APACHE VIRTUAL HOST AND WEBALIZER CONFIGURATION This module handles configuration of Apache 1.3 (http://httpd.apache.org/) virtual hosts, as well as automatically setting up Webalizer (http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer/) access statistics generation for each virtual host. Any file in a domain's directory whose name is a valid hostname (i.e., www, myhost, etc.) is taken to be configuration for an Apache virtual host. These are separate web sites that Apache serves, differentiated based on the hostname contained in a request. The following configuration directives may appear on separate lines in such files: * ServerAdmin email: Set the e-mail address of the vhost's admin to email. * User user: Run CGI programs as UNIX user user. The default is nobody. * Group group: Run CGI programs with UNIX group group. The default is nogroup. You are probably not in nogroup, so you probably want to include Group myuser if you also have User myuser. * UserDir: Map requests to http://domain/~user/... to the corresponding files and directories in user's public_html directory, if he has one. * DocumentRoot dir: Use dir as the base directory for site content. * RewriteRule ...: These lines are passed verbatim to Apache's mod_rewrite (http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_rewrite.html). * Alias urldir realdir: Serve requests for things in directory urldir out of realdir. * ScriptAlias urldir realdir: Like the above, but for scripts. It's like the same-named Apache directive. * SSI: Enable server-side includes. * ServerAlias hostname: Serve requests for full hostname hostname with this same vhost. There must exist an appropriate host.aliased file corresponding to hostname. For example, if hostname is my.web.site, the file /etc/domains/site/web/my.aliased must exist. * WebalizerUsers userlist: Only allow users in space-separated userlist to view the Webalizer statistics for this vhost. * AbuPrivate: Force visitors to this vhost to log in with their web accounts. The password file used for this is indicated by passwdFile in config.sml. Deny access if a correct username and password are not provided. * CGI dir: Mark filesystem directory dir as containing executable CGI scripts/programs. * Default: Where the configuration file is describing host.domain, this sets domain by itself as an alternate name for this vhost. * ErrorDocument code url: This is the Apache ErrorDocument directive verbatim. * HTML realdir: Serve every file in realdir as HTML. The src/webpasswd/ directory contains a handy tool for allowing users to set their own passwords and no one else's in an Apache password file. It's helpful to use along with the AbuPrivate and WebalizerUsers options. The module generates a file vhosts.conf containing only virtual host configuration. It is intended to be included by the standard httpd.conf after all server-wide configuration and a default virtual host block.