Coccinelle release 1.0.0-rc3
[bpt/coccinelle.git] / parsing_c /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (C) 2010, University of Copenhagen DIKU and INRIA.
3 * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Julia Lawall
4 *
5 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
7 * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * file license.txt for more details.
13 *
14 * This file was part of Coccinelle.
15 *)
17 module Ast = Ast_cocci
18 module V = Visitor_ast
20 let error x s =
21 failwith
22 (Printf.sprintf "unparse_hrule: line: %d, %s" (Ast.get_line x) s)
24 let names = ref ([] : (string * int ref) list)
26 let started_files = ref ([] : (string * bool) list)
27 let typedefs = ref ([] : (string * string list ref) list)
28 let current_outfile = ref ""
30 let prefix = "_cocci_"
32 (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
33 (* Create rule to check for header include *)
35 let print_header_rule pr srcfile =
36 match Str.split (Str.regexp "/") srcfile with
37 [x] ->
38 pr "@header@\n@@\n\n#include \"";
39 pr x; pr "\"\n\n"; true
40 | l ->
41 let rec loop = function
42 [] -> false
43 | [x] ->
44 pr "@header@\n@@\n\n#include \"";
45 pr x; pr "\"\n\n"; true
46 | "include"::(x::xs) ->
47 pr "@header@\n@@\n\n#include <";
48 let x =
49 if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "asm-") x 0 then "asm" else x in
50 pr (String.concat "/" (x::xs));
51 pr ">\n\n"; true
52 | x::xs -> loop xs in
53 loop l
55 (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
56 (* Print check that we are not in the defining function *)
58 let print_check_rule pr function_name function_name_count header_req =
59 (if header_req
60 then pr (Printf.sprintf "@same_%s depends on header@\n" function_name_count)
61 else pr (Printf.sprintf "@same_%s@\n" function_name_count));
62 pr "position p;\n";
63 pr "@@\n\n";
64 pr function_name; pr "@p(...) { ... }\n\n"
66 (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
67 (* get parameters of the matched function *)
69 let rec env_lookup fn = function
70 [] -> failwith "no binding"
71 | (nm,vl)::rest when fn nm -> vl
72 | _::rest -> env_lookup fn rest
74 let get_paramst env =
75 let argname = ref ("","") in
76 let fn ((_,nm) as name) =
77 if nm = "ARGS"
78 then (argname := name; true)
79 else false in
80 match env_lookup fn env with
81 Ast_c.MetaParamListVal(paramst) -> (paramst,!argname)
82 | _ -> failwith "not possible"
84 let get_function_name rule env =
85 let donothing r k e = k e in
86 let option_default = [] in
87 let bind = Common.union_set in
88 let do_any_list_list r any_list_list =
89 List.fold_left
90 (List.fold_left
91 (function prev -> function cur ->
92 bind (r.V.combiner_anything cur) prev))
93 [] any_list_list in
94 let mcode r mc =
95 match Ast.get_mcodekind mc with
96 Ast.MINUS(_,_,_,any_list_list) ->
97 (match any_list_list with
99 | Ast.REPLACEMENT(any_list_list,_) ->
100 do_any_list_list r any_list_list)
101 | Ast.CONTEXT(_,any_befaft) ->
102 (match any_befaft with
103 Ast.BEFORE(any_list_list,_) | Ast.AFTER(any_list_list,_) ->
104 do_any_list_list r any_list_list
105 | Ast.BEFOREAFTER(ba,aa,_) ->
106 bind (do_any_list_list r ba) (do_any_list_list r aa)
107 | Ast.NOTHING -> [])
108 | Ast.PLUS _ -> [] in
109 let expression r k e =
110 bind (k e)
111 (match Ast.unwrap e with
112 Ast.FunCall(fn,lp,args,rp) ->
113 (match Ast.undots args with
114 [e] ->
115 (match Ast.unwrap e with
116 Ast.MetaExprList(nm,_,_,_) ->
117 (match (Ast.unwrap_mcode nm,Ast.get_mcodekind nm) with
118 ((_,"ARGS"), Ast.PLUS _) ->
119 (match Ast.unwrap fn with
120 Ast.Ident(id) ->
121 (match Ast.unwrap id with
122 Ast.MetaId(nm,_,_,_)
123 | Ast.MetaFunc(nm,_,_,_)
124 | Ast.MetaLocalFunc(nm,_,_,_) ->
125 [Ast.unwrap_mcode nm]
126 | _ -> [])
127 | _ -> [])
128 | _ -> [])
129 | _ -> [])
130 | _ -> [])
131 | _ -> []) in
132 let names =
133 (V.combiner bind option_default
134 mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode
135 donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing
136 donothing expression donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing
137 donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing).V.combiner_top_level
138 rule in
139 match names with
140 [name] ->
141 (match env_lookup (function nm -> nm = name) env with
142 Ast_c.MetaIdVal(s,_) | Ast_c.MetaFuncVal(s)
143 | Ast_c.MetaLocalFuncVal(s) -> s
144 | _ -> error rule "not possible")
145 | _ -> error rule "inconsistent rule generation"
147 (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
148 (* Print metavariable declarations *)
150 let rec print_typedef pr = function
151 (Ast_c.TypeName(name,_),_) ->
152 let s = Ast_c.str_of_name name in
153 let typedefs =
154 try List.assoc !current_outfile !typedefs
155 with Not_found ->
156 let td = ref [] in
157 typedefs := (!current_outfile,td)::!typedefs;
158 td in
159 if not (List.mem s !typedefs)
160 then (typedefs := s::!typedefs; pr "typedef "; pr s; pr ";\n")
161 | (Ast_c.Pointer(_,ty),_) -> print_typedef pr ty
162 | _ -> ()
164 let rewrap_str s ii =
165 {ii with Ast_c.pinfo =
166 (match ii.Ast_c.pinfo with
167 Ast_c.OriginTok pi ->
168 Ast_c.OriginTok { pi with Common.str = s;}
169 | Ast_c.ExpandedTok (pi,vpi) ->
170 Ast_c.ExpandedTok ({ pi with Common.str = s;},vpi)
171 | Ast_c.FakeTok (_,vpi) -> Ast_c.FakeTok (s,vpi)
172 | Ast_c.AbstractLineTok pi ->
173 Ast_c.AbstractLineTok { pi with Common.str = s;})}
175 let rewrap_prefix_name prefix name =
176 match name with
177 | Ast_c.RegularName (s, iiname) ->
178 let iis = Common.tuple_of_list1 iiname in
179 let iis' = rewrap_str (prefix^s) iis in
180 Ast_c.RegularName (prefix ^ s, [iis'])
181 | Ast_c.CppConcatenatedName _ | Ast_c.CppVariadicName _
182 | Ast_c.CppIdentBuilder _
183 -> raise Common.Todo
186 let print_metavar pr = function
187 | {Ast_c.p_namei = Some name;
188 p_type = (_,(Ast_c.Pointer(_,(Ast_c.BaseType(Ast_c.Void),_)),_));
189 }
190 ->
191 let param = Ast_c.str_of_name name in
192 pr ("expression "^prefix); pr param
193 | ({Ast_c.p_namei = Some name; p_type = (_,ty)} : Ast_c.parameterType) ->
195 let name' = rewrap_prefix_name prefix name in
197 print_typedef pr ty;
199 Pretty_print_c.pp_param_gen
200 (function x ->
201 let str = Ast_c.str_of_info x in
202 if not (List.mem str ["const";"volatile"])
203 then pr str)
204 (function _ -> pr " ")
205 {Ast_c.p_register = (false,[]);
206 p_namei = Some name';
207 p_type = (({Ast_c.const = false; Ast_c.volatile = false},[]),ty)
208 }
209 | _ -> failwith "function must have named parameters"
211 let make_exp = function
212 ({Ast_c.p_namei = Some name; p_type = ty}, comma_ii) ->
213 let no_info = (None,Ast_c.NotTest) in
215 let name' = rewrap_prefix_name prefix name in
217 let exp =
218 ((Ast_c.Ident (name'),ref no_info),Ast_c.noii) in
219 (name,(Common.Left exp,comma_ii))
220 | _ -> failwith "bad parameter"
222 let print_extra_typedefs pr env =
223 let bigf =
224 { Visitor_c.default_visitor_c with
225 Visitor_c.ktype = (fun (k, bigf) ty ->
226 match ty with
227 (_,((Ast_c.TypeName(_,_),_) as ty)) -> print_typedef pr ty
228 | _ -> k ty) } in
229 List.iter
230 (function (_,vl) ->
231 match vl with
232 Ast_c.MetaIdVal(_) | Ast_c.MetaFuncVal(_)
233 | Ast_c.MetaLocalFuncVal(_) -> ()
234 | Ast_c.MetaExprVal(exp,_) -> Visitor_c.vk_expr bigf exp
235 | Ast_c.MetaExprListVal(args) -> Visitor_c.vk_argument_list bigf args
236 | Ast_c.MetaParamVal(param) -> Visitor_c.vk_param bigf param
237 | Ast_c.MetaParamListVal(params) -> Visitor_c.vk_param_list bigf params
239 | Ast_c.MetaTypeVal(ty) -> Visitor_c.vk_type bigf ty
240 | Ast_c.MetaInitVal(ty) -> Visitor_c.vk_ini bigf ty
241 | Ast_c.MetaInitListVal(ty) -> Visitor_c.vk_ini_list bigf ty
242 | Ast_c.MetaDeclVal(decl) -> Visitor_c.vk_decl bigf decl
243 | Ast_c.MetaFieldVal(field) -> Visitor_c.vk_struct_field bigf field
244 | Ast_c.MetaFieldListVal(fields) -> Visitor_c.vk_struct_fields bigf fields
245 | Ast_c.MetaStmtVal(stm) -> Visitor_c.vk_statement bigf stm
246 | Ast_c.MetaPosVal _ | Ast_c.MetaPosValList _
247 | Ast_c.MetaListlenVal _ -> ())
248 env
250 let rename argids env =
251 let argenv = (function name ->
252 let arg = Ast_c.str_of_name name in
253 (arg,prefix^arg)
254 ) argids in
255 let lookup x = try List.assoc x argenv with Not_found -> x in
256 let bigf =
257 { Visitor_c.default_visitor_c_s with
258 Visitor_c.kexpr_s = (fun (k,bigf) e ->
259 match e with
260 ((Ast_c.Ident (name), info), []) ->
262 (* pad: assert is_regular_ident ? *)
263 let s = Ast_c.str_of_name name in
264 let ii = Ast_c.info_of_name name in
265 let new_name = lookup s in
266 let new_id = Ast_c.RegularName (new_name, [rewrap_str new_name ii]) in
267 ((Ast_c.Ident (new_id), info), Ast_c.noii)
268 | _ -> k e) } in
270 (function (x,vl) ->
271 (x,
272 match vl with
273 Ast_c.MetaIdVal(_) | Ast_c.MetaFuncVal(_)
274 | Ast_c.MetaLocalFuncVal(_) -> vl
275 | Ast_c.MetaExprVal(exp,c) ->
276 Ast_c.MetaExprVal(Visitor_c.vk_expr_s bigf exp,c)
277 | Ast_c.MetaExprListVal(args) ->
278 Ast_c.MetaExprListVal(Visitor_c.vk_arguments_s bigf args)
279 | Ast_c.MetaParamVal(param) ->
280 Ast_c.MetaParamVal(Visitor_c.vk_param_s bigf param)
281 | Ast_c.MetaParamListVal(params) ->
282 Ast_c.MetaParamListVal(Visitor_c.vk_params_s bigf params)
284 | Ast_c.MetaTypeVal(ty) ->
285 Ast_c.MetaTypeVal(Visitor_c.vk_type_s bigf ty)
286 | Ast_c.MetaInitVal(ini) ->
287 Ast_c.MetaInitVal(Visitor_c.vk_ini_s bigf ini)
288 | Ast_c.MetaInitListVal(ini) ->
289 Ast_c.MetaInitListVal(Visitor_c.vk_inis_s bigf ini)
290 | Ast_c.MetaDeclVal(stm) ->
291 Ast_c.MetaDeclVal(Visitor_c.vk_decl_s bigf stm)
292 | Ast_c.MetaFieldVal(stm) ->
293 Ast_c.MetaFieldVal(Visitor_c.vk_struct_field_s bigf stm)
294 | Ast_c.MetaFieldListVal(stm) ->
295 Ast_c.MetaFieldListVal(Visitor_c.vk_struct_fields_s bigf stm)
296 | Ast_c.MetaStmtVal(stm) ->
297 Ast_c.MetaStmtVal(Visitor_c.vk_statement_s bigf stm)
298 | Ast_c.MetaPosVal _ | Ast_c.MetaPosValList _
299 | Ast_c.MetaListlenVal _ -> vl))
300 env
302 let print_one_type pr env = function
303 (Type_cocci.MetaType(name,keep,inherited)) as ty ->
304 (try
305 match List.assoc name env with
306 Ast_c.MetaTypeVal ty ->
307 Pretty_print_c.pp_type_gen
308 (function x -> pr (Ast_c.str_of_info x))
309 (function _ -> pr " ")
310 ty
311 | _ -> failwith "impossible"
312 with Not_found -> pr (Type_cocci.type2c ty))
313 | ty -> pr (Type_cocci.type2c ty)
315 let print_types pr env = function
316 None -> ()
317 | Some [ty] -> print_one_type pr env ty
318 | Some types ->
319 pr "{";
320 Common.print_between (function _ -> pr ", ") (print_one_type pr env)
321 types;
322 pr "}"
324 let pp_len pr len =
325 let pp_name (_,n) = pr n in
326 match len with
327 Ast.AnyLen -> ()
328 | Ast.MetaLen len -> pr "["; pp_name len; pr "]"
329 | Ast.CstLen len -> pr "["; pr (string_of_int len); pr "]"
331 let pp_meta_decl pr env decl =
332 let no_arity = function Ast.NONE -> () | _ -> failwith "no arity allowed" in
333 let pp_name (_,n) = pr n in
334 match decl with
335 Ast.MetaMetaDecl(ar, name) ->
336 (* ignore virtual *)
337 no_arity ar; pr "metavariable "; pp_name name; pr ";\n"
338 | Ast.MetaIdDecl(ar, name) ->
339 (* ignore virtual *)
340 no_arity ar; pr "identifier "; pp_name name; pr ";\n"
341 | Ast.MetaFreshIdDecl(name, Ast.NoVal) ->
342 pr "fresh identifier "; pp_name name; pr ";\n"
343 | Ast.MetaFreshIdDecl(name, Ast.StringSeed x) ->
344 pr "fresh identifier "; pp_name name; pr " = \""; pr x; pr "\";\n"
345 | Ast.MetaFreshIdDecl(name, Ast.ListSeed x) ->
346 failwith "unparse_hrule: not supported"
347 | Ast.MetaTypeDecl(ar, name) ->
348 no_arity ar; pr "type "; pp_name name; pr ";\n"
349 | Ast.MetaInitDecl(ar, name) ->
350 no_arity ar; pr "initialiser "; pp_name name; pr ";\n"
351 | Ast.MetaInitListDecl(ar, name, len) ->
352 no_arity ar; pr "initialiser list "; pp_name name; pp_len pr len; pr ";\n"
353 | Ast.MetaListlenDecl(name) -> ()
354 | Ast.MetaParamDecl(ar, name) ->
355 no_arity ar; pr "parameter "; pp_name name; pr ";\n"
356 | Ast.MetaParamListDecl(ar, name, len) ->
357 no_arity ar; pr "parameter list "; pp_name name; pp_len pr len; pr ";\n"
358 | Ast.MetaConstDecl(ar, name, types) ->
359 no_arity ar; pr "constant "; print_types pr env types;
360 pp_name name; pr ";\n"
361 | Ast.MetaErrDecl(ar, name) ->
362 no_arity ar; pr "error "; pp_name name; pr ";\n"
363 | Ast.MetaExpDecl(ar, name, None) ->
364 no_arity ar; pr "expression "; pp_name name; pr ";\n"
365 | Ast.MetaExpDecl(ar, name, types) ->
366 no_arity ar; print_types pr env types; pp_name name; pr ";\n"
367 | Ast.MetaIdExpDecl(ar, name, types) ->
368 no_arity ar; pr "idexpression ";
369 print_types pr env types; pp_name name; pr ";\n"
370 | Ast.MetaLocalIdExpDecl(ar, name, types) ->
371 no_arity ar; pr "local idexpression ";
372 print_types pr env types; pp_name name; pr ";\n"
373 | Ast.MetaExpListDecl(ar, name, len) ->
374 no_arity ar; pr "parameter list "; pp_name name; pp_len pr len; pr ";\n"
375 | Ast.MetaDeclDecl(ar, name) ->
376 no_arity ar; pr "declaration "; pp_name name; pr ";\n"
377 | Ast.MetaFieldDecl(ar, name) ->
378 no_arity ar; pr "field "; pp_name name; pr ";\n"
379 | Ast.MetaFieldListDecl(ar, name, len) ->
380 no_arity ar; pr "field list "; pp_name name; pp_len pr len; pr ";\n"
381 | Ast.MetaStmDecl(ar, name) ->
382 no_arity ar; pr "statement "; pp_name name; pr ";\n"
383 | Ast.MetaStmListDecl(ar, name) ->
384 no_arity ar; pr "statement list "; pp_name name; pr ";\n"
385 | Ast.MetaFuncDecl(ar, name) ->
386 no_arity ar; pr "function "; pp_name name; pr ";\n"
387 | Ast.MetaLocalFuncDecl(ar, name) ->
388 no_arity ar; pr "local function "; pp_name name; pr ";\n"
389 | Ast.MetaPosDecl(ar, name) ->
390 no_arity ar; pr "position "; pp_name name; pr ";\n"
391 | Ast.MetaDeclarerDecl(ar, name) ->
392 no_arity ar; pr "declarer "; pp_name name; pr ";\n"
393 | Ast.MetaIteratorDecl(ar, name) ->
394 no_arity ar; pr "iterator "; pp_name name; pr ";\n"
396 let print_metavariables pr local_metas paramst env header_req function_name =
397 (if header_req
398 then pr "@depends on header@\n"
399 else pr "@@\n");
400 pr (Printf.sprintf "position _p!=same_%s.p;\n" function_name);
401 pr "identifier _f;\n";
402 let rec loop = function
403 [] | [{Ast_c.p_type =(_,(Ast_c.BaseType(Ast_c.Void),_))},_] -> []
404 | ((first,_) as f)::rest ->
405 print_metavar pr first; pr ";\n";
406 (make_exp f) :: loop rest in
407 let args = loop paramst in
408 print_extra_typedefs pr env;
409 List.iter (pp_meta_decl pr env) local_metas;
410 pr "@@\n\n";
411 args
413 (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
414 (* print_start/end *)
416 let print_start pr =
417 pr "_f@_p(...) { <+...\n"
419 let print_end pr =
420 pr "\n...+> }\n"
422 (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
423 (* Print call to the defined function *)
425 let print_param_name pr = function
426 {Ast_c.p_namei = Some name} -> pr (Ast_c.str_of_name name)
427 | _ -> failwith "function must have named parameters"
429 let pp_def_gen pr defn isexp =
430 let {Ast_c.f_name = name; f_type = (_, (paramst, (b, iib))); } = defn in
431 pr (Ast_c.str_of_name name); pr "(";
432 (if b then failwith "not handling variable argument functions");
433 (match paramst with
434 [] | [{Ast_c.p_type = (_,(Ast_c.BaseType(Ast_c.Void),_))},_] -> ()
435 | (first,_)::rest ->
436 print_param_name pr first;
437 List.iter (function (x,_) -> pr ", "; print_param_name pr x) rest);
438 pr ")"; if not isexp then pr ";"
440 (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
441 (* Entry point *)
443 let pp_rule local_metas ast env srcfile =
444 let (paramst,args_name) = get_paramst env in
445 (* get rule information *)
446 let (rule,printable) =
447 match ast with
448 Ast.CocciRule(_,_,[body],_,_) -> (* could extend to use attributes *)
449 (body,
450 match Ast.unwrap body with
451 Ast.NONDECL(s) -> [[Ast.StatementTag s]]
452 | Ast.CODE(ss) -> [[Ast.StmtDotsTag ss]]
453 | _ -> error body "bad rule body")
454 | _ -> failwith "bad rule" in
455 (* create the output file *)
456 let outdir =
457 match !Flag.make_hrule with
458 Some outdir -> outdir
459 | None -> error rule "not possible" in
460 let function_name = get_function_name rule env in
461 let function_name_count =
462 try
463 let cell = List.assoc function_name !names in
464 let ct = !cell in
465 cell := ct + 1;
466 function_name ^ (string_of_int ct)
467 with Not_found ->
468 let cell = ref 1 in
469 names := (function_name,cell) :: !names;
470 function_name in
471 let outfile = outdir ^ "/" ^
472 (if !Flag.hrule_per_file
473 then Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename srcfile)
474 else function_name_count) in
475 let escape_re = Str.regexp_string "/" in
476 let dir = if !Flag.dir = "" then Filename.dirname srcfile else !Flag.dir in
477 let outdirfile = Str.global_replace escape_re "_"dir in
478 let outfile = outfile ^ outdirfile ^ ".cocci" in
479 let saved_header_req =
480 try let res = List.assoc outfile !started_files in Some res
481 with Not_found -> None in
482 current_outfile := outfile;
483 Common.with_open_outfile_append outfile (fun (pr,chan) ->
484 let header_req =
485 match saved_header_req with
486 Some x -> x
487 | None ->
488 let res = print_header_rule pr srcfile in
489 started_files := (outfile,res)::!started_files;
490 res in
491 print_check_rule pr function_name function_name_count header_req;
492 let args =
493 print_metavariables pr local_metas paramst env header_req
494 function_name_count in
495 let (argids,args) = List.split args in
496 let env = rename argids env in
497 let env = (args_name,Ast_c.MetaExprListVal args)::env in
498 print_start pr;
499 (* for printing C tokens *)
500 let pr_c info =
501 match Ast_c.pinfo_of_info info with
502 Ast_c.AbstractLineTok _ -> pr (Ast_c.str_of_info info)
503 | Ast_c.FakeTok (s,_) -> pr s
504 | _ ->
505 Printf.printf "line: %s\n" (Common.dump info);
506 error rule "not an abstract line" in
507 let pr_space _ = pr " " in
508 Unparse_cocci.pp_list_list_any
509 ([env], (fun s _ _ _ _ -> pr s), pr_c, pr_space, pr_space, pr,
510 (fun _ _ -> ()), (function _ -> ()), (function _ -> ()))
511 true printable Unparse_cocci.InPlace;
512 print_end pr;
513 pr "\n")