EXIM ALIAS AND LOCAL DOMAIN CONFIGURATION This module implements handling of e-mail aliases and configuring domains for which e-mail should be accepted locally for the exim MTA (http://www.exim.org). A .aliases file in a domain's directory controls its e-mail aliases. A target below may one of three things: * a local username, to deliver mail to that user * an e-mail address, to forward mail to it * !, to delete mail to this address The file then consists of a sequence of lines of the following types. * user target: Send all mail to user@domain to target * * target: Send all mail to domain not matching any other rule to target. However, if mail is sent to an existing UNIX username on Abulafia, the message will go to that account * ** target: Send all mail that does not match another rule to domain to target, even mail addressed to real UNIX usernames These policies are implemented by writing to two different alias files which are meant to be processed in different passes. The first one (probably /etc/aliases) should be check before exim checks an e-mail recipient against local useranmes or other special targets. After this, local usernames should be checked. Finally, the second alias file (such as /etc/aliases.default) should be checked, to implement "catch-all" addresses that handle all mail not matching other rules. The module also handles receiving notifications of which domains delegate mail handling to this host and incorporating this information into exim configuration files. A file local_domains is maintained in the domtool scratchDir, along with the last version of it in local_domains.last, to detect when changes have been made. The module will attempt to generate exim.conf by concatenatning local_domains and a file exim.base. The paths for these files are configurable in config.sml, as is the command used to tell exim to reload exim.conf afterwards.