#!/usr/bin/env julia push!(LOAD_PATH, pwd(), "/usr/share/julia/base") import readline_mod import reader import printer using env import core using types # READ function READ(str) reader.read_str(str) end # EVAL function eval_ast(ast, env) if typeof(ast) == Symbol env_get(env,ast) elseif isa(ast, Array) || isa(ast, Tuple) map((x) -> EVAL(x,env), ast) elseif isa(ast, Dict) [EVAL(x[1],env) => EVAL(x[2], env) for x=ast] else ast end end function EVAL(ast, env) while true #println("EVAL: $(printer.pr_str(ast,true))") if !isa(ast, Array) return eval_ast(ast, env) end # apply if :def! == ast[1] return env_set(env, ast[2], EVAL(ast[3], env)) elseif symbol("let*") == ast[1] let_env = Env(env) for i = 1:2:length(ast[2]) env_set(let_env, ast[2][i], EVAL(ast[2][i+1], let_env)) end env = let_env ast = ast[3] # TCO loop elseif :do == ast[1] eval_ast(ast[2:end-1], env) ast = ast[end] # TCO loop elseif :if == ast[1] cond = EVAL(ast[2], env) if cond === nothing || cond === false if length(ast) >= 4 ast = ast[4] # TCO loop else return nothing end else ast = ast[3] # TCO loop end elseif symbol("fn*") == ast[1] return MalFunc( (args...) -> EVAL(ast[3], Env(env, ast[2], args)), ast[3], env, ast[2]) else el = eval_ast(ast, env) f, args = el[1], el[2:end] if isa(f, MalFunc) ast = f.ast env = Env(f.env, f.params, args) # TCO loop else return f(args...) end end end end # PRINT function PRINT(exp) printer.pr_str(exp) end # REPL repl_env = nothing function REP(str) return PRINT(EVAL(READ(str), repl_env)) end # core.jl: defined using Julia repl_env = Env(nothing, core.ns) env_set(repl_env, :eval, (ast) -> EVAL(ast, repl_env)) env_set(repl_env, symbol("*ARGV*"), ARGS[2:end]) # core.mal: defined using the language itself REP("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))") REP("(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))") if length(ARGS) > 0 REP("(load-file \"$(ARGS[1])\")") exit(0) end while true line = readline_mod.do_readline("user> ") if line === nothing break end try println(REP(line)) catch e if isa(e, ErrorException) println("Error: $(e.msg)") else println("Error: $(string(e))") end # TODO: show at least part of stack if !isa(e, StackOverflowError) bt = catch_backtrace() Base.show_backtrace(STDERR, bt) end println() end end