module Reader exposing (..) import Array import Dict import Combine exposing (..) import Combine.Num import Types exposing (MalExpr(..), keywordPrefix) import Utils exposing (decodeString, makeCall) comment : Parser s String comment = regex ";.*" ws : Parser s (List String) ws = many (comment <|> string "," <|> whitespace) int : Parser s MalExpr int = MalInt <$> "int" symbolString : Parser s String symbolString = regex "[^\\s\\[\\]{}('\"`,;)]+" symbolOrConst : Parser s MalExpr symbolOrConst = let make sym = case sym of "nil" -> MalNil "true" -> MalBool True "false" -> MalBool False _ -> MalSymbol sym in make <$> symbolString "symbol" keywordString : Parser s String keywordString = (++) <$> string ":" <*> symbolString keyword : Parser s MalExpr keyword = MalKeyword <$> keywordString list : Parser s MalExpr list = MalList <$> parens (many form <* ws) "list" vector : Parser s MalExpr vector = MalVector << Array.fromList <$> (string "[" *> many form <* ws <* string "]" ) "vector" mapKey : Parser s String mapKey = choice [ String.cons keywordPrefix <$> keywordString , decodeString <$> strString ] mapEntry : Parser s ( String, MalExpr ) mapEntry = (,) <$> mapKey <*> form "map entry" map : Parser s MalExpr map = lazy <| \() -> MalMap << Dict.fromList <$> (string "{" *> many (ws *> mapEntry) <* ws <* string "}" ) "map" atom : Parser s MalExpr atom = choice [ int , keyword , symbolOrConst , str ] "atom" form : Parser s MalExpr form = lazy <| \() -> let parsers = [ list , vector , map , simpleMacro "'" "quote" , simpleMacro "`" "quasiquote" , simpleMacro "~@" "splice-unquote" , simpleMacro "~" "unquote" , simpleMacro "@" "deref" , withMeta , atom ] in ws *> choice parsers "form" simpleMacro : String -> String -> Parser s MalExpr simpleMacro token symbol = makeCall symbol << List.singleton <$> (string token *> form) symbol withMeta : Parser s MalExpr withMeta = lazy <| \() -> let make meta expr = makeCall "with-meta" [ expr, meta ] in make <$> (string "^" *> form) <*> form "with-meta" readString : String -> Result String (Maybe MalExpr) readString str = case parse ((maybe form) <* ws <* end) str of Ok ( _, _, ast ) -> Ok ast Err ( _, stream, ms ) -> Err <| formatError ms stream formatError : List String -> InputStream -> String formatError ms stream = let location = currentLocation stream in "Parse error: " ++ String.join ", " ms ++ " " ++ "(at " ++ toString location.line ++ ":" ++ toString location.column ++ ")" str : Parser s MalExpr str = MalString << decodeString <$> strString {-| Syntax highlighter in VS code is messed up by this regex, that's why it's down below. :) -} strString : Parser s String strString = regex "\"(\\\\\"|[^\"])*\"" "string"