;; Testing evaluation of arithmetic operations (+ 1 2) ;=>3 (+ 5 (* 2 3)) ;=>11 (- (+ 5 (* 2 3)) 3) ;=>8 (/ (- (+ 5 (* 2 3)) 3) 4) ;=>2 (/ (- (+ 515 (* 87 311)) 302) 27) ;=>1010 (* -3 6) ;=>-18 (/ (- (+ 515 (* -87 311)) 296) 27) ;=>-994 ;;; This should throw an error with no return value (abc 1 2 3) ;/.+ ;; Testing empty list () ;=>() ;>>> deferrable=True ;>>> optional=True ;; ;; -------- Deferrable/Optional Functionality -------- ;; Testing evaluation within collection literals [1 2 (+ 1 2)] ;=>[1 2 3] {"a" (+ 7 8)} ;=>{"a" 15} {:a (+ 7 8)} ;=>{:a 15}