function stepA_mal(varargin), main(varargin), end % read function ret = READ(str) ret = reader.read_str(str); end % eval function ret = is_pair(ast) ret = types.sequential_Q(ast) && length(ast) > 0; end function ret = quasiquote(ast) if ~is_pair(ast) ret = types.List(types.Symbol('quote'), ast); elseif isa(ast.get(1),'types.Symbol') && ... strcmp(ast.get(1).name, 'unquote') ret = ast.get(2); elseif is_pair(ast.get(1)) && ... isa(ast.get(1).get(1),'types.Symbol') && ... strcmp(ast.get(1).get(1).name, 'splice-unquote') ret = types.List(types.Symbol('concat'), ... ast.get(1).get(2), ... quasiquote(ast.slice(2))); else ret = types.List(types.Symbol('cons'), ... quasiquote(ast.get(1)), ... quasiquote(ast.slice(2))); end end function ret = is_macro_call(ast, env) if types.list_Q(ast) && isa(ast.get(1), 'types.Symbol') && ... ~islogical(env.find(ast.get(1))) f = env.get(ast.get(1)); ret = isa(f,'types.Function') && f.is_macro; else ret = false; end end function ret = macroexpand(ast, env) while is_macro_call(ast, env) mac = env.get(ast.get(1)); args = ast.slice(2); ast = mac.fn({:}); end ret = ast; end function ret = eval_ast(ast, env) switch class(ast) case 'types.Symbol' ret = env.get(ast); case 'types.List' ret = types.List(); for i=1:length(ast) ret.append(EVAL(ast.get(i), env)); end case 'types.Vector' ret = types.Vector(); for i=1:length(ast) ret.append(EVAL(ast.get(i), env)); end case 'types.HashMap' ret = types.HashMap(); ks = ast.keys(); for i=1:length(ks) k = ks{i}; ret.set(EVAL(k, env), EVAL(ast.get(k), env)); end otherwise ret = ast; end end function ret = EVAL(ast, env) while true %fprintf('EVAL: %s\n', printer.pr_str(ast, true)); if ~types.list_Q(ast) ret = eval_ast(ast, env); return; end % apply ast = macroexpand(ast, env); if ~types.list_Q(ast) ret = ast; return; end if isa(ast.get(1),'types.Symbol') a1sym = ast.get(1).name; else a1sym = '_@$fn$@_'; end switch (a1sym) case 'def!' ret = env.set(ast.get(2), EVAL(ast.get(3), env)); return; case 'let*' let_env = Env(env); for i=1:2:length(ast.get(2)) let_env.set(ast.get(2).get(i), EVAL(ast.get(2).get(i+1), let_env)); end env = let_env; ast = ast.get(3); % TCO case 'quote' ret = ast.get(2); return; case 'quasiquote' ast = quasiquote(ast.get(2)); % TCO case 'defmacro!' ret = env.set(ast.get(2), EVAL(ast.get(3), env)); ret.is_macro = true; return; case 'macroexpand' ret = macroexpand(ast.get(2), env); return; case 'try*' try ret = EVAL(ast.get(2), env); return; catch e if length(ast) > 2 && strcmp(ast.get(3).get(1).name, 'catch*') if isa(e, 'types.MalException') exc = e.obj; else exc = e.message; end catch_env = Env(env, types.List(ast.get(3).get(2)), ... types.List(exc)); ret = EVAL(ast.get(3).get(3), catch_env); return; else throw(e); end end case 'do' el = eval_ast(ast.slice(2,length(ast)-1), env); ast = ast.get(length(ast)); % TCO case 'if' cond = EVAL(ast.get(2), env); if strcmp(class(cond), 'types.Nil') || ... (islogical(cond) && cond == false) if length(ast) > 3 ast = ast.get(4); % TCO else ret = types.nil; return; end else ast = ast.get(3); % TCO end case 'fn*' fn = @(varargin) EVAL(ast.get(3), Env(env, ast.get(2), ... types.List(varargin{:}))); ret = types.Function(fn, ast.get(3), env, ast.get(2)); return; otherwise el = eval_ast(ast, env); f = el.get(1); args = el.slice(2); if isa(f, 'types.Function') env = Env(f.env, f.params, args); ast = f.ast; % TCO else ret = f({:}); return end end end end % print function ret = PRINT(ast) ret = printer.pr_str(ast, true); end % REPL function ret = rep(str, env) ret = PRINT(EVAL(READ(str), env)); end function main(args) repl_env = Env(false); % core.m: defined using matlab ns = core.ns(); ks = ns.keys(); for i=1:length(ks) k = ks{i}; repl_env.set(types.Symbol(k), ns(k)); end repl_env.set(types.Symbol('eval'), @(a) EVAL(a, repl_env)); rest_args = args(2:end); repl_env.set(types.Symbol('*ARGV*'), types.List(rest_args{:})); % core.mal: defined using the langauge itself rep('(def! *host-language* "matlab")', repl_env); rep('(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))', repl_env); rep('(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str "(do " (slurp f) ")")))))"', repl_env); rep('(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list ''if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw "odd number of forms to cond")) (cons ''cond (rest (rest xs)))))))', repl_env); rep('(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) `(let* (or_FIXME ~(first xs)) (if or_FIXME or_FIXME (or ~@(rest xs))))))))', repl_env); if ~isempty(args) rep(sprintf('(load-file "%s")', args{1}), repl_env); quit; end %cleanObj = onCleanup(@() disp('*** here1 ***')); rep('(println (str "Mal [" *host-language* "]"))', repl_env); while (true) line = input('user> ', 's'); if strcmp(strtrim(line),''), continue, end try fprintf('%s\n', rep(line, repl_env)); catch err if isa(err, 'types.MalException') fprintf('Error: %s\n', printer.pr_str(err.obj, true)); else fprintf('Error: %s\n', err.message); end fprintf('%s\n', getReport(err, 'extended')); end end end