require "time" require "./types" require "./error" require "./printer" require "./reader" require "./readline" module Mal macro calc_op(op) -> (args : Array(Mal::Type)) { x, y = args[0].unwrap, args[1].unwrap eval_error "invalid arguments for binary operator {{}}" unless x.is_a?(Int32) && y.is_a?(Int32) {{}} y) } end def self.list(args) args.to_mal end def self.list?(args) args.first.unwrap.is_a? Mal::List end def self.empty?(args) a = args.first.unwrap a.is_a?(Array) ? a.empty? : false end def self.count(args) a = args.first.unwrap case a when Array a.size as Int32 when Nil 0 else eval_error "invalid argument for function 'count'" end end def self.pr_str_(args){|a| pr_str(a)}.join(" ") end def self.str(args){|a| pr_str(a, false)}.join end def self.prn(args) puts self.pr_str_(args) nil end def self.println(args) puts{|a| pr_str(a, false)}.join(" ") nil end def self.read_string(args) head = args.first.unwrap eval_error "argument of read-str must be string" unless head.is_a? String read_str head end def self.slurp(args) head = args.first.unwrap eval_error "argument of slurp must be string" unless head.is_a? String begin head rescue e : Errno eval_error "no such file" end end def self.cons(args) head, tail = args[0] as Mal::Type, args[1].unwrap eval_error "2nd arg of cons must be list" unless tail.is_a? Array ([head] + tail).to_mal end def self.concat(args) args.each_with_object( do |arg, list| a = arg.unwrap eval_error "arguments of concat must be list" unless a.is_a?(Array) a.each{|e| list << e} end end def self.nth(args) a0, a1 = args[0].unwrap, args[1].unwrap eval_error "1st argument of nth must be list or vector" unless a0.is_a? Array eval_error "2nd argument of nth must be integer" unless a1.is_a? Int32 a0[a1] end def self.first(args) a0 = args[0].unwrap return nil if a0.nil? eval_error "1st argument of first must be list or vector or nil" unless a0.is_a? Array a0.empty? ? nil : a0.first end def a0 = args[0].unwrap return if a0.nil? eval_error "1st argument of first must be list or vector or nil" unless a0.is_a? Array return if a0.empty? a0[1..-1].to_mal end def self.apply(args) eval_error "apply must take at least 2 arguments" unless args.size >= 2 head = args.first.unwrap last = args.last.unwrap eval_error "last argument of apply must be list or vector" unless last.is_a? Array case head when Mal::Closure[1..-2] + last) when Mal::Func[1..-2] + last) else eval_error "1st argument of apply must be function or closure" end end def func = args.first.unwrap list = args[1].unwrap eval_error "2nd argument of map must be list or vector" unless list.is_a? Array f = case func when Mal::Closure then func.fn when Mal::Func then func else eval_error "1st argument of map must be function" end list.each_with_object( do |elem, mapped| mapped <<[elem]) end end def self.nil?(args) args.first.unwrap.nil? end def self.true?(args) a = args.first.unwrap a.is_a?(Bool) && a end def self.false?(args) a = args.first.unwrap a.is_a?(Bool) && !a end def self.symbol?(args) args.first.unwrap.is_a?(Mal::Symbol) end def self.symbol(args) head = args.first.unwrap eval_error "1st argument of symbol function must be string" unless head.is_a? String head end def self.keyword(args) head = args.first.unwrap eval_error "1st argument of symbol function must be string" unless head.is_a? String "\u029e" + head end def self.keyword?(args) head = args.first.unwrap head.is_a?(String) && !head.empty? && head[0] == '\u029e' end def self.vector(args) args.to_mal(Mal::Vector) end def self.vector?(args) args.first.unwrap.is_a? Mal::Vector end def self.hash_map(args) eval_error "hash-map must take even number of arguments" unless args.size.even? map = args.each_slice(2) do |kv| k = kv[0].unwrap eval_error "key must be string" unless k.is_a? String map[k] = kv[1] end map end def args.first.unwrap.is_a? Mal::HashMap end def self.assoc(args) head = args.first.unwrap eval_error "1st argument of assoc must be hashmap" unless head.is_a? Mal::HashMap eval_error "assoc must take a list and even number of arguments" unless (args.size - 1).even? map = head.each{|k, v| map[k] = v} args[1..-1].each_slice(2) do |kv| k = kv[0].unwrap eval_error "key must be string" unless k.is_a? String map[k] = kv[1] end map end def self.dissoc(args) head = args.first.unwrap eval_error "1st argument of assoc must be hashmap" unless head.is_a? Mal::HashMap map = head.each{|k,v| map[k] = v} args[1..-1].each do |arg| key = arg.unwrap eval_error "key must be string" unless key.is_a? String map.delete key end map end def self.get(args) a0, a1 = args[0].unwrap, args[1].unwrap return nil unless a0.is_a? Mal::HashMap eval_error "2nd argument of get must be string" unless a1.is_a? String # a0[a1]? isn't available because type ofa0[a1] is infered NoReturn a0.has_key?(a1) ? a0[a1] : nil end def self.contains?(args) a0, a1 = args[0].unwrap, args[1].unwrap eval_error "1st argument of get must be hashmap" unless a0.is_a? Mal::HashMap eval_error "2nd argument of get must be string" unless a1.is_a? String a0.has_key? a1 end def self.keys(args) head = args.first.unwrap eval_error "1st argument of assoc must be hashmap" unless head.is_a? Mal::HashMap head.keys.each_with_object({|e,l| l <<} end def self.vals(args) head = args.first.unwrap eval_error "1st argument of assoc must be hashmap" unless head.is_a? Mal::HashMap head.values.to_mal end def self.sequential?(args) args.first.unwrap.is_a? Array end def self.readline(args) head = args.first.unwrap eval_error "1st argument of readline must be string" unless head.is_a? String my_readline head end def self.meta(args) m = args.first.meta m.nil? ? nil : m end def self.with_meta(args) t = args.first.dup t.meta = args[1] t end def self.atom(args) args.first end def self.atom?(args) args.first.unwrap.is_a? Mal::Atom end def self.deref(args) head = args.first.unwrap eval_error "1st argument of deref must be atom" unless head.is_a? Mal::Atom head.val end def self.reset!(args) head = args.first.unwrap eval_error "1st argument of reset! must be atom" unless head.is_a? Mal::Atom head.val = args[1] end def self.swap!(args) atom = args.first.unwrap eval_error "1st argument of swap! must be atom" unless atom.is_a? Mal::Atom a = [atom.val] + args[2..-1] func = args[1].unwrap case func when Mal::Func atom.val = a when Mal::Closure atom.val = a else eval_error "2nd argumetn of swap! must be function" end end def self.conj(args) seq = args.first.unwrap case seq when Mal::List (args[1..-1].reverse + seq).to_mal when Mal::Vector (seq + args[1..-1]).to_mal(Mal::Vector) else eval_error "1st argument of conj must be list or vector" end end def self.time_ms(args) end # Note: # Simply using ->self.some_func doesn't work macro func(name) -> (args : Array(Mal::Type)) { self.{{}}(args) } end macro rel_op(op) -> (args : Array(Mal::Type)) { (args[0] {{}} args[1]) } end NS = { "+" => calc_op(:+), "-" => calc_op(:-), "*" => calc_op(:*), "/" => calc_op(:/), "list" => func(:list), "list?" => func(:list?), "empty?" => func(:empty?), "count" => func(:count), "=" => rel_op(:==), "<" => rel_op(:<), ">" => rel_op(:>), "<=" => rel_op(:<=), ">=" => rel_op(:>=), "pr-str" => func(:pr_str_), "str" => func(:str), "prn" => func(:prn), "println" => func(:println), "read-string" => func(:read_string), "slurp" => func(:slurp), "cons" => func(:cons), "concat" => func(:concat), "nth" => func(:nth), "first" => func(:first), "rest" => func(:rest), "throw" => -> (args : Array(Mal::Type)) { raise args[0] }, "apply" => func(:apply), "map" => func(:map), "nil?" => func(:nil?), "true?" => func(:true?), "false?" => func(:false?), "symbol?" => func(:symbol?), "symbol" => func(:symbol), "keyword" => func(:keyword), "keyword?" => func(:keyword?), "vector" => func(:vector), "vector?" => func(:vector?), "hash-map" => func(:hash_map), "map?" => func(:map?), "assoc" => func(:assoc), "dissoc" => func(:dissoc), "get" => func(:get), "contains?" => func(:contains?), "keys" => func(:keys), "vals" => func(:vals), "sequential?" => func(:sequential?), "readline" => func(:readline), "meta" => func(:meta), "with-meta" => func(:with_meta), "atom" => func(:atom), "atom?" => func(:atom?), "deref" => func(:deref), "deref" => func(:deref), "reset!" => func(:reset!), "swap!" => func(:swap!), "conj" => func(:conj), "time-ms" => func(:time_ms), } of String => Mal::Func end