library STD; use STD.textio.all; library WORK; use WORK.types.all; package reader is procedure read_str(s: in string; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr); end package reader; package body reader is type token_list is array(natural range <>) of line; type token_list_ptr is access token_list; function is_eol_char(c: in character) return boolean is begin case c is when LF | CR => return true; when others => return false; end case; end function is_eol_char; function is_separator_char(c: in character) return boolean is begin case c is when LF | CR | ' ' | '[' | ']' | '{' | '}' | '(' | ')' | ''' | '"' | '`' | ',' | ';' => return true; when others => return false; end case; end function is_separator_char; procedure next_token(str: in string; pos: in positive; token: inout line; next_start_pos: out positive; ok: out boolean) is variable ch: character; variable tmppos: positive; begin token := new string'(""); if pos > str'length then ok := false; return; end if; ch := str(pos); case ch is when ' ' | ',' | LF | CR | HT => next_start_pos := pos + 1; token := new string'(""); ok := true; return; when '[' | ']' | '{' | '}' | '(' | ')' | ''' | '`' | '^' | '@' => next_start_pos := pos + 1; token := new string'("" & ch); ok := true; return; when '~' => if str(pos + 1) = '@' then next_start_pos := pos + 2; token := new string'("~@"); else next_start_pos := pos + 1; token := new string'("~"); end if; ok := true; return; when ';' => tmppos := pos + 1; while tmppos <= str'length and not is_eol_char(str(tmppos)) loop tmppos := tmppos + 1; end loop; next_start_pos := tmppos; token := new string'(""); ok := true; return; when '"' => tmppos := pos + 1; while tmppos < str'length and str(tmppos) /= '"' loop if str(tmppos) = '\' then tmppos := tmppos + 2; else tmppos := tmppos + 1; end if; end loop; token := new string(1 to (tmppos - pos + 1)); token(1 to (tmppos - pos + 1)) := str(pos to tmppos); next_start_pos := tmppos + 1; ok := true; return; when others => tmppos := pos; while tmppos <= str'length and not is_separator_char(str(tmppos)) loop tmppos := tmppos + 1; end loop; token := new string(1 to (tmppos - pos)); token(1 to (tmppos - pos)) := str(pos to tmppos - 1); next_start_pos := tmppos; ok := true; return; end case; ok := false; end procedure next_token; function tokenize(str: in string) return token_list_ptr is variable next_pos: positive := 1; variable ok: boolean := true; variable tokens: token_list_ptr; variable t: line; begin while ok loop next_token(str, next_pos, t, next_pos, ok); if t'length > 0 then if tokens = null then tokens := new token_list(0 to 0); tokens(0) := t; else tokens := new token_list'(tokens.all & t); end if; end if; end loop; return tokens; end function tokenize; type reader_class is record tokens: token_list_ptr; pos: natural; end record reader_class; procedure reader_new(r: inout reader_class; a_tokens: inout token_list_ptr) is begin r := (tokens => a_tokens, pos => 0); end procedure reader_new; procedure reader_peek(r: inout reader_class; token: out line) is begin if r.pos < r.tokens'length then token := r.tokens(r.pos); else token := null; end if; end procedure reader_peek; procedure reader_next(r: inout reader_class; token: out line) is begin reader_peek(r, token); r.pos := r.pos + 1; end procedure reader_next; -- Forward declaration procedure read_form(r: inout reader_class; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr); function is_digit(c: in character) return boolean is begin case c is when '0' to '9' => return true; when others => return false; end case; end function is_digit; function unescape_char(c: in character) return character is begin case c is when 'n' => return LF; when others => return c; end case; end function unescape_char; procedure unescape_string_token(token: inout line; result: out line) is variable s: line; variable src_i, dst_i: integer; begin s := new string(1 to token'length); dst_i := 0; src_i := 2; -- skip the initial quote while src_i <= token'length - 1 loop dst_i := dst_i + 1; if token(src_i) = '\' then s(dst_i) := unescape_char(token(src_i + 1)); src_i := src_i + 2; else s(dst_i) := token(src_i); src_i := src_i + 1; end if; end loop; result := new string'(s(1 to dst_i)); deallocate(s); end procedure unescape_string_token; procedure read_atom(r: inout reader_class; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is variable token, s: line; variable num: integer; variable ch: character; begin reader_next(r, token); if token.all = "nil" then new_nil(result); elsif token.all = "true" then new_true(result); elsif token.all = "false" then new_false(result); else ch := token(1); case ch is when '-' => if token'length > 1 and is_digit(token(2)) then read(token, num); new_number(num, result); else new_symbol(token, result); end if; when '0' to '9' => read(token, num); new_number(num, result); when ':' => s := new string(1 to token'length - 1); s(1 to s'length) := token(2 to token'length); new_keyword(s, result); when '"' => if token(token'length) /= '"' then new_string("expected '""', got EOF", err); result := null; return; end if; unescape_string_token(token, s); new_string(s, result); when others => new_symbol(token, result); end case; end if; end procedure read_atom; procedure read_sequence(list_type: in mal_type_tag; end_ch: in string; r: inout reader_class; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is variable token: line; variable element, sub_err: mal_val_ptr; variable seq: mal_seq_ptr; begin reader_next(r, token); -- Consume the open paren reader_peek(r, token); seq := new mal_seq(0 to -1); while token /= null and token.all /= end_ch loop read_form(r, element, sub_err); if sub_err /= null then err := sub_err; result := null; return; end if; seq := new mal_seq'(seq.all & element); reader_peek(r, token); end loop; if token = null then new_string("expected '" & end_ch & "', got EOF", err); result := null; return; end if; reader_next(r, token); -- Consume the close paren new_seq_obj(list_type, seq, result); end procedure read_sequence; procedure reader_macro(r: inout reader_class; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr; sym_name: in string) is variable token, sym_line: line; variable seq: mal_seq_ptr; variable rest, rest_err: mal_val_ptr; begin reader_next(r, token); seq := new mal_seq(0 to 1); sym_line := new string'(sym_name); new_symbol(sym_line, seq(0)); read_form(r, rest, rest_err); if rest_err /= null then err := rest_err; result := null; return; end if; seq(1) := rest; new_seq_obj(mal_list, seq, result); end procedure reader_macro; procedure with_meta_reader_macro(r: inout reader_class; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is variable token, sym_line: line; variable seq: mal_seq_ptr; variable meta, rest, rest_err: mal_val_ptr; begin reader_next(r, token); seq := new mal_seq(0 to 2); sym_line := new string'("with-meta"); new_symbol(sym_line, seq(0)); read_form(r, meta, rest_err); if rest_err /= null then err := rest_err; result := null; return; end if; read_form(r, rest, rest_err); if rest_err /= null then err := rest_err; result := null; return; end if; seq(1) := rest; seq(2) := meta; new_seq_obj(mal_list, seq, result); end procedure with_meta_reader_macro; procedure read_form(r: inout reader_class; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is variable token: line; variable ch: character; begin reader_peek(r, token); ch := token(1); case ch is when ''' => reader_macro(r, result, err, "quote"); when '`' => reader_macro(r, result, err, "quasiquote"); when '~' => if token'length = 1 then reader_macro(r, result, err, "unquote"); else if token(2) = '@' then reader_macro(r, result, err, "splice-unquote"); else new_string("Unknown token", err); end if; end if; when '^' => with_meta_reader_macro(r, result, err); when '@' => reader_macro(r, result, err, "deref"); when '(' => read_sequence(mal_list, ")", r, result, err); when ')' => new_string("unexcepted ')'", err); when '[' => read_sequence(mal_vector, "]", r, result, err); when ']' => new_string("unexcepted ']'", err); when '{' => read_sequence(mal_hashmap, "}", r, result, err); when '}' => new_string("unexcepted '}'", err); when others => read_atom(r, result, err); end case; end procedure read_form; procedure read_str(s: in string; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is variable tokens: token_list_ptr; variable r: reader_class; begin tokens := tokenize(s); if tokens = null or tokens'length = 0 then result := null; err := null; return; end if; reader_new(r, tokens); read_form(r, result, err); end procedure read_str; end package body reader;