(* HCoop Domtool (http://hcoop.sourceforge.net/) * Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Adam Chlipala * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *) (* Domtool configuration language type checking *) structure Tycheck :> TYCHECK = struct open Ast Print Env structure SM = StringMap val externFlag = ref false fun allowExterns () = externFlag := true fun disallowExterns () = externFlag := false local val unifCount = ref 0 in fun resetUnif () = unifCount := 0 fun newUnif () = let val c = !unifCount val name = if c < 26 then str (chr (ord #"A" + c)) else "UNIF" ^ Int.toString (c - 26) in unifCount := c + 1; TUnif (name, ref NONE) end end fun predImplies (p1All as (p1, _), p2All as (p2, _)) = case (p1, p2) of (_, CAnd (p1, p2)) => predImplies (p1All, p1) andalso predImplies (p1All, p2) | (CAnd (p1, p2), _) => predImplies (p1, p2All) orelse predImplies (p2, p2All) | (_, CPrefix (CRoot, _)) => true | (CNot (CPrefix (CRoot, _), _), _) => true | (CRoot, CRoot) => true | (CConst s1, CConst s2) => s1 = s2 | (CPrefix p1, CPrefix p2) => predImplies (p1, p2) | (_, CPrefix p2) => predImplies (p1All, p2) | (CNot p1, CNot p2) => predImplies (p2, p1) | (CRoot, CNot (CConst _, _)) => true | (CConst s1, CNot (CConst s2, _)) => s1 <> s2 | _ => false fun predSimpl (pAll as (p, loc)) = case p of CRoot => pAll | CConst _ => pAll | CPrefix p => (CPrefix (predSimpl p), loc) | CNot p => (CNot (predSimpl p), loc) | CAnd (p1, p2) => let val p1' = predSimpl p1 val p2' = predSimpl p2 in case p1' of (CAnd (c1, c2), _) => predSimpl (CAnd (c1, (CAnd (c2, p2'), loc)), loc) | _ => if predImplies (p2', p1') then p2' else if predImplies (p1', p2') then p1' else (CAnd (p1', p2'), loc) end fun subPred (p1, p2) = if predImplies (p1, p2) then () else raise (Unify (UnifyPred (p1, p2))) fun subRecord f (r1, r2) = SM.appi (fn (k, v2) => case SM.find (r1, k) of NONE => raise Describe.UnequalDomains | SOME v1 => f (v1, v2)) r2 fun occurs u (t, _) = case t of TBase _ => false | TList t => occurs u t | TArrow (d, r) => occurs u d orelse occurs u r | TAction (_, d, r) => List.exists (occurs u) (SM.listItems d) orelse List.exists (occurs u) (SM.listItems r) | TNested (_, t) => occurs u t | TError => false | TUnif (_, ref (SOME t)) => occurs u t | TUnif (_, u') => u = u' fun subTyp (t1All as (t1, _), t2All as (t2, _)) = case (t1, t2) of (TBase s1, TBase s2) => if s1 = s2 then () else raise Unify (UnifyTyp (t1All, t2All)) | (TList t1, TList t2) => subTyp (t1, t2) | (TArrow (d1, r1), TArrow (d2, r2)) => (subTyp (d2, d1); subTyp (r1, r2)) | (TAction (p1, d1, r1), TAction (p2, d2, r2)) => ((subPred (p2, p1); subRecord subTyp (d2, d1); subRecord subTyp (r1, r2); subRecord subTyp (r2, r1)) handle UnequalDomains => raise Unify (UnifyTyp (t1All, t2All))) | (TNested (d1, r1), TNested (d2, r2)) => (subPred (d2, d1); subTyp (r1, r2)) | (TUnif (_, ref (SOME t1)), _) => subTyp (t1, t2All) | (_, TUnif (_, ref (SOME t2))) => subTyp (t1All, t2) | (TUnif (_, r1), TUnif (_, r2)) => if r1 = r2 then () else r1 := SOME t2All | (TUnif (name, r), _) => if occurs r t2All then raise (Unify (UnifyOccurs (name, t2All))) else r := SOME t2All | (_, TUnif (name, r)) => if occurs r t1All then raise (Unify (UnifyOccurs (name, t1All))) else r := SOME t1All | (TError, _) => () | (_, TError) => () | _ => raise Unify (UnifyTyp (t1All, t2All)) fun isError t = case t of (TError, _) => true | _ => false fun whnorm (tAll as (t, loc)) = case t of TUnif (_, ref (SOME tAll)) => whnorm tAll | _ => tAll fun baseCondition t = case whnorm t of (TBase name, _) => typeRule name | (TList t, _) => (case baseCondition t of NONE => NONE | SOME f => SOME (fn (EList ls, _) => List.all f ls | _ => false)) | _ => NONE fun simplifyKindOf e = case e of (EApp ((EVar s, _), e'), _) => (case Env.function s of NONE => e | SOME f => case f [e'] of NONE => e | SOME e => e) | _ => e fun hasTyp (e, t1, t2) = if (case baseCondition t2 of NONE => false | SOME rule => rule (simplifyKindOf e)) then () else subTyp (t1, t2) fun checkPred G (p, loc) = let val err = ErrorMsg.error (SOME loc) in case p of CRoot => () | CConst s => if lookupContext G s then () else err ("Unbound context " ^ s) | CPrefix p => checkPred G p | CNot p => checkPred G p | CAnd (p1, p2) => (checkPred G p1; checkPred G p2) end fun checkTyp G (tAll as (t, loc)) = let val err = ErrorMsg.error (SOME loc) in case t of TBase name => if lookupType G name then tAll else (err ("Unbound type name " ^ name); (TError, loc)) | TList t => (TList (checkTyp G t), loc) | TArrow (d, r) => (TArrow (checkTyp G d, checkTyp G r), loc) | TAction (p, d, r) => (checkPred G p; (TAction (p, SM.map (checkTyp G) d, SM.map (checkTyp G) r), loc)) | TNested (p, t) => (checkPred G p; (TNested (p, checkTyp G t), loc)) | TError => raise Fail "TError in parser-generated type" | TUnif _ => raise Fail "TUnif in parser-generated type" end fun envVarSetFrom v (e, _) = case e of ESet (v', e) => if v = v' then SOME e else NONE | EGet (_, _, _, e) => envVarSetFrom v e | ESeq es => foldr (fn (e, found) => case found of SOME _ => found | NONE => envVarSetFrom v e) NONE es | ELocal (_, e) => envVarSetFrom v e | _ => NONE fun ununify (tAll as (t, _)) = case t of TUnif (_, ref (SOME t)) => ununify t | _ => tAll fun checkExp G (eAll as (e, loc)) = let val dte = Describe.describe_type_error loc in case e of EInt _ => (TBase "int", loc) | EString _ => (TBase "string", loc) | EList es => let val t = (newUnif (), loc) in foldl (fn (e', ret) => let val t' = checkExp G e' in (hasTyp (eAll, t', t); if isError t' then (TList (TError, loc), loc) else ret) handle Unify ue => (dte (WrongType ("List element", e', t', t, SOME ue)); (TError, loc)) end) (TList t, loc) es end | ELam (x, to, e) => let val t = case to of NONE => (newUnif (), loc) | SOME t => checkTyp G t val G' = bindVal G (x, t, NONE) val t' = checkExp G' e in (TArrow (t, t'), loc) end | EVar x => (case lookupVal G x of NONE => (dte (UnboundVariable x); (TError, loc)) | SOME t => t) | EApp (func, arg) => let val dom = (newUnif (), loc) val ran = (newUnif (), loc) val tf = checkExp G func val ta = checkExp G arg in (hasTyp (func, tf, (TArrow (dom, ran), loc)); hasTyp (arg, ta, dom) handle Unify ue => dte (WrongType ("Function argument", arg, ta, dom, SOME ue)); ran) handle Unify ue => (dte (WrongForm ("Function to be applied", "function", func, tf, SOME ue)); (TError, loc)) end | EALam (x, p, e) => let val p' = checkPred G p val G' = bindVal G (x, (TAction (p, SM.empty, SM.empty), loc), NONE) val t' = whnorm (checkExp G' e) in case t' of (TAction _, _) => (TNested (p, t'), loc) | _ => (dte (WrongForm ("Body of nested configuration 'fn'", "action", e, t', NONE)); (TError, loc)) end | ESet (evar, e) => let val t = checkExp G e in (TAction ((CPrefix (CRoot, loc), loc), SM.empty, SM.insert (SM.empty, evar, t)), loc) end | EGet (x, topt, evar, rest) => let val xt = (newUnif (), loc) val G' = bindVal G (x, xt, NONE) val rt = whnorm (checkExp G' rest) in case topt of NONE => () | SOME t => subTyp (xt, checkTyp G t); case ununify rt of (TAction (p, d, r), _) => (case SM.find (d, evar) of NONE => (TAction (p, SM.insert (d, evar, xt), r), loc) | SOME xt' => (subTyp (xt', xt) handle Unify ue => dte (WrongType ("Retrieved environment variable", (EVar x, loc), xt', xt, SOME ue)); rt)) | (TError, _) => rt | _ => (dte (WrongForm ("Body of environment variable read", "action", rest, rt, NONE)); (TError, loc)) end | ESeq [] => raise Fail "Empty ESeq" | ESeq [e1] => checkExp G e1 | ESeq (e1 :: rest) => let val e2 = (ESeq rest, loc) val t1 = whnorm (checkExp G e1) val t2 = whnorm (checkExp G e2) in case t1 of (TAction (p1, d1, r1), _) => (case t2 of (TAction (p2, d2, r2), _) => let val p' = predSimpl (CAnd (p1, p2), loc) val d' = SM.foldli (fn (name, t, d') => case SM.find (r1, name) of NONE => (case SM.find (d', name) of NONE => SM.insert (d', name, t) | SOME t' => ((case envVarSetFrom name e1 of NONE => subTyp (t, t') | SOME e => hasTyp (e, t, t')) handle Unify ue => dte (WrongType ("Shared environment variable", (EVar name, loc), t', t, SOME ue)); d')) | SOME t' => ((case envVarSetFrom name e1 of NONE => subTyp (t, t') | SOME e => hasTyp (e, t, t')) handle Unify ue => dte (WrongType ("Shared environment variable", (EVar name, loc), t', t, SOME ue)); d')) d1 d2 val r' = SM.foldli (fn (name, t, r') => SM.insert (r', name, t)) r1 r2 in (TAction (p', d', r'), loc) end | (TError, _) => t2 | _ => (dte (WrongForm ("Action to be sequenced", "action", e2, t2, NONE)); (TError, loc))) | (TError, _) => t1 | _ => (dte (WrongForm ("Action to be sequenced", "action", e1, t1, NONE)); (TError, loc)) end | ELocal (e1, e2) => let val t1 = whnorm (checkExp G e1) val t2 = whnorm (checkExp G e2) in case t1 of (TAction (p1, d1, r1), _) => (case t2 of (TAction (p2, d2, r2), _) => let val p' = predSimpl (CAnd (p1, p2), loc) val d' = SM.foldli (fn (name, t, d') => case SM.find (r1, name) of NONE => (case SM.find (d', name) of NONE => SM.insert (d', name, t) | SOME t' => ((case envVarSetFrom name e1 of NONE => subTyp (t', t) | SOME e => hasTyp (e, t', t)) handle Unify ue => dte (WrongType ("Shared environment variable", (EVar name, loc), t', t, SOME ue)); d')) | SOME t' => ((case envVarSetFrom name e1 of NONE => subTyp (t', t) | SOME e => hasTyp (e, t', t)) handle Unify ue => dte (WrongType ("Shared environment variable", (EVar name, loc), t', t, SOME ue)); d')) d1 d2 in (TAction (p', d', r2), loc) end | (TError, _) => t2 | _ => (dte (WrongForm ("Action to be sequenced", "action", e2, t2, NONE)); (TError, loc))) | (TError, _) => t1 | _ => (dte (WrongForm ("Action to be sequenced", "action", e1, t1, NONE)); (TError, loc)) end | EWith (e1, e2) => let val t1 = whnorm (checkExp G e1) val t2 = whnorm (checkExp G e2) in case t1 of (TNested (pd, (TAction (pr, d1, r1), _)), _) => (case t2 of (TAction (p, d, r), _) => if predImplies (pd, p) then let val combineRecs = SM.unionWithi (fn (name, t1, t2) => (subTyp (t1, t2) handle Unify ue => dte (WrongType ("Environment variable", (EVar name, loc), t1, t2, SOME ue)); t2)) in (TAction (pr, combineRecs (d, d1), combineRecs (r, r1)), loc) end else (dte (WrongPred ("nested action", pd, p)); (TError, loc)) | (TError, _) => t2 | _ => (dte (WrongForm ("Body of nested action", "action", e2, t2, NONE)); (TError, loc))) | (TError, _) => t1 | _ => (dte (WrongForm ("Container of nested action", "action", e1, t1, NONE)); (TError, loc)) end | ESkip => (TAction ((CPrefix (CRoot, loc), loc), SM.empty, SM.empty), loc) | EIf (e1, e2, e3) => let val t1 = checkExp G e1 val t2 = checkExp G e2 val t3 = checkExp G e3 val bool = (TBase "bool", loc) in (subTyp (t1, bool)) handle Unify ue => dte (WrongType ("\"if\" test", e1, t1, bool, SOME ue)); (subTyp (t2, t3); t3) handle Unify _ => ((subTyp (t3, t2); t2) handle Unify ue => (dte (WrongType ("\"else\" case", eAll, t3, t2, SOME ue)); (TError, loc))) end end exception Ununif fun ununif (tAll as (t, loc)) = case t of TBase _ => tAll | TList t => (TList (ununif t), loc) | TArrow (d, r) => (TArrow (ununif d, ununif r), loc) | TAction (p, d, r) => (TAction (p, SM.map ununif d, SM.map ununif r), loc) | TUnif (_, ref (SOME t)) => ununif t | TNested _ => tAll | TError => tAll | TUnif (_, ref NONE) => raise Ununif fun hasError (t, _) = case t of TBase _ => false | TList t => hasError t | TArrow (d, r) => hasError d orelse hasError r | TAction (p, d, r) => List.exists hasError (SM.listItems d) orelse List.exists hasError (SM.listItems r) | TNested _ => false | TError => false | TUnif (_, ref (SOME t)) => hasError t | TUnif (_, ref NONE) => false fun checkUnit G (eAll as (_, loc)) = let val _ = resetUnif () val t = checkExp G eAll in if hasError t then t else ununif t handle Ununif => (ErrorMsg.error (SOME loc) "Unification variables remain in type:"; output (p_typ t); t) end fun checkDecl G (d, _, loc) = case d of DExternType name => if !externFlag then bindType G name else (ErrorMsg.error (SOME loc) "'extern type' not allowed in untrusted code"; G) | DExternVal (name, t) => if !externFlag then bindVal G (name, checkTyp G t, NONE) else (ErrorMsg.error (SOME loc) "'extern val' not allowed in untrusted code"; G) | DVal (name, to, e) => let val to = case to of NONE => (newUnif (), loc) | SOME to => checkTyp G to val t = checkExp G e in hasTyp (e, t, to) handle Unify ue => Describe.describe_type_error loc (WrongType ("Bound value", e, t, to, SOME ue)); bindVal G (name, to, SOME e) end | DContext name => bindContext G name fun printActionDiffs {have, need} = case (ununif have, ununif need) of ((TAction (p1, in1, out1), loc), (TAction (p2, in2, out2), _)) => let fun checkPreds () = if predImplies (p1, p2) then () else (ErrorMsg.error (SOME loc) "Files provides the wrong kind of configuration."; preface ("Have:", p_pred p1); preface ("Need:", p_pred p2)) fun checkIn () = SM.appi (fn (name, t) => case SM.find (in2, name) of NONE => (ErrorMsg.error (SOME loc) "An unavailable environment variable is used."; print ("Name: " ^ name ^ "\n"); preface ("Type:", p_typ t)) | SOME t' => subTyp (t', t) handle Unify _ => (ErrorMsg.error (SOME loc) "Wrong type for environment variable."; print (" Name: " ^ name ^ "\n"); preface (" Has type:", p_typ t'); preface ("Used with type:", p_typ t))) in1 fun checkOut () = SM.appi (fn (name, t) => case SM.find (out1, name) of NONE => (ErrorMsg.error (SOME loc) "Missing an output environment variable."; print ("Name: " ^ name ^ "\n"); preface ("Type:", p_typ t)) | SOME t' => subTyp (t', t) handle Unify _ => (ErrorMsg.error (SOME loc) "Wrong type for output environment variable."; print (" Name: " ^ name ^ "\n"); preface (" Has type:", p_typ t'); preface ("Need type:", p_typ t))) out2 in checkPreds (); checkIn (); checkOut (); true end | _ => false fun checkFile G tInit (_, ds, eo) = let val G' = foldl (fn (d, G) => checkDecl G d) G ds in case eo of NONE => () | SOME (e as (_, loc)) => let val t = checkExp G' e in hasTyp (e, t, tInit) handle Unify _ => if printActionDiffs {have = t, need = tInit} then () else ErrorMsg.error (SOME loc) "File ends in something that isn't a directive." end; G' end end