[bpt/coccinelle.git] / ctl / wrapper_ctl.ml
1 (*
2 * Copyright 2005-2010, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen
3 * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
4 * This file is part of Coccinelle.
5 *
6 * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License.
9 *
10 * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 * along with Coccinelle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 *
18 * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of
19 * Coccinelle under other licenses.
20 *)
23 (* **********************************************************************
24 *
25 * Wrapping for FUNCTORS and MODULES
26 *
27 *
28 * $Id: wrapper_ctl.ml,v 1.68 2010/01/28 14:23:46 npalix Exp $
29 *
30 * **********************************************************************)
32 type info = int
34 type ('pred, 'mvar) wrapped_ctl =
35 ('pred * 'mvar Ast_ctl.modif, 'mvar, info) Ast_ctl.generic_ctl
37 type ('value, 'pred) wrapped_binding =
38 | ClassicVal of 'value
39 | PredVal of 'pred Ast_ctl.modif
41 type ('pred,'state,'mvar,'value) labelfunc =
42 'pred ->
43 ('state * ('pred * ('mvar, 'value) Ast_ctl.generic_substitution)) list
45 (* pad: what is 'wit ? *)
46 type ('pred,'state,'mvar,'value,'wit) wrapped_labelfunc =
47 ('pred * 'mvar Ast_ctl.modif) ->
48 ('state *
49 ('mvar,('value,'pred) wrapped_binding) Ast_ctl.generic_substitution *
50 'wit
51 ) list
53 (* ********************************************************************** *)
54 (* Module type: CTL_ENGINE_BIS (wrapper for CTL_ENGINE) *)
55 (* ********************************************************************** *)
57 (* This module must convert the labelling function passed as parameter, by
58 using convert_label. Then create a SUBST2 module handling the
59 wrapped_binding. Then it can instantiates the generic CTL_ENGINE
60 module. Call sat. And then process the witness tree to remove all that
61 is not revelevant for the transformation phase.
62 *)
64 module CTL_ENGINE_BIS =
65 functor (SUB : Ctl_engine.SUBST) ->
66 functor (G : Ctl_engine.GRAPH) ->
67 functor(P : Ctl_engine.PREDICATE) ->
68 struct
70 exception TODO_CTL of string (* implementation still not quite done so... *)
71 exception NEVER_CTL of string (* Some things should never happen *)
73 module A = Ast_ctl
75 type predicate = P.t
76 module WRAPPER_ENV =
77 struct
78 type mvar = SUB.mvar
79 type value = (SUB.value,predicate) wrapped_binding
80 let eq_mvar = SUB.eq_mvar
81 let eq_val wv1 wv2 =
82 match (wv1,wv2) with
83 | (ClassicVal(v1),ClassicVal(v2)) -> SUB.eq_val v1 v2
84 | (PredVal(v1),PredVal(v2)) -> v1 = v2 (* FIX ME: ok? *)
85 | _ -> false
86 let merge_val wv1 wv2 =
87 match (wv1,wv2) with
88 | (ClassicVal(v1),ClassicVal(v2)) -> ClassicVal(SUB.merge_val v1 v2)
89 | _ -> wv1 (* FIX ME: ok? *)
92 let print_mvar x = SUB.print_mvar x
93 let print_value x =
94 match x with
95 ClassicVal v -> SUB.print_value v
96 | PredVal(A.Modif v) -> P.print_predicate v
97 | PredVal(A.UnModif v) -> P.print_predicate v
98 | PredVal(A.Control) -> Format.print_string "no value"
99 end
101 module WRAPPER_PRED =
102 struct
103 type t = P.t * SUB.mvar Ast_ctl.modif
104 let print_predicate (pred, modif) =
105 begin
106 P.print_predicate pred;
107 (match modif with
108 Ast_ctl.Modif x | Ast_ctl.UnModif x ->
109 Format.print_string " with <modifTODO>"
110 | Ast_ctl.Control -> ())
111 end
112 end
114 (* Instantiate a wrapped version of CTL_ENGINE *)
115 module WRAPPER_ENGINE =
118 (* Wrap a label function *)
119 let (wrap_label: ('pred,'state,'mvar,'value) labelfunc ->
120 ('pred,'state,'mvar,'value,'wit) wrapped_labelfunc) =
121 fun oldlabelfunc ->
122 fun (p, predvar) ->
124 let penv p' =
125 match predvar with
126 | A.Modif(x) -> [A.Subst(x,PredVal(A.Modif(p')))]
127 | A.UnModif(x) -> [A.Subst(x,PredVal(A.UnModif(p')))]
128 | A.Control -> [] in
130 let conv_sub sub =
131 match sub with
132 | A.Subst(x,v) -> A.Subst(x,ClassicVal(v))
133 | A.NegSubst(x,v) -> A.NegSubst(x,ClassicVal(v)) in
135 let conv_trip (s,(p',env)) =
136 (s,penv p' @ (List.map conv_sub env),[](*pad: ?*))
137 in
138 List.map conv_trip (oldlabelfunc p)
140 (* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *)
142 (* FIX ME: what about negative witnesses and negative substitutions *)
143 let unwrap_wits modifonly wits =
144 let mkth th =
145 Common.map_filter
146 (function A.Subst(x,ClassicVal(v)) -> Some (x,v) | _ -> None)
147 th in
148 let rec loop neg acc = function
149 A.Wit(st,[A.Subst(x,PredVal(A.Modif(v)))],anno,wit) ->
150 (match wit with
151 [] -> [(st,acc,v)]
152 | _ -> raise (NEVER_CTL "predvar tree should have no children"))
153 | A.Wit(st,[A.Subst(x,PredVal(A.UnModif(v)))],anno,wit)
154 when not modifonly or !Flag.track_iso_usage ->
155 (match wit with
156 [] -> [(st,acc,v)]
157 | _ -> raise (NEVER_CTL "predvar tree should have no children"))
158 | A.Wit(st,th,anno,wit) ->
159 List.concat (List.map (loop neg ((mkth th) @ acc)) wit)
160 | A.NegWit(_) -> [] (* why not failure? *) in
161 List.concat (List.map (function wit -> loop false [] wit) wits)
162 ;;
164 (*
165 (* a match can return many trees, but within each tree, there has to be
166 at most one value for each variable that is in the used_after list *)
167 let collect_used_after used_after envs =
168 let print_var var = SUB.print_mvar var; Format.print_flush() in
169 List.concat
170 (List.map
171 (function used_after_var ->
172 let vl =
173 List.fold_left
174 (function rest ->
175 function env ->
176 try
177 let vl = List.assoc used_after_var env in
178 match rest with
179 None -> Some vl
180 | Some old_vl when SUB.eq_val vl old_vl -> rest
181 | Some old_vl -> print_var used_after_var;
182 Format.print_newline();
183 SUB.print_value old_vl;
184 Format.print_newline();
185 SUB.print_value vl;
186 Format.print_newline();
187 failwith "incompatible values"
188 with Not_found -> rest)
189 None envs in
190 match vl with
191 None -> []
192 | Some vl -> [(used_after_var, vl)])
193 used_after)
194 *)
196 (* a match can return many trees, but within each tree, there has to be
197 at most one value for each variable that is in the used_after list *)
198 (* actually, this should always be the case, because these variables
199 should be quantified at the top level. so the more complicated
200 definition above should not be needed. *)
201 let collect_used_after used_after envs =
202 List.concat
203 (List.map
204 (function used_after_var ->
205 let vl =
206 List.fold_left
207 (function rest ->
208 function env ->
209 try
210 let vl = List.assoc used_after_var env in
211 if List.exists (function x -> SUB.eq_val x vl) rest
212 then rest
213 else vl::rest
214 with Not_found -> rest)
215 [] envs in
216 List.map (function x -> (used_after_var, x)) vl)
217 used_after)
219 (* ----------------------------------------------------- *)
221 (* The wrapper for sat from the CTL_ENGINE *)
222 let satbis_noclean (grp,lab,states) (phi,reqopt) :
223 ('pred,'anno) WRAPPER_ENGINE.triples =
224 WRAPPER_ENGINE.sat (grp,wrap_label lab,states) phi reqopt
226 (* Returns the "cleaned up" result from satbis_noclean *)
227 let (satbis :
228 G.cfg *
229 (predicate,G.node,SUB.mvar,SUB.value) labelfunc *
230 G.node list ->
231 ((predicate,SUB.mvar) wrapped_ctl *
232 (WRAPPER_PRED.t list list)) ->
233 (WRAPPER_ENV.mvar list * (SUB.mvar * SUB.value) list) ->
234 ((WRAPPER_PRED.t, 'a) WRAPPER_ENGINE.triples *
235 ((G.node * (SUB.mvar * SUB.value) list * predicate)
236 list list *
237 bool *
238 (WRAPPER_ENV.mvar * SUB.value) list list))) =
239 fun m phi (used_after, binding) ->
240 let noclean = satbis_noclean m phi in
241 let witness_trees = List.map (fun (_,_,w) -> w) noclean in
242 let res = List.map (unwrap_wits true) witness_trees in
243 let new_bindings =
244 List.map
245 (function bindings_per_witness_tree ->
246 (List.map (function (_,env,_) -> env) bindings_per_witness_tree))
247 (List.map (unwrap_wits false) witness_trees) in
248 (noclean,
249 (res,not(noclean = []),
250 (* throw in the old binding. By construction it doesn't conflict
251 with any of the new things, and it is useful if there are no new
252 things. *)
253 (List.map (collect_used_after used_after) new_bindings)))
255 let print_bench _ = WRAPPER_ENGINE.print_bench()
258 end