;; Memoize any function. ;; Implement `memoize` using an atom (`mem`) which holds the memoized results ;; (hash-map from the arguments to the result). When the function is called, ;; the hash-map is checked to see if the result for the given argument was already ;; calculated and stored. If this is the case, it is returned immediately; ;; otherwise, it is calculated and stored in `mem`. ;; For recursive functions, take care to store the wrapper under the ;; same name than the original computation with an assignment like ;; `(def! f (memoize f))`, so that intermediate results are memorized. ;; Adapted from http://clojure.org/atoms (def! memoize (fn* [f] (let* [mem (atom {})] (fn* [& args] (let* [key (str args)] (if (contains? @mem key) (get @mem key) (let* [ret (apply f args)] (do (swap! mem assoc key ret) ret)))))))) nil