module Types [] type Node = | Nil | List of Metadata * Node list | Vector of Metadata * Node System.ArraySegment | Map of Metadata * Collections.Map | Symbol of string | Keyword of string | Number of int64 | String of string | Bool of bool | BuiltInFunc of Metadata * int * (Node list -> Node) | Func of Metadata * int * (Node list -> Node) * Node * Node list * EnvChain | Macro of Metadata * int * (Node list -> Node) * Node * Node list * EnvChain | Atom of int * Node Ref static member private hashSeq (s : seq) = let iter st node = (st * 397) ^^^ node.GetHashCode() s |> Seq.fold iter 0 static member private allEqual (x : seq) (y : seq) = use ex = x.GetEnumerator() use ey = y.GetEnumerator() let rec loop () = match ex.MoveNext(), ey.MoveNext() with | false, false -> true | false, true | true, false -> false | true, true -> if ex.Current = ey.Current then loop () else false loop () static member private allCompare (x : seq) (y : seq) = use ex = x.GetEnumerator() use ey = y.GetEnumerator() let rec loop () = match ex.MoveNext(), ey.MoveNext() with | false, false -> 0 | false, true -> -1 | true, false -> 1 | true, true -> let cmp = compare ex.Current ey.Current if cmp = 0 then loop () else cmp loop () static member private rank x = match x with | Nil -> 0 | List(_, _) -> 1 | Vector(_, _) -> 2 | Map(_, _) -> 3 | Symbol(_) -> 4 | Keyword(_) -> 5 | Number(_) -> 6 | String(_) -> 7 | Bool(_) -> 8 | BuiltInFunc(_, _, _) | Func(_, _, _, _, _, _) | Macro(_, _, _, _, _, _) -> 9 | Atom(_, _) -> 10 static member private equals x y = match x, y with | Nil, Nil -> true | List(_, a), List(_, b) -> a = b | List(_, a), Vector(_, b) -> Node.allEqual a b | Vector(_, a), List(_, b) -> Node.allEqual a b | Vector(_, a), Vector(_, b) -> Node.allEqual a b | Map(_, a), Map(_, b) -> a = b | Symbol(a), Symbol(b) -> a = b | Keyword(a), Keyword(b) -> a = b | Number(a), Number(b) -> a = b | String(a), String(b) -> a = b | Bool(a), Bool(b) -> a = b | (BuiltInFunc(_, a, _) | Func(_, a, _, _, _, _) | Macro(_, a, _, _, _, _)), (BuiltInFunc(_, b, _) | Func(_, b, _, _, _, _) | Macro(_, b, _, _, _, _)) -> a = b | Atom(a, _), Atom(b, _) -> a = b | _, _ -> false static member private compare x y = match x, y with | Nil, Nil -> 0 | List(_, a), List(_, b) -> compare a b | List(_, a), Vector(_, b) -> Node.allCompare a b | Vector(_, a), List(_, b) -> Node.allCompare a b | Vector(_, a), Vector(_, b) -> Node.allCompare a b | Map(_, a), Map(_, b) -> compare a b | Symbol(a), Symbol(b) -> compare a b | Keyword(a), Keyword(b) -> compare a b | Number(a), Number(b) -> compare a b | String(a), String(b) -> compare a b | Bool(a), Bool(b) -> compare a b | (BuiltInFunc(_, a, _) | Func(_, a, _, _, _, _) | Macro(_, a, _, _, _, _)), (BuiltInFunc(_, b, _) | Func(_, b, _, _, _, _) | Macro(_, b, _, _, _, _)) -> compare a b | Atom(a, _), Atom(b, _) -> compare a b | a, b -> compare (Node.rank a) (Node.rank b) override x.Equals yobj = match yobj with | :? Node as y -> Node.equals x y | _ -> false override x.GetHashCode() = match x with | Nil -> 0 | List(_, lst) -> hash lst | Vector(_, vec) -> Node.hashSeq vec | Map(_, map) -> hash map | Symbol(sym) -> hash sym | Keyword(key) -> hash key | Number(num) -> hash num | String(str) -> hash str | Bool(b) -> hash b | BuiltInFunc(_, tag, _) | Func(_, tag, _, _, _, _) | Macro(_, tag, _, _, _, _) -> hash tag | Atom(tag, _) -> hash tag interface System.IComparable with member x.CompareTo yobj = match yobj with | :? Node as y -> x y | _ -> invalidArg "yobj" "Cannot compare values of different types." and Env = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary and EnvChain = Env list and Metadata = Node