Initial import
[hcoop/zz_old/domtool.git] / src / domtool.sml
1 (*
2 Domtool (
3 Copyright (C) 2004 Adam Chlipala
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
8 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
18 *)
20 (* Main domtool structure *)
22 structure Domtool =
23 struct
24 open Config Util
26 val uid = Posix.ProcEnv.wordToUid (SysWord.fromInt uid)
28 val dprint = if debug then (fn x => print (x ^ "\n")) else (fn _ => ())
30 fun openIn fname =
31 ((*dprint ("Open " ^ fname ^ "....");*)
32 TextIO.openIn fname)
34 fun opendir fname =
35 ((*dprint ("Open dir " ^ fname ^ "....");*)
36 Posix.FileSys.opendir fname)
38 fun inputLine fl =
39 let
40 val s = TextIO.inputLine fl
41 in
42 if size s = 0 orelse String.sub (s, 0) <> #"#" then
43 s
44 else
45 inputLine fl
46 end
48 fun hd' ([], x) = x
49 | hd' (h::_, _) = h
51 fun domPrep (a, b) =
52 (case b of
53 "" => a
54 | _ => a ^ "." ^ b)
57 type map = string
58 type set = StringSet.set
60 type handlerData = {path : string,
61 domain : string,
62 parent : string,
63 vars : map,
64 paths : set,
65 users : set,
66 groups : set}
67 type mkdomData = {path : string,
68 domain : string}
69 type handler = {init : unit -> unit,
70 file : handlerData -> unit,
71 finish : unit -> unit,
72 publish : unit -> OS.Process.status,
73 mkdom : mkdomData -> OS.Process.status}
75 val nullHandler = {init = fn () => (),
76 file = fn (_ : handlerData) => (),
77 finish = fn () => (),
78 publish = fn () => OS.Process.success,
79 mkdom = fn (_ : mkdomData) => OS.Process.success}
81 val vhostHandler = ref nullHandler
82 fun setVhostHandler f = vhostHandler := f
84 val handlers = ref (StringMap.empty : handler
85 fun setHandler (fname, handler) = handlers := StringMap.insert (!handlers, fname, handler)
87 fun error (path, msg) = print (path ^ ": " ^ msg ^ "\n")
89 fun read () =
90 let
91 val vhostHandler = !vhostHandler
93 val _ = Posix.FileSys.mkdir (lockFile, Posix.FileSys.S.irwxu)
95 fun readDir (path, prefix, vars, paths, users, groups) =
96 let
97 val _ = dprint ("readDir: " ^ path)
98 val dir = opendir path
100 val vars =
101 if Posix.FileSys.access (path ^ "/.vars", []) then
102 let
103 val vf = openIn (path ^ "/.vars")
105 fun loop vars =
106 let
107 val line = inputLine vf
108 in
109 case line of
110 "" => vars
111 | _ =>
112 (case String.tokens Char.isSpace line of
113 [n, v] =>
114 if validHost n then
115 loop (StringMap.insert (vars, n, v))
116 else
117 (error (path ^ "/.vars", "Invalid variable declaration: " ^
118 String.substring (line, 0, size line - 1));
119 loop vars)
120 | _ => loop vars)
121 end
122 in
123 loop vars
124 before TextIO.closeIn vf
125 end
126 else
127 vars
129 val pp = path ^ "/.paths"
130 val paths =
131 if Posix.FileSys.access (pp, []) then
132 (if Posix.FileSys.ST.uid (Posix.FileSys.stat pp) = uid then
133 let
134 val vf = openIn pp
136 fun loop paths =
137 let
138 val line = inputLine vf
139 in
140 case line of
141 "" => paths
142 | _ =>
143 (case String.tokens Char.isSpace line of
144 [path] => loop (StringSet.add (paths, path))
145 | _ => loop paths)
146 end
147 in
148 loop paths
149 before TextIO.closeIn vf
150 end
151 else
152 (error (pp, "wrong owner to be used");
153 paths))
154 else
155 paths
157 val up = path ^ "/.users"
158 val users =
159 if Posix.FileSys.access (up, []) then
160 (if Posix.FileSys.ST.uid (Posix.FileSys.stat up) = uid then
161 let
162 val vf = openIn up
164 fun loop users =
165 let
166 val line = inputLine vf
167 in
168 case line of
169 "" => users
170 | _ =>
171 (case String.tokens Char.isSpace line of
172 [user] => loop (StringSet.add (users, user))
173 | _ => loop users)
174 end
175 in
176 loop users
177 before TextIO.closeIn vf
178 end
179 else
180 (error (up, ": wrong owner to be used.");
181 users))
182 else
183 users
185 val gp = path ^ "/.groups"
186 val groups =
187 if Posix.FileSys.access (gp, []) then
188 (if Posix.FileSys.ST.uid (Posix.FileSys.stat gp) = uid then
189 let
190 val vf = openIn gp
192 fun loop groups =
193 let
194 val line = inputLine vf
195 in
196 case line of
197 "" => groups
198 | _ =>
199 (case String.tokens Char.isSpace line of
200 [group] => loop (StringSet.add (groups, group))
201 | _ => loop groups)
202 end
203 in
204 loop groups
205 before TextIO.closeIn vf
206 end
207 else
208 (error (gp, "wrong owner to be used.");
209 groups))
210 else
211 groups
213 fun loop (name, ()) =
214 let
215 val path' = path ^ "/" ^ name
216 val prefix' = domPrep (name, prefix)
217 in
218 if not (Posix.FileSys.access (path', [])) then
219 ()
220 else if Posix.FileSys.ST.isDir (Posix.FileSys.stat path') then
221 readDir (path', prefix', vars, paths, users, groups)
222 else if isTmp name then
223 ()
224 else case StringMap.find (!handlers, name) of
225 NONE => if validHost name andalso path' <> defaultWebPath then
226 #file vhostHandler {path = path',
227 domain = prefix',
228 parent = prefix,
229 vars = vars,
230 paths = paths,
231 users = users,
232 groups = groups}
233 else
234 ()
235 | SOME {file, ...} => file {path = path',
236 domain = prefix',
237 parent = prefix,
238 vars = vars,
239 paths = paths,
240 users = users,
241 groups = groups}
242 end
243 in
244 ioOptLoop (fn () => Posix.FileSys.readdir dir) loop ();
245 Posix.FileSys.closedir dir
246 end handle Io => error (path, "IO error")
247 in
248 #init vhostHandler ();
249 (fn {init, ...} => init ()) (!handlers);
250 readDir (dataDir, "", StringMap.empty,
251 StringSet.empty, StringSet.empty, StringSet.empty);
252 (fn {finish, ...} => finish ()) (!handlers);
253 #finish vhostHandler ();
254 Posix.FileSys.rmdir lockFile;
255 print "Processing complete.\n";
256 OS.Process.system dompub
257 end handle Io => (print "IO error. Is domtool already running?\n";
258 OS.Process.failure)
260 fun combineStatus (a, b) =
261 if OS.Process.isSuccess a andalso OS.Process.isSuccess b then
262 OS.Process.success
263 else
264 OS.Process.failure
266 fun publish () =
267 StringMap.foldl (fn ({publish, ...}, status) =>
268 combineStatus (status, publish ()))
269 (#publish (!vhostHandler) ())
270 (!handlers)
272 fun mkdir dir =
273 let
274 fun mkd (tokens, acc) =
275 case tokens of
276 [] => true
277 | (dir::rest) =>
278 let
279 val dir = acc ^ "/" ^ dir
280 in
281 if not (Posix.FileSys.access (dir, []))
282 andalso OS.Process.system ("mkdir " ^ dir) = OS.Process.failure then
283 (print ("Can't created directory " ^ dir ^ "\n");
284 false)
285 else
286 mkd (rest, dir)
287 end
288 in
289 mkd (String.tokens (fn ch => ch = #"/") dir, dataDir)
290 end
292 fun mkdom (dom, user) =
293 if not (validDomain dom) then
294 (print "Invalid domain\n";
295 OS.Process.failure)
296 else if not (validUser user) then
297 (print "Invalid user\n";
298 OS.Process.failure)
299 else
300 let
301 val dir' = toDir dom
302 val dir = dataDir ^ dir'
303 in
304 if not (mkdir dir')
305 orelse OS.Process.system ("echo " ^ user ^ " >" ^ dir ^ "/.users") = OS.Process.failure
306 orelse OS.Process.system ("echo " ^ user ^ " >" ^ dir ^ "/.groups") = OS.Process.failure
307 orelse OS.Process.system ("echo /home/" ^ user ^ " >" ^ dir ^ "/.paths") = OS.Process.failure
308 orelse OS.Process.system ("chown -R " ^ user ^ "." ^ user ^ " " ^ dir) = OS.Process.failure
309 orelse OS.Process.system ("chmod -R g+w " ^ dir) = OS.Process.failure
310 orelse OS.Process.system ("chown domains.adm " ^ dir ^ "/.users " ^ dir ^ "/.groups " ^ dir ^ "/.paths") = OS.Process.failure then
311 (print "Setup failed\n";
312 OS.Process.failure)
313 else if not (OS.Process.isSuccess
314 (StringMap.foldl (fn ({mkdom, ...}, status) =>
315 combineStatus (status, mkdom {path = dir, domain = dom}))
316 (#mkdom (!vhostHandler) {path = dir, domain = dom})
317 (!handlers))) then
318 (print "Setup failed\n";
319 OS.Process.failure)
320 else
321 (print "Domain created\n";
322 OS.Process.success)
323 end
324 end