# # mal (Make Lisp) # _TOP_DIR := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) include $(_TOP_DIR)types.mk include $(_TOP_DIR)reader.mk include $(_TOP_DIR)printer.mk include $(_TOP_DIR)env.mk include $(_TOP_DIR)core.mk SHELL := /bin/bash INTERACTIVE ?= yes EVAL_DEBUG ?= # READ: read and parse input define READ $(if $(READLINE_EOF)$(__ERROR),,$(call READ_STR,$(if $(1),$(1),$(call READLINE,"user> ")))) endef # EVAL: evaluate the parameter define LET $(strip \ $(word 1,$(2) \ $(foreach var,$(call _nth,$(1),0),\ $(foreach val,$(call _nth,$(1),1),\ $(call ENV_SET,$(2),$($(var)_value),$(call EVAL,$(val),$(2)))\ $(foreach left,$(call srest,$(call srest,$(1))), $(if $(call _EQ,0,$(call _count,$(left))),\ ,\ $(call LET,$(left),$(2)))))))) endef define EVAL_AST $(strip \ $(and $(EVAL_DEBUG),$(info EVAL_AST: $(call _pr_str,$(1))))\ $(if $(call _symbol?,$(1)),\ $(foreach key,$($(1)_value),\ $(call ENV_GET,$(2),$(key))),\ $(if $(call _list?,$(1)),\ $(call _smap,EVAL,$(1),$(2)),\ $(if $(call _vector?,$(1)),\ $(call _smap_vec,EVAL,$(1),$(2)),\ $(if $(call _hash_map?,$(1)),\ $(foreach new_hmap,$(call __new_obj,hmap),\ $(foreach v,$(call __get_obj_values,$(1)),\ $(eval $(v:$(1)_%=$(new_hmap)_%) := $(call EVAL,$($(v)),$(2))))\ $(eval $(new_hmap)_size := $($(1)_size))\ $(new_hmap)),\ $(1)))))) endef define EVAL_INVOKE $(if $(__ERROR),,\ $(and $(EVAL_DEBUG),$(info EVAL_INVOKE: $(call _pr_str,$(1)))) $(foreach a0,$(call _nth,$(1),0),\ $(if $(call _EQ,def!,$($(a0)_value)),\ $(foreach a1,$(call _nth,$(1),1),\ $(foreach a2,$(call _nth,$(1),2),\ $(foreach res,$(call EVAL,$(a2),$(2)),\ $(if $(__ERROR),,\ $(if $(call ENV_SET,$(2),$($(a1)_value),$(res)),$(res),))))),\ $(if $(call _EQ,let*,$($(a0)_value)),\ $(foreach a1,$(call _nth,$(1),1),\ $(foreach a2,$(call _nth,$(1),2),\ $(call EVAL,$(a2),$(call LET,$(a1),$(call ENV,$(2)))))),\ $(foreach el,$(call EVAL_AST,$(1),$(2)),\ $(call _apply,$(call sfirst,$(el)),$(call srest,$(el)))))))) endef define EVAL $(strip $(if $(__ERROR),,\ $(and $(EVAL_DEBUG),$(info EVAL: $(call _pr_str,$(1))))\ $(if $(call _list?,$(1)),\ $(strip $(call EVAL_INVOKE,$(1),$(2))),\ $(call EVAL_AST,$(1),$(2))))) endef # PRINT: define PRINT $(if $(__ERROR),Error: $(call _pr_str,$(__ERROR),yes),$(if $(1),$(call _pr_str,$(1),yes)))$(if $(__ERROR),$(eval __ERROR :=),) endef # REPL: REPL_ENV := $(call ENV) REP = $(call PRINT,$(strip $(call EVAL,$(strip $(call READ,$(1))),$(REPL_ENV)))) REPL = $(info $(call REP,$(call READLINE,"user> ")))$(if $(READLINE_EOF),,$(call REPL)) # Setup the environment REPL_ENV := $(call ENV_SET,$(REPL_ENV),+,number_plus) REPL_ENV := $(call ENV_SET,$(REPL_ENV),-,number_subtract) REPL_ENV := $(call ENV_SET,$(REPL_ENV),*,number_multiply) REPL_ENV := $(call ENV_SET,$(REPL_ENV),/,number_divide) # repl loop $(if $(strip $(INTERACTIVE)),$(call REPL))