with Err; with Types.Fns; with Types.Builtins; package body Types.Sequences is function "=" (Left, Right : in Instance) return Boolean is -- Should become Left.all.Data = Right.all.Data when -- https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=89178 is fixed. begin return Left.Length = Right.Length and then (for all I in 1 .. Left.Data'Length => Left.Data (I) = Right.Data (I)); end "="; function Concat (Args : in T_Array) return T is Sum : Natural := 0; First : Positive := 1; Last : Natural; begin Err.Check ((for all A of Args => A.Kind in Kind_Sequence), "expected sequences"); for Arg of Args loop Sum := Sum + Arg.Sequence.all.Data'Length; end loop; declare Ref : constant Sequence_Ptr := Constructor (Sum); begin for Arg of Args loop Last := First - 1 + Arg.Sequence.all.Data'Last; Ref.all.Data (First .. Last) := Arg.Sequence.all.Data; First := Last + 1; end loop; return (Kind_List, Ref); end; end Concat; function Conj (Args : in T_Array) return T is begin Err.Check (0 < Args'Length, "expected at least 1 parameter"); case Args (Args'First).Kind is when Kind_Sequence => declare Data : T_Array renames Args (Args'First).Sequence.all.Data; Last : constant Natural := Args'Length - 1 + Data'Length; -- Avoid exceptions until Ref is controlled. Ref : constant Sequence_Ptr := Constructor (Last); begin if Args (Args'First).Kind = Kind_List then for I in 1 .. Args'Length - 1 loop Ref.all.Data (I) := Args (Args'Last - I + 1); end loop; Ref.all.Data (Args'Length .. Last) := Data; return (Kind_List, Ref); else Ref.all.Data := Data & Args (Args'First + 1 .. Args'Last); return (Kind_Vector, Ref); end if; end; when others => Err.Raise_With ("parameter 1 must be a sequence"); end case; end Conj; function Cons (Args : in T_Array) return T is begin Err.Check (Args'Length = 2 and then Args (Args'Last).Kind in Kind_Sequence, "expected a value then a sequence"); declare Head : T renames Args (Args'First); Tail : T_Array renames Args (Args'Last).Sequence.all.Data; Ref : constant Sequence_Ptr := Constructor (1 + Tail'Length); begin Ref.all.Data := Head & Tail; return (Kind_List, Ref); end; end Cons; function Constructor (Length : in Natural) return Sequence_Ptr is Ref : constant Sequence_Ptr := new Instance (Length); begin Garbage_Collected.Register (Garbage_Collected.Pointer (Ref)); return Ref; end Constructor; function Count (Args : in T_Array) return T is begin Err.Check (Args'Length = 1, "expected 1 parameter"); case Args (Args'First).Kind is when Kind_Nil => return (Kind_Number, 0); when Kind_Sequence => return (Kind_Number, Args (Args'First).Sequence.all.Data'Length); when others => Err.Raise_With ("parameter must be nil or a sequence"); end case; end Count; function First (Args : in T_Array) return T is begin Err.Check (Args'Length = 1, "expected 1 parameter"); case Args (Args'First).Kind is when Kind_Nil => return Nil; when Kind_Sequence => declare Data : T_Array renames Args (Args'First).Sequence.all.Data; begin if Data'Length = 0 then return Nil; else return Data (Data'First); end if; end; when others => Err.Raise_With ("parameter must be nil or a sequence"); end case; end First; function Is_Empty (Args : in T_Array) return T is begin Err.Check (Args'Length = 1 and then Args (Args'First).Kind in Kind_Sequence, "expected a sequence"); return (Kind_Boolean, Args (Args'First).Sequence.all.Data'Length = 0); end Is_Empty; procedure Keep_References (Object : in out Instance) is begin Keep (Object.Meta); for M of Object.Data loop Keep (M); end loop; end Keep_References; function List (Args : in T_Array) return T is Ref : constant Sequence_Ptr := Constructor (Args'Length); begin Ref.all.Data := Args; return (Kind_List, Ref); end List; function Map (Args : in T_Array) return T is begin Err.Check (Args'Length = 2 and then Args (Args'Last).Kind in Kind_Sequence, "expected a function then a sequence"); declare F : T renames Args (Args'First); Src : T_Array renames Args (Args'Last).Sequence.all.Data; Ref : constant Sequence_Ptr := Constructor (Src'Length); begin case F.Kind is when Kind_Builtin => for I in Src'Range loop Ref.all.Data (I) := F.Builtin.all (Src (I .. I)); end loop; when Kind_Builtin_With_Meta => for I in Src'Range loop Ref.all.Data (I) := F.Builtin_With_Meta.all.Builtin.all (Src (I .. I)); end loop; when Kind_Fn => for I in Src'Range loop Ref.all.Data (I) := F.Fn.all.Apply (Src (I .. I)); end loop; when others => Err.Raise_With ("parameter 1 must be a function"); end case; return (Kind_List, Ref); end; end Map; function Nth (Args : in T_Array) return T is begin Err.Check (Args'Length = 2 and then Args (Args'First).Kind in Kind_Sequence and then Args (Args'Last).Kind = Kind_Number, "expected a sequence then a number"); declare L : T_Array renames Args (Args'First).Sequence.all.Data; I : constant Integer := Args (Args'Last).Number + 1; begin Err.Check (I in L'Range, "index out of bounds"); return L (I); end; end Nth; function Rest (Args : in T_Array) return T is begin Err.Check (Args'Length = 1, "expected 1 parameter"); case Args (Args'First).Kind is when Kind_Nil => return (Kind_List, Constructor (0)); when Kind_Sequence => declare A1 : T_Array renames Args (Args'First).Sequence.all.Data; Ref : constant Sequence_Ptr := Constructor (Integer'Max (0, A1'Length - 1)); begin Ref.all.Data := A1 (A1'First + 1 .. A1'Last); return (Kind_List, Ref); end; when others => Err.Raise_With ("parameter must be nil or a sequence"); end case; end Rest; function Vector (Args : in T_Array) return T is Ref : constant Sequence_Ptr := Constructor (Args'Length); begin Ref.all.Data := Args; return (Kind_Vector, Ref); end Vector; end Types.Sequences;