load "../logo/types.lg load "../logo/reader.lg load "../logo/printer.lg make "global_exception [] to bool_to_mal :bool output ifelse :bool [true_new] [false_new] end to mal_equal_q :a :b output bool_to_mal equal_q :a :b end to mal_throw :a make "global_exception :a (throw "error "_mal_exception_) end to mal_nil_q :a output bool_to_mal ((obj_type :a) = "nil) end to mal_true_q :a output bool_to_mal ((obj_type :a) = "true) end to mal_false_q :a output bool_to_mal ((obj_type :a) = "false) end to mal_string_q :a output bool_to_mal ((obj_type :a) = "string) end to mal_symbol :a output symbol_new obj_val :a end to mal_symbol_q :a output bool_to_mal ((obj_type :a) = "symbol) end to mal_keyword :a output obj_new "keyword obj_val :a end to mal_keyword_q :a output bool_to_mal ((obj_type :a) = "keyword) end to mal_pr_str [:args] output obj_new "string pr_seq :args "true " " :space_char end to mal_str [:args] output obj_new "string pr_seq :args "false " " " end to mal_prn [:args] print pr_seq :args "true " " :space_char output nil_new end to mal_println [:args] print pr_seq :args "false " " :space_char output nil_new end to mal_read_string :str output read_str obj_val :str end to mal_readline :prompt localmake "line readline obj_val :prompt if :line=[] [output nil_new] output obj_new "string :line end to mal_slurp :str openread obj_val :str setread obj_val :str localmake "content " while [not eofp] [ make "content word :content readchar ] close obj_val :str output obj_new "string :content end to mal_lt :a :b output bool_to_mal ((obj_val :a) < (obj_val :b)) end to mal_lte :a :b output bool_to_mal ((obj_val :a) <= (obj_val :b)) end to mal_gt :a :b output bool_to_mal ((obj_val :a) > (obj_val :b)) end to mal_gte :a :b output bool_to_mal ((obj_val :a) >= (obj_val :b)) end to mal_add :a :b output obj_new "number ((obj_val :a) + (obj_val :b)) end to mal_sub :a :b output obj_new "number ((obj_val :a) - (obj_val :b)) end to mal_mul :a :b output obj_new "number ((obj_val :a) * (obj_val :b)) end to mal_div :a :b output obj_new "number ((obj_val :a) / (obj_val :b)) end to mal_time_ms ; Native function timems is added to coms.c (see Dockerfile) output obj_new "number timems end to mal_list [:args] output obj_new "list :args end to mal_list_q :a output bool_to_mal ((obj_type :a) = "list) end to mal_vector [:args] output obj_new "vector :args end to mal_vector_q :a output bool_to_mal ((obj_type :a) = "vector) end to mal_hash_map [:args] localmake "h [] localmake "i 1 while [:i < count :args] [ make "h hashmap_put :h item :i :args item (:i + 1) :args make "i (:i + 2) ] output obj_new "hashmap :h end to mal_map_q :a output bool_to_mal ((obj_type :a) = "hashmap) end to mal_assoc :map [:args] localmake "h obj_val :map localmake "i 1 while [:i < count :args] [ make "h hashmap_put :h item :i :args item (:i + 1) :args make "i (:i + 2) ] output obj_new "hashmap :h end to mal_dissoc :map [:args] localmake "h obj_val :map foreach :args [make "h hashmap_delete :h ?] output obj_new "hashmap :h end to mal_get :map :key localmake "val hashmap_get obj_val :map :key if emptyp :val [output nil_new] output :val end to mal_contains_q :map :key localmake "val hashmap_get obj_val :map :key output bool_to_mal not emptyp :val end to mal_keys :map localmake "h obj_val :map localmake "keys [] localmake "i 1 while [:i <= count :h] [ make "keys lput item :i :h :keys make "i (:i + 2) ] output obj_new "list :keys end to mal_vals :map localmake "h obj_val :map localmake "values [] localmake "i 2 while [:i <= count :h] [ make "values lput item :i :h :values make "i (:i + 2) ] output obj_new "list :values end to mal_sequential_q :a output bool_to_mal sequentialp :a end to mal_cons :a :b output obj_new "list fput :a obj_val :b end to mal_concat [:args] output obj_new "list apply "sentence map [obj_val ?] :args end to mal_nth :a :i if (obj_val :i) >= _count :a [(throw "error [nth: index out of range])] output nth :a obj_val :i end to mal_first :a output cond [ [[(obj_type :a) = "nil] nil_new] [[(_count :a) = 0] nil_new] [else first obj_val :a] ] end to mal_rest :a output obj_new "list cond [ [[(obj_type :a) = "nil] []] [[(_count :a) = 0] []] [else butfirst obj_val :a] ] end to mal_empty_q :a output bool_to_mal (emptyp obj_val :a) end to mal_count :a output obj_new "number _count :a end to mal_apply :f [:args] localmake "callargs obj_new "list sentence butlast :args obj_val last :args output invoke_fn :f :callargs end to mal_map :f :seq output obj_new "list map [invoke_fn :f obj_new "list (list ?)] obj_val :seq end to mal_conj :a0 [:rest] case obj_type :a0 [ [[list] localmake "newlist :a0 foreach :rest [make "newlist mal_cons ? :newlist] output :newlist ] [[vector] output obj_new "vector sentence obj_val :a0 :rest ] [else (throw "error [conj requires list or vector]) ] ] end to mal_seq :a case obj_type :a [ [[string] if (_count :a) = 0 [output nil_new] localmake "chars [] foreach obj_val :a [ make "chars lput obj_new "string ? :chars ] output obj_new "list :chars ] [[list] if (_count :a) = 0 [output nil_new] output :a ] [[vector] if (_count :a) = 0 [output nil_new] output obj_new "list obj_val :a ] [[nil] output nil_new ] [else (throw "error [seq requires string or list or vector or nil]) ] ] end to mal_meta :a localmake "m obj_meta :a if emptyp :m [output nil_new] output :m end to mal_with_meta :a :new_meta localmake "m ifelse (obj_type :new_meta) = "nil [[]] [:new_meta] output obj_new_with_meta obj_type :a obj_val :a :m end to mal_atom :a output obj_new "atom :a end to mal_atom_q :a output bool_to_mal ((obj_type :a) = "atom) end to mal_deref :a output obj_val :a end to mal_reset_bang :a :val .setfirst butfirst :a :val output :val end to invoke_fn :f :callargs output case obj_type :f [ [[nativefn] apply obj_val :f obj_val :callargs ] [[fn] _eval fn_body :f env_new fn_env :f fn_args :f :callargs ] [else (throw "error [Wrong type for apply])] ] end to mal_swap_bang :atom :f [:args] localmake "callargs obj_new "list fput mal_deref :atom :args output mal_reset_bang :atom invoke_fn :f :callargs end to logo_to_mal :a output cond [ [[:a = "true] true_new] [[:a = "false] false_new] [[numberp :a] obj_new "number :a] [[wordp :a] obj_new "string :a] [[listp :a] obj_new "list map [logo_to_mal ?] :a] [else nil_new] ] end to mal_logo_eval :str make "res runresult obj_val :str if emptyp :res [output nil_new] output logo_to_mal first :res end make "core_ns [ [[symbol =] [nativefn mal_equal_q]] [[symbol throw] [nativefn mal_throw]] [[symbol nil?] [nativefn mal_nil_q]] [[symbol true?] [nativefn mal_true_q]] [[symbol false?] [nativefn mal_false_q]] [[symbol string?] [nativefn mal_string_q]] [[symbol symbol] [nativefn mal_symbol]] [[symbol symbol?] [nativefn mal_symbol_q]] [[symbol keyword] [nativefn mal_keyword]] [[symbol keyword?] [nativefn mal_keyword_q]] [[symbol pr-str] [nativefn mal_pr_str]] [[symbol str] [nativefn mal_str]] [[symbol prn] [nativefn mal_prn]] [[symbol println] [nativefn mal_println]] [[symbol read-string] [nativefn mal_read_string]] [[symbol readline] [nativefn mal_readline]] [[symbol slurp] [nativefn mal_slurp]] [[symbol <] [nativefn mal_lt]] [[symbol <=] [nativefn mal_lte]] [[symbol >] [nativefn mal_gt]] [[symbol >=] [nativefn mal_gte]] [[symbol +] [nativefn mal_add]] [[symbol -] [nativefn mal_sub]] [[symbol *] [nativefn mal_mul]] [[symbol /] [nativefn mal_div]] [[symbol time-ms] [nativefn mal_time_ms]] [[symbol list] [nativefn mal_list]] [[symbol list?] [nativefn mal_list_q]] [[symbol vector] [nativefn mal_vector]] [[symbol vector?] [nativefn mal_vector_q]] [[symbol hash-map] [nativefn mal_hash_map]] [[symbol map?] [nativefn mal_map_q]] [[symbol assoc] [nativefn mal_assoc]] [[symbol dissoc] [nativefn mal_dissoc]] [[symbol get] [nativefn mal_get]] [[symbol contains?] [nativefn mal_contains_q]] [[symbol keys] [nativefn mal_keys]] [[symbol vals] [nativefn mal_vals]] [[symbol sequential?] [nativefn mal_sequential_q]] [[symbol cons] [nativefn mal_cons]] [[symbol concat] [nativefn mal_concat]] [[symbol nth] [nativefn mal_nth]] [[symbol first] [nativefn mal_first]] [[symbol rest] [nativefn mal_rest]] [[symbol empty?] [nativefn mal_empty_q]] [[symbol count] [nativefn mal_count]] [[symbol apply] [nativefn mal_apply]] [[symbol map] [nativefn mal_map]] [[symbol conj] [nativefn mal_conj]] [[symbol seq] [nativefn mal_seq]] [[symbol meta] [nativefn mal_meta]] [[symbol with-meta] [nativefn mal_with_meta]] [[symbol atom] [nativefn mal_atom]] [[symbol atom?] [nativefn mal_atom_q]] [[symbol deref] [nativefn mal_deref]] [[symbol reset!] [nativefn mal_reset_bang]] [[symbol swap!] [nativefn mal_swap_bang]] [[symbol logo-eval] [nativefn mal_logo_eval]] ]