load "../logo/readline.lg load "../logo/reader.lg load "../logo/printer.lg load "../logo/types.lg load "../logo/env.lg to _read :str output read_str :str end to eval_ast :ast :env output case (obj_type :ast) [ [[symbol] env_get :env :ast] [[list] obj_new "list map [_eval ? :env] obj_val :ast] [[vector] obj_new "vector map [_eval ? :env] obj_val :ast] [[hashmap] obj_new "hashmap map [_eval ? :env] obj_val :ast] [else :ast] ] end to _eval :ast :env if (obj_type :ast) <> "list [output eval_ast :ast :env] if emptyp obj_val :ast [output :ast] localmake "a0 nth :ast 0 case list obj_type :a0 obj_val :a0 [ [[[symbol def!]] localmake "a1 nth :ast 1 localmake "a2 nth :ast 2 output env_set :env :a1 _eval :a2 :env ] [[[symbol let*]] localmake "a1 nth :ast 1 localmake "letenv env_new :env [] [] localmake "i 0 while [:i < _count :a1] [ ignore env_set :letenv nth :a1 :i _eval nth :a1 (:i + 1) :letenv make "i (:i + 2) ] output _eval nth :ast 2 :letenv ] [else make "el obj_val eval_ast :ast :env output apply first :el butfirst :el ] ] end to _print :exp output pr_str :exp "true end to rep :str output _print _eval _read :str :repl_env end to mal_add :a :b output obj_new "number ((obj_val :a) + (obj_val :b)) end to mal_sub :a :b output obj_new "number ((obj_val :a) - (obj_val :b)) end to mal_mul :a :b output obj_new "number ((obj_val :a) * (obj_val :b)) end to mal_div :a :b output obj_new "number ((obj_val :a) / (obj_val :b)) end to repl localmake "running "true while [:running] [ localmake "line readline word "user> :space_char ifelse :line=[] [ print " make "running "false ] [ if not emptyp :line [ catch "error [print rep :line] localmake "exception error if not emptyp :exception [ (print "Error: first butfirst :exception) ] ] ] ] end make "repl_env env_new [] [] [] ignore env_set :repl_env obj_new "symbol "+ "mal_add ignore env_set :repl_env obj_new "symbol "- "mal_sub ignore env_set :repl_env obj_new "symbol "* "mal_mul ignore env_set :repl_env obj_new "symbol "/ "mal_div repl bye