/* webalizer_lang.chinese Webalizer V2.0x Language Support file for Chinese. 30-Apr-1999 Translated to Chinese by Daniel Gau 29-Jun-1999 Modified for level 1.3 support (brad@mrunix.net) 22-Feb-2000 Modified for level 2.0 support (brad@mrunix.net) 26-Mar-2008 Updated to current IANA TLDs (brad@mrunix.net) 26-May-2008 Modified for level 2.2 support (brad@mrunix.net) Language files are named using the following convention: webalizer_lang.LANGUAGE where 'LANGUAGE' is the name of the language the file is translated into (ie: webalizer_lang.russian for russian). Either copy the desired language file to webalizer_lang.h or create a symbolic link, then re-compile. If you translate this file into a different language, please send a copy to brad@mrunix.net. */ /***********************************************************************/ /* DEFINE LANGUAGE NAME here */ /***********************************************************************/ char *language = "Chinese"; char *langcode = "zh"; /***********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Informational messages */ /* */ /* These messages are only displayed while The Webalizer is being run, */ /* usually to the screen, and are not part of the HTML output. */ /* */ /***********************************************************************/ /* these are only used in timing totals */ /* Format: XXX records (XXX ignored, XXX bad) in X.XX seconds */ char *msg_records = "記錄"; char *msg_addresses="addresses"; char *msg_ignored = "忽略"; char *msg_bad = "bad"; char *msg_in = "in"; char *msg_seconds = "秒"; /* progress and setup error messages */ char *msg_log_err = "錯誤:無法開啟記錄檔"; char *msg_log_use = "使用記錄檔"; char *msg_dir_err = "錯誤:無法變更目錄"; char *msg_dir_use = "產生輸出於"; char *msg_cur_dir = "目前的目錄"; char *msg_hostname= "主機名稱是"; char *msg_ign_hist= "忽略之前歷史記錄(history)"; char *msg_no_hist = "歷史記錄(history file)找不到…"; char *msg_get_hist= "讀取歷史記錄"; char *msg_put_hist= "儲存歷史記錄資訊"; char *msg_hist_err= "錯誤:無法寫入歷史記錄"; char *msg_bad_hist= "錯誤:忽略無效的歷史記錄"; char *msg_bad_conf= "錯誤:無法開啟設定檔"; char *msg_bad_key = "警告:無效的關鍵字"; char *msg_bad_date= "錯誤:跳過該筆記錄(日期格式有問題)"; char *msg_ign_nscp= "Skipping Netscape header record"; char *msg_bad_rec = "Skipping bad record"; char *msg_no_vrec = "找不到有效的記錄!"; char *msg_gen_rpt = "產生報表給"; char *msg_gen_sum = "產生彙總報表"; char *msg_get_data= "Reading previous run data.."; char *msg_put_data= "Saving current run data..."; char *msg_no_data = "Previous run data not found..."; char *msg_bad_data= "Error: Unable to restore run data"; char *msg_data_err= "Error: Unable to save current run data"; char *msg_dup_data= "Warning: Possible duplicate data found"; /* DNS Stuff */ char *msg_dns_nocf= "No cache file specified, aborting..."; char *msg_dns_nodb= "Error: Unable to open DNS cache file"; char *msg_dns_nolk= "Error: Unable to lock DNS cache file"; char *msg_dns_usec= "Using DNS cache file"; char *msg_dns_rslv= "DNS Lookup"; char *msg_dns_none= "None to process"; char *msg_dns_abrt= "DNS support not present, aborting..."; /* Geolocation stuff */ char *msg_geo_open= "Error opening file"; char *msg_geo_use = "Using"; char *msg_geo_nolu= "lookups disabled"; char *msg_geo_dflt= "default"; /* memory allocation errors */ char *msg_nomem_ts= "Can't allocate enough memory, Top Sites disabled!"; char *msg_nomem_tr= "Can't allocate enough memory, Top Referrers disabled!"; char *msg_nomem_tu= "Can't allocate enough memory, Top URLs disabled!"; char *msg_nomem_tc= "Can't allocate enough memory, Top Countries disabled!"; char *msg_nomem_ta= "Can't allocate enough memory, Top User Agents disabled!"; char *msg_nomem_tsr="Can't Allocate enough memory, Top Search Strings disabled!"; char *msg_nomem_ti= "Can't allocate enough memory, Top Usernames disabled!"; char *msg_nomem_dh= "Error adding host node (daily), skipping"; char *msg_nomem_mh= "Error adding host node (monthly), skipping"; char *msg_nomem_u = "Error adding URL node, skipping"; char *msg_nomem_a = "Error adding User Agent node, skipping"; char *msg_nomem_r = "Error adding Referrer node, skipping"; char *msg_nomem_sc= "Error adding Search String node, skipping"; char *msg_nomem_i = "Error adding Username node, skipping"; /* log record errors */ char *msg_big_rec = "Error: Skipping oversized log record"; char *msg_big_host= "Warning: Truncating oversized hostname"; char *msg_big_date= "Warning: Truncating oversized date field"; char *msg_big_req = "Warning: Truncating oversized request field"; char *msg_big_ref = "Warning: Truncating oversized referrer field"; char *msg_big_user= "Warning: Truncating oversized username"; char *msg_big_one = "Warning: String exceeds storage size"; /* misc errors */ char *msg_no_open = "Error: Unable to open file"; /* Help display... */ char *h_usage1 = "Usage"; char *h_usage2 = "[options] [log file]"; char *h_msg[]= { "-h = print this help message" , "-V = print version information" , "-v = be verbose" , "-d = print additional debug info" , "-F type = Log type. type= (clf | ftp | squid | w3c)", "-f = fold sequence errors" , "-i = ignore history file" , "-p = preserve state (incremental)" , "-b = ignore state (incremental)" , "-q = supress informational messages" , "-Q = supress _ALL_ messages" , "-Y = supress country graph" , "-G = supress hourly graph" , "-H = supress hourly stats" , "-L = supress color coded graph legends" , "-l num = use num background lines on graph" , "-m num = Visit timeout value (seconds)" , "-T = print timing information" , "-c file = use configuration file 'file'" , "-n name = hostname to use" , "-o dir = output directory to use" , "-t name = report title 'name'" , "-a name = hide user agent 'name'" , "-r name = hide referrer 'name'" , "-s name = hide site 'name'" , "-u name = hide URL 'name'" , "-x name = Use filename extension 'name'" , "-O name = Omit page 'name'" , "-P name = Page type extension 'name'" , "-I name = Index alias 'name'" , "-K num = num months in summary table" , "-k num = num months in summary graph" , "-A num = Display num top agents" , "-C num = Display num top countries" , "-R num = Display num top referrers" , "-S num = Display num top sites" , "-U num = Display num top URLs" , "-e num = Display num top Entry Pages" , "-E num = Display num top Exit Pages" , "-g num = Group Domains to 'num' levels" , "-X = Hide individual sites" , "-z dir = Use country flags in 'dir'" , #ifdef USE_DNS "-D name = Use DNS Cache file 'name'" , "-N num = Number of DNS processes (0=disable)" , "-j = Enable native GeoDB lookups" , "-J name = Use GeoDB database 'name'" , #endif #ifdef USE_GEOIP "-w = Enable GeoIP lookups" , "-W name = Use GeoIP database 'name'" , #endif NULL}; #define LAST_HLP_MSG (int)(sizeof(h_msg)/sizeof(char *)) /***********************************************************************/ /* */ /* HTML strings */ /* */ /* These strings are used as part of the HTML output generated by The */ /* Webalizer. */ /* */ /***********************************************************************/ /* header strings */ char *msg_hhdr_sp = "Summary Period"; char *msg_hhdr_gt = "產生時間:"; /* main index strings */ char *msg_main_us = "Usage Statistics for"; /* char *msg_main_per= " 12 個月"; */ char *msg_main_per= "每月彙總統計"; char *msg_main_sum= "每月彙總統計"; char *msg_main_da = "每日平均"; char *msg_main_mt = "每月總計"; /* month HTML page strings */ char *msg_hmth_du = "Daily usage for"; char *msg_hmth_hu = "Hourly usage for"; /* table header strings */ char *msg_h_by = "By"; char *msg_h_avg = "平均"; char *msg_h_max = "Max"; char *msg_h_total = "總和"; char *msg_h_totals= "總和"; char *msg_h_day = "日"; char *msg_h_mth = "月"; char *msg_h_hour = "小時"; char *msg_h_hits = "讀取數"; char *msg_h_pages = "Pages"; char *msg_h_visits= "Visits"; char *msg_h_files = "檔案"; char *msg_h_sites = "網站數"; char *msg_h_xfer = "傳送量(KB)"; char *msg_h_hname = "主機名稱"; char *msg_h_url = "網頁路徑"; char *msg_h_agent = "瀏覽器"; char *msg_h_ref = "來源網頁"; char *msg_h_ctry = "國家"; char *msg_h_search= "Search String"; char *msg_h_uname = "Username"; /* links along top of page */ char *msg_hlnk_ds = "每日統計"; char *msg_hlnk_hs = "每小時統計"; char *msg_hlnk_u = "網頁路徑"; char *msg_hlnk_s = "來源網站"; char *msg_hlnk_a = "瀏覽器"; char *msg_hlnk_c = "國家"; char *msg_hlnk_r = "來源網頁"; char *msg_hlnk_en = "Entry"; char *msg_hlnk_ex = "Exit"; char *msg_hlnk_sr = "Search"; char *msg_hlnk_i = "Users"; /* monthly total table */ char *msg_mtot_ms = "每月統計--"; char *msg_mtot_th = "總讀取數"; char *msg_mtot_tf = "總檔案數"; char *msg_mtot_tx = "總傳送量(KB)"; char *msg_mtot_us = "來源網站總數(不包含重覆者)"; char *msg_mtot_ur = "來源網頁總數(不包含重覆者)"; char *msg_mtot_ua = "來源瀏覽器總數(不包含重覆者)"; char *msg_mtot_uu = "被讀取的網頁路徑總數(不包含重覆者)"; char *msg_mtot_ui = "Total Unique Usernames"; char *msg_mtot_mhd= "Hits per Day"; char *msg_mtot_mhh= "Hits per Hour"; char *msg_mtot_mfd= "Files per Day"; char *msg_mtot_mpd= "Pages per Day"; char *msg_mtot_msd= "Sites per Day"; char *msg_mtot_mvd= "Visits per Day"; char *msg_mtot_mkd= "KBytes per Day"; char *msg_mtot_rc = "網頁讀取時之回應代碼"; /* daily total table */ char *msg_dtot_ds = "每日統計 "; /* hourly total table */ char *msg_htot_hs = "每小時統計 "; /* country pie chart */ char *msg_ctry_use= "來源國家統計 "; /* top tables */ /* Formatted as "Top xxx of xxx Total something" */ char *msg_top_top = "列出前"; char *msg_top_of = "名,共有"; char *msg_top_s = "個網站"; char *msg_top_u = "網頁路徑"; char *msg_top_r = "個來源網頁"; char *msg_top_a = "種瀏覽器"; char *msg_top_c = "個國家"; char *msg_top_en = "Total Entry Pages"; char *msg_top_ex = "Total Exit Pages"; char *msg_top_sr = "Total Search Strings"; char *msg_top_i = "Total Usernames"; char *msg_v_sites = "View All Sites"; char *msg_v_urls = "View All URLs"; char *msg_v_refs = "View All Referrers"; char *msg_v_agents= "View All User Agents"; char *msg_v_search= "View All Search Strings"; char *msg_v_users = "View All Usernames"; /* short month names MUST BE 3 CHARS in size... pad if needed*/ char *s_month[12]={ "一月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月"}; /* long month names - can be any length */ char *l_month[12]={ "一月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月"}; /* response code descriptions... order IS important! */ struct response_code response[] = { { "Undefined response code", 0 }, { "Code 100 - Continue", 0 }, { "Code 101 - Switching Protocols", 0 }, { "Code 200 - OK", 0 }, { "Code 201 - Created", 0 }, { "Code 202 - Accepted", 0 }, { "Code 203 - Non-Authoritative Information", 0 }, { "Code 204 - No Content", 0 }, { "Code 205 - Reset Content", 0 }, { "Code 206 - Partial Content", 0 }, { "Code 300 - Multiple Choices", 0 }, { "Code 301 - Moved Permanently", 0 }, { "Code 302 - Found", 0 }, { "Code 303 - See Other", 0 }, { "Code 304 - Not Modified", 0 }, { "Code 305 - Use Proxy", 0 }, { "Code 307 - Moved Temporarily", 0 }, { "Code 400 - Bad Request", 0 }, { "Code 401 - Unauthorized", 0 }, { "Code 402 - Payment Required", 0 }, { "Code 403 - Forbidden", 0 }, { "Code 404 - Not Found", 0 }, { "Code 405 - Method Not Allowed", 0 }, { "Code 406 - Not Acceptable", 0 }, { "Code 407 - Proxy Authentication Required", 0 }, { "Code 408 - Request Timeout", 0 }, { "Code 409 - Conflict", 0 }, { "Code 410 - Gone", 0 }, { "Code 411 - Length Required", 0 }, { "Code 412 - Precondition Failed", 0 }, { "Code 413 - Request Entity Too Large", 0 }, { "Code 414 - Request-URI Too Long", 0 }, { "Code 415 - Unsupported Media Type", 0 }, { "Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable", 0 }, { "Code 417 - Expectation Failed", 0 }, { "Code 500 - Internal Server Error", 0 }, { "Code 501 - Not Implemented", 0 }, { "Code 502 - Bad Gateway", 0 }, { "Code 503 - Service Unavailable", 0 }, { "Code 504 - Gateway Timeout", 0 }, { "Code 505 - HTTP Version Not Supported", 0 } }; char *msg_title = "Usage Statistics for"; char *msg_h_other = "Other"; /* Country codes (previously in ctry.h header file) */ struct country_code ctry[] = { { 0, "Unresolved/Unknown", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_3C('c','o','m'), "Commercial (com)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_3C('e','d','u'), "Educational (edu)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_3C('g','o','v'), "US Government (gov)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_3C('i','n','t'), "International (int)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_3C('m','i','l'), "US Military (mil)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_3C('n','e','t'), "Network (net)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_3C('o','r','g'), "Non-Profit (org)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_3C('b','i','z'), "Generic Business (biz)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_3C('c','a','t'), "Catalan Community (cat)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_3C('p','r','o'), "Professional (pro)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_3C('t','e','l'), "Ind. Contact Data (tel)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_4C('a','e','r','o'),"Air Transport Industry (aero)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_4C('a','s','i','a'),"Asia Pacific Community (asia)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_4C('c','o','o','p'),"Cooperative Association (coop)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_4C('i','n','f','o'),"Generic TLD (info)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_4C('j','o','b','s'),"Human Resources (jobs)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_4C('m','o','b','i'),"Generic Mobile TLD (mobi)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_4C('n','a','m','e'),"Individual (name)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_4C('a','r','p','a'),"Address Routing (arpa)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_4C('n','a','t','o'),"Nato field (nato)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_6C('m','u','s','e','u','m'), "Museums (museum)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_6C('t','r','a','v','e','l'), "Travel Ind. (travel)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','c'), "Ascension Island", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','d'), "Andorra", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','e'), "United Arab Emirates", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','f'), "Afghanistan", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','g'), "Antigua and Barbuda", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','i'), "Anguilla", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','l'), "Albania", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','m'), "Armenia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','n'), "Netherlands Antilles", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','o'), "Angola", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','q'), "Antarctica", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','r'), "Argentina", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','s'), "American Samoa", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','t'), "Austria", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','u'), "Australia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','w'), "Aruba", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','x'), "Aland Islands", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','z'), "Azerbaijan", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('b','a'), "Bosnia and Herzegovina", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('b','b'), "Barbados", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('b','d'), "Bangladesh", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('b','e'), "Belgium", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('b','f'), "Burkina Faso", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('b','g'), "Bulgaria", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('b','h'), "Bahrain", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('b','i'), "Burundi", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('b','j'), "Benin", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('b','l'), "Saint Barthelemy", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('b','m'), "Bermuda", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('b','n'), "Brunei Darussalam", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('b','o'), "Bolivia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('b','r'), "Brazil", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('b','s'), "Bahamas", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('b','t'), "Bhutan", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('b','v'), "Bouvet Island", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('b','w'), "Botswana", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('b','y'), "Belarus", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('b','z'), "Belize", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('c','a'), "Canada", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('c','c'), "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('c','d'), "Congo, Democratic Republic", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('c','f'), "Central African Republic", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('c','g'), "Congo", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('c','h'), "Switzerland", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('c','i'), "Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('c','k'), "Cook Islands", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('c','l'), "Chile", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('c','m'), "Cameroon", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('c','n'), "China", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('c','o'), "Colombia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('c','r'), "Costa Rica", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('c','u'), "Cuba", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('c','v'), "Cape Verde", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('c','x'), "Christmas Island", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('c','y'), "Cyprus", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('c','z'), "Czech Republic", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('d','e'), "Germany", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('d','j'), "Djibouti", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('d','k'), "Denmark", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('d','m'), "Dominica", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('d','o'), "Dominican Republic", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('d','z'), "Algeria", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('e','c'), "Ecuador", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('e','e'), "Estonia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('e','g'), "Egypt", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('e','h'), "Western Sahara", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('e','r'), "Eritrea", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('e','s'), "Spain", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('e','t'), "Ethiopia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('e','u'), "European Union", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('f','i'), "Finland", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('f','j'), "Fiji", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('f','k'), "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('f','m'), "Micronesia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('f','o'), "Faroe Islands", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('f','r'), "France", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('g','a'), "Gabon", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('g','b'), "Great Britain (UK)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('g','d'), "Grenada", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('g','e'), "Georgia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('g','f'), "French Guiana", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('g','g'), "Guernsey", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('g','h'), "Ghana", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('g','i'), "Gibraltar", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('g','l'), "Greenland", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('g','m'), "Gambia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('g','n'), "Guinea", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('g','p'), "Guadeloupe", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('g','q'), "Equatorial Guinea", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('g','r'), "Greece", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('g','s'), "S. Georgia and S. Sandwich Isls.", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('g','t'), "Guatemala", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('g','u'), "Guam", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('g','w'), "Guinea-Bissau", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('g','y'), "Guyana", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('h','k'), "Hong Kong", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('h','m'), "Heard and McDonald Islands", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('h','n'), "Honduras", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('h','r'), "Croatia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('h','t'), "Haiti", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('h','u'), "Hungary", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('i','d'), "Indonesia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('i','e'), "Ireland", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('i','l'), "Israel", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('i','m'), "Isle of Man", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('i','n'), "India", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('i','o'), "British Indian Ocean Territory", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('i','q'), "Iraq", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('i','r'), "Iran", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('i','s'), "Iceland", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('i','t'), "Italy", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('j','e'), "Jersey", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('j','m'), "Jamaica", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('j','o'), "Jordan", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('j','p'), "Japan", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('k','e'), "Kenya", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('k','g'), "Kyrgyzstan", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('k','h'), "Cambodia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('k','i'), "Kiribati", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('k','m'), "Comoros", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('k','n'), "Saint Kitts and Nevis", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('k','p'), "Korea, Democratic Republic of", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('k','r'), "Korea, Republic of", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('k','w'), "Kuwait", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('k','y'), "Cayman Islands", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('k','z'), "Kazakhstan", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('l','a'), "Laos", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('l','b'), "Lebanon", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('l','c'), "Saint Lucia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('l','i'), "Liechtenstein", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('l','k'), "Sri Lanka", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('l','r'), "Liberia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('l','s'), "Lesotho", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('l','t'), "Lithuania", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('l','u'), "Luxembourg", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('l','v'), "Latvia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('l','y'), "Libya", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','a'), "Morocco", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','c'), "Monaco", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','d'), "Moldova", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','e'), "Montenegro", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','f'), "Saint Martin (French part)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','g'), "Madagascar", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','h'), "Marshall Islands", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','k'), "Macedonia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','l'), "Mali", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','m'), "Myanmar", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','n'), "Mongolia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','o'), "Macau", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','p'), "Northern Mariana Islands", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','q'), "Martinique", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','r'), "Mauritania", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','s'), "Montserrat", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','t'), "Malta", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','u'), "Mauritius", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','v'), "Maldives", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','w'), "Malawi", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','x'), "Mexico", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','y'), "Malaysia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('m','z'), "Mozambique", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('n','a'), "Namibia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('n','c'), "New Caledonia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('n','e'), "Niger", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('n','f'), "Norfolk Island", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('n','g'), "Nigeria", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('n','i'), "Nicaragua", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('n','l'), "Netherlands", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('n','o'), "Norway", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('n','p'), "Nepal", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('n','r'), "Nauru", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('n','u'), "Niue", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('n','z'), "New Zealand", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('o','m'), "Oman", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('p','a'), "Panama", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('p','e'), "Peru", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('p','f'), "French Polynesia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('p','g'), "Papua New Guinea", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('p','h'), "Philippines", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('p','k'), "Pakistan", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('p','l'), "Poland", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('p','m'), "St. Pierre and Miquelon", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('p','n'), "Pitcairn", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('p','r'), "Puerto Rico", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('p','s'), "Palestinian Territory, Occupied", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('p','t'), "Portugal", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('p','w'), "Palau", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('p','y'), "Paraguay", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('q','a'), "Qatar", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('r','e'), "Reunion", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('r','o'), "Romania", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('r','s'), "Serbia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('r','u'), "Russian Federation", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('r','w'), "Rwanda", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('s','a'), "Saudi Arabia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('s','b'), "Solomon Islands", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('s','c'), "Seychelles", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('s','d'), "Sudan", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('s','e'), "Sweden", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('s','g'), "Singapore", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('s','h'), "St. Helena", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('s','i'), "Slovenia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('s','j'), "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('s','k'), "Slovakia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('s','l'), "Sierra Leone", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('s','m'), "San Marino", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('s','n'), "Senegal", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('s','o'), "Somalia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('s','r'), "Suriname", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('s','t'), "Sao Tome and Principe", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('s','u'), "Soviet Union", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('s','v'), "El Salvador", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('s','y'), "Syrian Arab Republic", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('s','z'), "Swaziland", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('t','c'), "Turks and Caicos Islands", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('t','d'), "Chad", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('t','f'), "French Southern Territories", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('t','g'), "Togo", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('t','h'), "Thailand", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('t','j'), "Tajikistan", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('t','k'), "Tokelau", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('t','l'), "Timor-Leste", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('t','m'), "Turkmenistan", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('t','n'), "Tunisia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('t','o'), "Tonga", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('t','p'), "Portuguese Timor", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('t','r'), "Turkey", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('t','t'), "Trinidad and Tobago", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('t','v'), "Tuvalu", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('t','w'), "Taiwan", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('t','z'), "Tanzania", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('u','a'), "Ukraine", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('u','g'), "Uganda", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('u','k'), "United Kingdom", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('u','m'), "US Minor Outlying Islands", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('u','s'), "United States", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('u','y'), "Uruguay", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('u','z'), "Uzbekistan", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('v','a'), "Vatican City State (Holy See)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('v','c'), "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('v','e'), "Venezuela", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('v','g'), "Virgin Islands (British)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('v','i'), "Virgin Islands (U.S.)", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('v','n'), "Viet Nam", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('v','u'), "Vanuatu", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('w','f'), "Wallis and Futuna Islands", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('w','s'), "Samoa", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('y','e'), "Yemen", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('y','t'), "Mayotte", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('y','u'), "Yugoslavia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('z','a'), "South Africa", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('z','m'), "Zambia", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('z','w'), "Zimbabwe", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','1'), "Anonymous Proxy", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','2'), "Satellite Provider", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('o','1'), "Other", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_2C('a','p'), "Asia/Pacific Region", 0,0,0 }, { IDX_3C('l','a','n'), "Local Network (lan)", 0,0,0 }, { 0, NULL, 0,0,0 }};