Release coccinelle-0.1.2
[bpt/coccinelle.git] / parsing_c /
1 module TH = Token_helpers
3 let names = ref ([] : (string * int ref) list)
5 (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
6 (* drop tokens representing the function header and the final close brace *)
8 let drop_header_toks toks_e =
9 let remove t =
10 if not (TH.is_comment_or_space t)
11 then
12 (TH.info_of_tok t).Ast_c.cocci_tag :=
13 (Ast_cocci.MINUS(Ast_cocci.DontCarePos,[]),[]) in
14 let rec drop_up_to_brace = function
15 [] -> ()
16 | ((Parser_c.TOBrace _) as t) :: _ -> remove t
17 | x :: rest -> remove x; drop_up_to_brace rest in
18 let drop_final_brace toks =
19 match List.rev toks with
20 ((Parser_c.TCBrace _) as t) :: _ -> remove t
21 | _ -> failwith "unexpected end of function" in
22 drop_up_to_brace toks_e;
23 drop_final_brace toks_e
25 (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
26 (* remove coments from tokens *)
28 let strip_comments toks =
29 let toks = List.filter (function x -> not (TH.is_just_comment x)) toks in
30 List.iter
31 (function t ->
32 (TH.info_of_tok t).Ast_c.comments_tag :=
33 {Ast_c.mbefore = []; Ast_c.mafter = [];})
34 toks;
35 toks
37 (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
38 (* Create rule to check for header include *)
40 let print_header_rule pr srcfile =
41 match Str.split (Str.regexp "/") srcfile with
42 [x] ->
43 pr "@header@\n@@\n\n#include \""; pr x; pr "\"\n\n"; true
44 | l ->
45 let rec loop = function
46 [] -> false
47 | [x] ->
48 pr "@header@\n@@\n\n#include \""; pr x; pr "\"\n\n"; true
49 | "include"::(x::xs) ->
50 pr "@header@\n@@\n\n#include <";
51 let x =
52 if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "asm-") x 0 then "asm" else x in
53 pr (String.concat "/" (x::xs));
54 pr ">\n\n"; true
55 | x::xs -> loop xs in
56 loop l
58 (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
59 (* Print metavariable declarations *)
61 let rec print_typedef typedefs pr = function
62 (Ast_c.TypeName(s,_),_) ->
63 if not (List.mem s !typedefs)
64 then (typedefs := s::!typedefs; pr "typedef "; pr s; pr ";\n")
65 | (Ast_c.Pointer(_,ty),_) -> print_typedef typedefs pr ty
66 | _ -> ()
68 let print_metavar pr typedefs = function
69 ((_,Some param,(_,(Ast_c.Pointer(_,(Ast_c.BaseType(Ast_c.Void),_)),_))),_)
70 ->
71 pr "expression "; pr param
72 | (((_,Some param,(_,ty)),il) : Ast_c.parameterType) ->
73 print_typedef typedefs pr ty;
74 Pretty_print_c.pp_param_gen
75 (function x ->
76 let str = Ast_c.str_of_info x in
77 if not (List.mem str ["const";"volatile"])
78 then (pr str; pr " "))
79 (function _ -> pr " ")
80 ((false,Some param,
81 (({Ast_c.const = false; Ast_c.volatile = false},[]),ty)),
82 il)
83 | _ -> failwith "function must have named parameters"
85 let print_metavariables pr defn header_req =
86 let {Ast_c.f_name = s; f_type = (_, (paramst, (b, iib))); } = defn in
87 (if header_req
88 then pr "@depends on header@\n"
89 else pr "@@\n");
90 (if b then failwith "not handling variable argument functions");
91 let typedefs = ref ([] : string list) in
92 (match paramst with
93 [] | [(((_,_,(_,(Ast_c.BaseType(Ast_c.Void),_))),_),_)] -> ()
94 | (first,_)::rest ->
95 print_metavar pr typedefs first; pr ";\n";
96 List.iter (function (x,_) -> print_metavar pr typedefs x; pr ";\n")
97 rest);
98 pr "@@\n\n"
100 (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
101 (* copy a file, adding - at the beginning of every line *)
103 let minus_file pr file =
104 Common.with_open_infile file (function chan ->
105 let rec loop _ =
106 let l = input_line chan in
107 pr "- "; pr l; pr "\n";
108 loop() in
109 try loop() with End_of_file -> ())
111 (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
112 (* Print call to the defined function *)
114 let print_param_name pr = function
115 ((_,Some param,_),_) -> pr param
116 | _ -> failwith "function must have named parameters"
118 let pp_def_gen pr defn isexp =
119 let {Ast_c.f_name = s; f_type = (_, (paramst, (b, iib))); } = defn in
120 pr s; pr "(";
121 (if b then failwith "not handling variable argument functions");
122 (match paramst with
123 [] | [(((_,_,(_,(Ast_c.BaseType(Ast_c.Void),_))),_),_)] -> ()
124 | (first,_)::rest ->
125 print_param_name pr first;
126 List.iter (function (x,_) -> pr ", "; print_param_name pr x) rest);
127 pr ")"; if not isexp then pr ";"
129 (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
130 (* Entry point *)
132 let pp_program (e,(str, toks_e)) outdir srcfile isexp =
133 match e with
134 Ast_c.Definition(({Ast_c.f_name = name;} as defn),_) ->
135 (* generate the - code *)
136 drop_header_toks toks_e;
137 let toks_e = strip_comments toks_e in
138 let tmp_file = Common.new_temp_file "cocci_small_output" ".c" in
139 Unparse_c.pp_program [((e,(str, toks_e)), Unparse_c.PPnormal)]
140 tmp_file;
141 let outfile = outdir ^ "/" ^ name in
142 let outfile =
143 try
144 let cell = List.assoc outfile !names in
145 let ct = !cell in
146 cell := ct + 1;
147 outfile ^ (string_of_int ct)
148 with Not_found ->
149 let cell = ref 1 in names := (outfile,cell) :: !names; outfile in
150 let outfile = outfile ^ ".cocci" in
151 Common.with_open_outfile outfile (fun (pr,chan) ->
152 let header_req = print_header_rule pr srcfile in
153 print_metavariables pr defn header_req;
154 minus_file pr tmp_file;
155 pr "+ ";
156 pp_def_gen pr defn isexp;
157 pr "\n")
158 | _ -> Common.pr2_once "warning: function expected"; ()