression (* for macros body *)
346 | Ty of typeC (* only at top level *)
347 | TopInit of initialiser (* only at top level *)
348 | Disj of string mcode * statement dots list *
349 string mcode list (* the |s *) * string mcode
350 | Nest of string mcode * statement dots * string mcode *
351 (statement dots,statement) whencode list * Ast.multi
352 | Dots of string mcode (* ... *) *
353 (statement dots,statement) whencode list
354 | Circles of string mcode (* ooo *) *
355 (statement dots,statement) whencode list
356 | Stars of string mcode (* *** *) *
357 (statement dots,statement) whencode list
358 | FunDecl of (info * mcodekind) (* before the function decl *) *
359 fninfo list * ident (* name *) *
360 string mcode (* ( *) * parameter_list * string mcode (* ) *) *
361 string mcode (* { *) * statement dots *
362 string mcode (* } *)
363 | Include of string mcode (* #include *) * Ast.inc_file mcode (* file *)
364 | Undef of string mcode (* #define *) * ident (* name *)
365 | Define of string mcode (* #define *) * ident (* name *) *
366 define_parameters (*params*) * statement dots
367 | OptStm of statement
368 | UniqueStm of statement
370 and fninfo =
371 FStorage of mcode
372 | FType of typeC
373 | FInline of string mcode
374 | FAttr of string mcode
376 and ('a,'b) whencode =
377 WhenNot of 'a
378 | WhenAlways of 'b
379 | WhenModifier of Ast.when_modifier
380 | WhenNotTrue of expression
381 | WhenNotFalse of expression
383 and statement = base_statement wrap
385 and base_case_line =
386 Default of string mcode (* default *) * string mcode (*:*) * statement dots
387 | Case of string mcode (* case *) * expression * string mcode (*:*) *
388 statement dots
389 | DisjCase of string mcode * case_line list *
390 string mcode list (* the |s *) * string mcode
391 | OptCase of case_line
393 and case_line = base_case_line wrap
395 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
396 (* Positions *)
398 and meta_pos =
399 MetaPos of Ast.meta_name mcode * Ast.meta_name list * Ast.meta_collect
401 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
402 (* Top-level code *)
404 and base_top_level =
405 NONDECL of statement
406 | TOPCODE of statement dots
407 | CODE of statement dots
408 | FILEINFO of string mcode (* old file *) * string mcode (* new file *)
409 | ERRORWORDS of expression list
410 | OTHER of statement (* temporary, disappears after *)
412 and top_level = base_top_level wrap
413 and rule = top_level list
415 and parsed_rule =
416 CocciRule of
417 (rule * Ast.metavar list *
418 (string list * string list * Ast.dependency * string * Ast.exists)) *
419 (rule * Ast.metavar list) * Ast.ruletype
420 | ScriptRule of string (* name *) *
421 string * Ast.dependency *
422 (Ast.script_meta_name * Ast.meta_name * Ast.metavar) list *
423 Ast.meta_name list (*script vars*) *
424 string
425 | InitialScriptRule of string (* name *) *string * Ast.dependency * string
426 | FinalScriptRule of string (* name *) *string * Ast.dependency * string
428 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
430 and anything =
431 DotsExprTag of expression dots
432 | DotsInitTag of initialiser dots
433 | DotsParamTag of parameterTypeDef dots
434 | DotsStmtTag of statement dots
435 | DotsDeclTag of declaration dots
436 | DotsCaseTag of case_line dots
437 | IdentTag of ident
438 | ExprTag of expression
439 | ArgExprTag of expression (* for isos *)
440 | TestExprTag of expression (* for isos *)
441 | TypeCTag of typeC
442 | ParamTag of parameterTypeDef
443 | InitTag of initialiser
444 | DeclTag of declaration
445 | StmtTag of statement
446 | CaseLineTag of case_line
447 | TopTag of top_level
448 | IsoWhenTag of Ast.when_modifier
449 | IsoWhenTTag of expression
450 | IsoWhenFTag of expression
451 | MetaPosTag of meta_pos
453 let dotsExpr x = DotsExprTag x
454 let dotsParam x = DotsParamTag x
455 let dotsInit x = DotsInitTag x
456 let dotsStmt x = DotsStmtTag x
457 let dotsDecl x = DotsDeclTag x
458 let dotsCase x = DotsCaseTag x
459 let ident x = IdentTag x
460 let expr x = ExprTag x
461 let typeC x = TypeCTag x
462 let param x = ParamTag x
463 let ini x = InitTag x
464 let decl x = DeclTag x
465 let stmt x = StmtTag x
466 let case_line x = CaseLineTag x
467 let top x = TopTag x
469 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
470 (* Avoid cluttering the parser. Calculated in *)
472 let pos_info =
473 { line_start = -1; line_end = -1;
474 logical_start = -1; logical_end = -1;
475 column = -1; offset = -1; }
477 let default_info _ = (* why is this a function? *)
478 { pos_info = pos_info;
479 attachable_start = true; attachable_end = true;
480 mcode_start = []; mcode_end = [];
481 strings_before = []; strings_after = [] }
483 let default_befaft _ =
484 MIXED(ref (Ast.NOTHING,default_token_info,default_token_info))
485 let context_befaft _ =
486 CONTEXT(ref (Ast.NOTHING,default_token_info,default_token_info))
487 let minus_befaft _ = MINUS(ref (Ast.NOREPLACEMENT,default_token_info))
489 let wrap x =
490 { node = x;
491 info = default_info();
492 index = ref (-1);
493 mcodekind = ref (default_befaft());
494 exp_ty = ref None;
495 bef_aft = NoDots;
496 true_if_arg = false;
497 true_if_test = false;
498 true_if_test_exp = false;
499 iso_info = [] }
500 let context_wrap x =
501 { node = x;
502 info = default_info();
503 index = ref (-1);
504 mcodekind = ref (context_befaft());
505 exp_ty = ref None;
506 bef_aft = NoDots;
507 true_if_arg = false;
508 true_if_test = false;
509 true_if_test_exp = false;
510 iso_info = [] }
511 let unwrap x = x.node
512 let unwrap_mcode (x,_,_,_,_,_) = x
513 let rewrap model x = { model with node = x }
514 let rewrap_mcode (_,arity,info,mcodekind,pos,adj) x =
515 (x,arity,info,mcodekind,pos,adj)
516 let copywrap model x =
517 { model with node = x; index = ref !(model.index);
518 mcodekind = ref !(model.mcodekind); exp_ty = ref !(model.exp_ty)}
519 let get_pos (_,_,_,_,x,_) = !x
520 let get_pos_ref (_,_,_,_,x,_) = x
521 let set_pos pos (m,arity,info,mcodekind,_,adj) =
522 (m,arity,info,mcodekind,ref pos,adj)
523 let get_info x =
524 let set_info x info = {x with info = info}
525 let get_line x =
526 let get_line_end x =
527 let get_index x = !(x.index)
528 let set_index x i = x.index := i
529 let get_mcodekind x = !(x.mcodekind)
530 let get_mcode_mcodekind (_,_,_,mcodekind,_,_) = mcodekind
531 let get_mcodekind_ref x = x.mcodekind
532 let set_mcodekind x mk = x.mcodekind := mk
533 let set_type x t = x.exp_ty := t
534 let get_type x = !(x.exp_ty)
535 let get_dots_bef_aft x = x.bef_aft
536 let set_dots_bef_aft x dots_bef_aft = {x with bef_aft = dots_bef_aft}
537 let get_arg_exp x = x.true_if_arg
538 let set_arg_exp x = {x with true_if_arg = true}
539 let get_test_pos x = x.true_if_test
540 let set_test_pos x = {x with true_if_test = true}
541 let get_test_exp x = x.true_if_test_exp
542 let set_test_exp x = {x with true_if_test_exp = true}
543 let get_iso x = x.iso_info
544 let set_iso x i = if !Flag.track_iso_usage then {x with iso_info = i} else x
545 let set_mcode_data data (_,ar,info,mc,pos,adj) = (data,ar,info,mc,pos,adj)
547 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
549 (* unique indices, for mcode and tree nodes *)
550 let index_counter = ref 0
551 let fresh_index _ = let cur = !index_counter in index_counter := cur + 1; cur
553 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
555 let undots d =
556 match unwrap d with
557 | DOTS e -> e
558 | CIRCLES e -> e
559 | STARS e -> e
561 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
563 let rec ast0_type_to_type ty =
564 match unwrap ty with
565 ConstVol(cv,ty) -> TC.ConstVol(const_vol cv,ast0_type_to_type ty)
566 | BaseType(bty,strings) ->
567 TC.BaseType(baseType bty)
568 | Signed(sgn,None) ->
569 TC.SignedT(sign sgn,None)
570 | Signed(sgn,Some ty) ->
571 let bty = ast0_type_to_type ty in
572 TC.SignedT(sign sgn,Some bty)
573 | Pointer(ty,_) -> TC.Pointer(ast0_type_to_type ty)
574 | FunctionPointer(ty,_,_,_,_,params,_) ->
575 TC.FunctionPointer(ast0_type_to_type ty)
576 | FunctionType _ -> TC.Unknown (*failwith "not supported"*)
577 | Array(ety,_,_,_) -> TC.Array(ast0_type_to_type ety)
578 | EnumName(su,Some tag) ->
579 (match unwrap tag with
580 Id(tag) ->
581 TC.EnumName(TC.Name(unwrap_mcode tag))
582 | MetaId(tag,_,_,_) ->
583 (Printf.printf
584 "warning: enum with a metavariable name detected.\n";
585 Printf.printf
586 "For type checking assuming the name of the metavariable is the name of the type\n";
587 TC.EnumName(TC.MV(unwrap_mcode tag,TC.Unitary,false)))
588 | _ -> failwith "unexpected enum type name")
589 | EnumName(su,None) -> failwith "nameless enum - what to do???"
590 | EnumDef(ty,_,_,_) -> ast0_type_to_type ty
591 | StructUnionName(su,Some tag) ->
592 (match unwrap tag with
593 Id(tag) ->
594 TC.StructUnionName(structUnion su,TC.Name(unwrap_mcode tag))
595 | MetaId(tag,Ast.IdNoConstraint,_,_) ->
596 (Common.pr2
597 "warning: struct/union with a metavariable name detected.\n";
598 Common.pr2
599 "For type checking assuming the name of the metavariable is the name of the type\n";
600 TC.StructUnionName(structUnion su,
601 TC.MV(unwrap_mcode tag,TC.Unitary,false)))
602 | MetaId(tag,_,_,_) ->
603 (* would have to duplicate the type in
604 perhaps polymorphism would help? *)
605 failwith "constraints not supported on struct type name"
606 | _ -> failwith "unexpected struct/union type name")
607 | StructUnionName(su,None) -> failwith "nameless structure - what to do???"
608 | StructUnionDef(ty,_,_,_) -> ast0_type_to_type ty
609 | TypeName(name) -> TC.TypeName(unwrap_mcode name)
610 | MetaType(name,_) ->
611 TC.MetaType(unwrap_mcode name,TC.Unitary,false)
612 | DisjType(_,types,_,_) ->
613 Common.pr2_once
614 "disjtype not supported in smpl type inference, assuming unknown";
615 TC.Unknown
616 | OptType(ty) | UniqueType(ty) ->
617 ast0_type_to_type ty
619 and baseType = function
620 Ast.VoidType -> TC.VoidType
621 | Ast.CharType -> TC.CharType
622 | Ast.ShortType -> TC.ShortType
623 | Ast.IntType -> TC.IntType
624 | Ast.DoubleType -> TC.DoubleType
625 | Ast.FloatType -> TC.FloatType
626 | Ast.LongType -> TC.LongType
627 | Ast.LongLongType -> TC.LongLongType
628 | Ast.SizeType -> TC.SizeType
629 | Ast.SSizeType -> TC.SSizeType
630 | Ast.PtrDiffType -> TC.PtrDiffType
632 and structUnion t =
633 match unwrap_mcode t with
634 Ast.Struct -> TC.Struct
635 | Ast.Union -> TC.Union
637 and sign t =
638 match unwrap_mcode t with
639 Ast.Signed -> TC.Signed
640 | Ast.Unsigned -> TC.Unsigned
642 and const_vol t =
643 match unwrap_mcode t with
644 Ast.Const -> TC.Const
645 | Ast.Volatile -> TC.Volatile
647 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
648 (* this function is a rather minimal attempt. the problem is that information
649 has been lost. but since it is only used for metavariable types in the isos,
650 perhaps it doesn't matter *)
651 and make_mcode x = (x,NONE,default_info(),context_befaft(),ref [],-1)
652 let make_mcode_info x info = (x,NONE,info,context_befaft(),ref [],-1)
653 and make_minus_mcode x =
654 (x,NONE,default_info(),minus_befaft(),ref [],-1)
656 exception TyConv
658 let rec reverse_type ty =
659 match ty with
660 TC.ConstVol(cv,ty) ->
661 ConstVol(reverse_const_vol cv,context_wrap(reverse_type ty))
662 | TC.BaseType(bty) ->
663 BaseType(reverse_baseType bty,[(* not used *)])
664 | TC.SignedT(sgn,None) -> Signed(reverse_sign sgn,None)
665 | TC.SignedT(sgn,Some bty) ->
666 Signed(reverse_sign sgn,Some (context_wrap(reverse_type ty)))
667 | TC.Pointer(ty) ->
668 Pointer(context_wrap(reverse_type ty),make_mcode "*")
669 | TC.EnumName(TC.MV(name,_,_)) ->
670 EnumName
671 (make_mcode "enum",
672 Some (context_wrap(MetaId(make_mcode name,Ast.IdNoConstraint,Ast.NoVal,
673 Impure))))
674 | TC.EnumName(TC.Name tag) ->
675 EnumName(make_mcode "enum",Some(context_wrap(Id(make_mcode tag))))
676 | TC.StructUnionName(su,TC.MV(name,_,_)) ->
677 (* not right?... *)
678 StructUnionName
679 (reverse_structUnion su,
680 Some(context_wrap(MetaId(make_mcode name,Ast.IdNoConstraint,Ast.NoVal,
681 Impure(*not really right*)))))
682 | TC.StructUnionName(su,TC.Name tag) ->
683 StructUnionName
684 (reverse_structUnion su,
685 Some (context_wrap(Id(make_mcode tag))))
686 | TC.TypeName(name) -> TypeName(make_mcode name)
687 | TC.MetaType(name,_,_) ->
688 MetaType(make_mcode name,Impure(*not really right*))
689 | _ -> raise TyConv
691 and reverse_baseType = function
692 TC.VoidType -> Ast.VoidType
693 | TC.CharType -> Ast.CharType
694 | TC.BoolType -> Ast.IntType
695 | TC.ShortType -> Ast.ShortType
696 | TC.IntType -> Ast.IntType
697 | TC.DoubleType -> Ast.DoubleType
698 | TC.FloatType -> Ast.FloatType
699 | TC.LongType -> Ast.LongType
700 | TC.LongLongType -> Ast.LongLongType
701 | TC.SizeType -> Ast.SizeType
702 | TC.SSizeType -> Ast.SSizeType
703 | TC.PtrDiffType -> Ast.PtrDiffType
706 and reverse_structUnion t =
707 make_mcode
708 (match t with
709 TC.Struct -> Ast.Struct
710 | TC.Union -> Ast.Union)
712 and reverse_sign t =
713 make_mcode
714 (match t with
715 TC.Signed -> Ast.Signed
716 | TC.Unsigned -> Ast.Unsigned)
718 and reverse_const_vol t =
719 make_mcode
720 (match t with
721 TC.Const -> Ast.Const
722 | TC.Volatile -> Ast.Volatile)
724 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
726 let lub_pure x y =
727 match (x,y) with
728 (Impure,_) | (_,Impure) -> Impure
729 | (Pure,Context) | (Context,Pure) -> Impure
730 | (Pure,_) | (_,Pure) -> Pure
731 | (_,Context) | (Context,_) -> Context
732 | _ -> PureContext
734 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
736 let rule_name = ref "" (* for the convenience of the parser *)