#! /usr/bin/env crystal run require "readline" require "./reader" require "./printer" require "./types" require "./env" require "./core" require "./error" # Note: # Employed downcase names because Crystal prohibits uppercase names for methods module Mal extend self def func_of(env, binds, body) ->(args : Array(Mal::Type)) { new_env = Mal::Env.new(env, binds, args) eval(body, new_env) }.as(Mal::Func) end def eval_ast(ast, env) return ast.map { |n| eval(n, env).as(Mal::Type) } if ast.is_a? Mal::List val = ast.unwrap Mal::Type.new case val when Mal::Symbol if e = env.get(val.str) e else eval_error "'#{val.str}' not found" end when Mal::List val.each_with_object(Mal::List.new) { |n, l| l << eval(n, env) } when Mal::Vector val.each_with_object(Mal::Vector.new) { |n, l| l << eval(n, env) } when Array(Mal::Type) val.map { |n| eval(n, env).as(Mal::Type) } when Mal::HashMap val.each { |k, v| val[k] = eval(v, env) } val else val end end def read(str) read_str str end macro pair?(list) {{list}}.is_a?(Array) && !{{list}}.empty? end def quasiquote(ast) list = ast.unwrap unless pair?(list) return Mal::Type.new( Mal::List.new << gen_type(Mal::Symbol, "quote") << ast ) end head = list.first.unwrap case # ("unquote" ...) when head.is_a?(Mal::Symbol) && head.str == "unquote" list[1] # (("splice-unquote" ...) ...) when pair?(head) && (arg0 = head.first.unwrap).is_a?(Mal::Symbol) && arg0.str == "splice-unquote" tail = Mal::Type.new list[1..-1].each_with_object(Mal::List.new) { |e, l| l << e } Mal::Type.new( Mal::List.new << gen_type(Mal::Symbol, "concat") << head[1] << quasiquote(tail) ) else tail = Mal::Type.new list[1..-1].each_with_object(Mal::List.new) { |e, l| l << e } Mal::Type.new( Mal::List.new << gen_type(Mal::Symbol, "cons") << quasiquote(list.first) << quasiquote(tail) ) end end def macro_call?(ast, env) list = ast.unwrap return false unless list.is_a? Mal::List return false if list.empty? sym = list.first.unwrap return false unless sym.is_a? Mal::Symbol func = env.find(sym.str).try(&.data[sym.str]) return false unless func && func.macro? true end def macroexpand(ast, env) while macro_call?(ast, env) # Already checked in macro_call? list = ast.unwrap.as(Mal::List) func_sym = list[0].unwrap.as(Mal::Symbol) func = env.get(func_sym.str).unwrap case func when Mal::Func ast = func.call(list[1..-1]) when Mal::Closure ast = func.fn.call(list[1..-1]) else eval_error "macro '#{func_sym.str}' must be function: #{ast}" end end ast end macro invoke_list(l, env) f = eval({{l}}.first, {{env}}).unwrap args = eval_ast({{l}}[1..-1].each_with_object(Mal::List.new){|i, l| l << i}, {{env}}) case f when Mal::Closure ast = f.ast {{env}} = Mal::Env.new(f.env, f.params, args) next # TCO when Mal::Func return f.call args else eval_error "expected function as the first argument: #{f}" end end def eval(ast, env) # 'next' in 'do...end' has a bug in crystal 0.7.1 # https://github.com/manastech/crystal/issues/659 while true list = ast.unwrap return eval_ast(ast, env) unless list.is_a? Mal::List return ast if list.empty? ast = macroexpand(ast, env) list = ast.unwrap return eval_ast(ast, env) unless list.is_a? Mal::List return ast if list.empty? head = list.first.unwrap return invoke_list(list, env) unless head.is_a? Mal::Symbol return Mal::Type.new case head.str when "def!" eval_error "wrong number of argument for 'def!'" unless list.size == 3 a1 = list[1].unwrap eval_error "1st argument of 'def!' must be symbol: #{a1}" unless a1.is_a? Mal::Symbol env.set(a1.str, eval(list[2], env)) when "let*" eval_error "wrong number of argument for 'def!'" unless list.size == 3 bindings = list[1].unwrap eval_error "1st argument of 'let*' must be list or vector" unless bindings.is_a? Array eval_error "size of binding list must be even" unless bindings.size.even? new_env = Mal::Env.new env bindings.each_slice(2) do |binding| key, value = binding name = key.unwrap eval_error "name of binding must be specified as symbol #{name}" unless name.is_a? Mal::Symbol new_env.set(name.str, eval(value, new_env)) end ast, env = list[2], new_env next # TCO when "do" if list.empty? ast = Mal::Type.new nil next end eval_ast(list[1..-2].each_with_object(Mal::List.new) { |i, l| l << i }, env) ast = list.last next # TCO when "if" ast = unless eval(list[1], env).unwrap list.size >= 4 ? list[3] : Mal::Type.new(nil) else list[2] end next # TCO when "fn*" params = list[1].unwrap unless params.is_a? Array eval_error "'fn*' parameters must be list or vector: #{params}" end Mal::Closure.new(list[2], params, env, func_of(env, params, list[2])) when "quote" list[1] when "quasiquote" ast = quasiquote list[1] next # TCO when "defmacro!" eval_error "wrong number of argument for 'defmacro!'" unless list.size == 3 a1 = list[1].unwrap eval_error "1st argument of 'defmacro!' must be symbol: #{a1}" unless a1.is_a? Mal::Symbol env.set(a1.str, eval(list[2], env).tap { |n| n.is_macro = true }) when "macroexpand" macroexpand(list[1], env) else invoke_list(list, env) end end end def print(result) pr_str(result, true) end def rep(str) print(eval(read(str), REPL_ENV)) end end REPL_ENV = Mal::Env.new nil Mal::NS.each { |k, v| REPL_ENV.set(k, Mal::Type.new(v)) } REPL_ENV.set("eval", Mal::Type.new ->(args : Array(Mal::Type)) { Mal.eval(args[0], REPL_ENV) }) Mal.rep "(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))" Mal.rep "(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))" Mal.rep "(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))" argv = Mal::List.new REPL_ENV.set("*ARGV*", Mal::Type.new argv) unless ARGV.empty? if ARGV.size > 1 ARGV[1..-1].each do |a| argv << Mal::Type.new(a) end end begin Mal.rep "(load-file \"#{ARGV[0]}\")" rescue e STDERR.puts e end exit end while line = Readline.readline("user> ", true) begin puts Mal.rep(line) rescue e : Mal::RuntimeException STDERR.puts "Error: #{pr_str(e.thrown, true)}" rescue e STDERR.puts "Error: #{e}" end end