=========================== == suPHP == =========================== Configuration ------------- 1. General notes The suPHP configuration file resides in $sysconfdir/suphp.conf (which will resolve e.g. to /etc/suphp.conf). It has the usual "INI-file" syntax. Section names are encapsulated in square brackets (e.g. [global]). Configuration options are key value pairs, separated by a "=" sign (e.g. umask=0077). Comment lines start with a ";". You can find a sample configuration in suphp.conf-example 2. Multiple values and escaping For a setting that allows multiple values, you can either seperate the values using the colon (":") character or you can use multiple lines. If you use multiple lines any line following the first has to use the "+=" assignment, otherwise preceding values will be discarded. If you want to use the ":" character in a value, you have to escape it using a backslash ("\"). The backslash itself is escaped by prepending another backslash. For patterns the asterisk ("*") has to be escaped, too. 3. Variables Certain configuration values may contain variables. Valid variables are: ${USERNAME} - is replaced by the name of the target user ${UID} - is replaced by the numerical UID of the target user ${GROUPNAME} - is replaced by the name of the target group ${GID} - is replaced by the numerical GID of the target group ${HOME} - is replaced by the path to the home directory of the target user Dollar ("$") characters that are not meant to represent variables, have to be escape using a backslash ("\"), if used in a value that allows variables. 4. Global options This options have to be specified in the [global] section. All this options are facultative. logfile: Specifies path to logfile. If not specified, the compile-time value is used. loglevel: One of "info", "warn", "error", "none". Specifies messages of which classification should be logged. Defaults to "info". webserver_user: Username of UID webserver is running as. If not specified, the compile-time value is used. docroot: Patterns matching all allowed script directories. This is an additional security check, especially when check_vhost_docroot is disabled. Defaults to "/*" thus allowing scripts in any location being run. May contain the "*" character which matches zero to n characters excluding the "/" character. Multiple values are allowed for this setting. May contain variables as described above. chroot: Path to change the process's root directory to before executing the script. Has to be specified without a trailing slash. If not specified, no chroot() call is performed. May contain variables as described above. allow_file_group_writeable: Allow files to be group writeable. Is disabled by default. allow_directory_group_writeable: Allow directories scripts are residing in to be group writeable. Is disabled by default. allow_file_others_writeable: Allow files to be writeable by world. Is disabled by default: WARNING: Enabling this option is very dangerous and causes major security issues, especially the danger of arbitrary code execution! allow_directoy_others_writeable: Allow directories scripts are residing in to be writeable by world. Is disabled by default: WARNING: Enabling this option is dangerous! check_vhost_docroot: Checks wheter the script is within DOCUMENT_ROOT specified by the webserver. This option is intended to avoid symbol links outside of the webpage directory. You may want to disable it, when you are using mod_vhost_alias or the Alias-directive. This option is disabled by default, if at compile-time the "--disable-check-docroot" option has been specified, otherwise it is enabled by default. errors_to_browser: Enable this option to sent information about minor problems during script invocation to the browser. This option is disabled by default. env_path: Content of the "PATH" environment variable. Set this to a secure value. The default value is "/bin:/usr/bin". umask: umask to set before script execution. Has to be specified in octal notation (e.g. 0077). min_uid: Minimum UID allowed to execute scripts. Defaults to compile-time value. min_gid: Minimum GID allowed to execute scripts. Defaults to compile-time value. 5. Handlers In the [handlers] section you specify a mapping between mime-types and interpreters to be used. Example: x-httpd-php=php:/usr/bin/php The "key" is the mime-type. The "value" consists of to parts seperated by a colon. The first part is the "mode". The second part is the path to the interpreter. At the moment two modes are supported: "php"-mode: Use this mode for PHP scripts. Specify the PHP-interpreter you want to use. "execute"-mode: Must be specified as "execute:!self". Does not take any interpreter as the script itself is executed. Use this option for CGI-scripts. =================================== (c)2002-2008 by Sebastian Marsching Please see LICENSE for additional information