Build in setid mode FORCE as on mire
[hcoop/zz_old/debian/suphp.git] / acinclude.m4
1 dnl ========================================================================
2 dnl | BEGIN CODE FROM find_apr.m4 |
3 dnl ========================================================================
4 dnl
5 dnl find_apr.m4 : locate the APR include files and libraries
6 dnl
7 dnl This macro file can be used by applications to find and use the APR
8 dnl library. It provides a standardized mechanism for using APR. It supports
9 dnl embedding APR into the application source, or locating an installed
10 dnl copy of APR.
11 dnl
12 dnl APR_FIND_APR([srcdir [, builddir, implicit-install-check]])
13 dnl
14 dnl where srcdir is the location of the bundled APR source directory, or
15 dnl empty if source is not bundled.
16 dnl
17 dnl where blddir is the location where the bundled APR will will be built,
18 dnl or empty if the build will occur in the srcdir.
19 dnl
20 dnl where implicit-install-check set to 1 indicates if there is no
21 dnl --with-apr option specified, we will look for installed copies.
22 dnl
23 dnl Sets the following variables on exit:
24 dnl
25 dnl apr_found : "yes", "no", "reconfig"
26 dnl
27 dnl apr_config : If the apr-config tool exists, this refers to it. If
28 dnl apr_found is "reconfig", then the bundled directory
29 dnl should be reconfigured *before* using apr_config.
30 dnl
31 dnl Note: this macro file assumes that apr-config has been installed; it
32 dnl is normally considered a required part of an APR installation.
33 dnl
34 dnl If a bundled source directory is available and needs to be (re)configured,
35 dnl then apr_found is set to "reconfig". The caller should reconfigure the
36 dnl (passed-in) source directory, placing the result in the build directory,
37 dnl as appropriate.
38 dnl
39 dnl If apr_found is "yes" or "reconfig", then the caller should use the
40 dnl value of apr_config to fetch any necessary build/link information.
41 dnl
44 apr_found="no"
46 if test "$ac_cv_emxos2" = "yes"; then
47 # Scripts don't pass test -x on OS/2
48 TEST_X="test -f"
49 else
50 TEST_X="test -x"
51 fi
54 AC_ARG_WITH(apr,
55 [ --with-apr=DIR|FILE prefix for installed APR, path to APR build tree,
56 or the full path to apr-config],
57 [
58 if test "$withval" = "no" || test "$withval" = "yes"; then
59 AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-apr requires a directory to be provided])
60 fi
62 if $TEST_X "$withval/bin/apr-config"; then
63 apr_found="yes"
64 apr_config="$withval/bin/apr-config"
65 elif $TEST_X "$withval/apr-config"; then
66 apr_found="yes"
67 apr_config="$withval/apr-config"
68 elif $TEST_X "$withval/bin/apr-1-config"; then
69 apr_found="yes"
70 apr_config="$withval/bin/apr-1-config"
71 elif $TEST_X "$withval/apr-1-config"; then
72 apr_found="yes"
73 apr_config="$withval/apr-1-config"
74 elif $TEST_X "$withval" && $withval --help > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
75 apr_found="yes"
76 apr_config="$withval"
77 fi
79 dnl if --with-apr is used, then the target prefix/directory must be valid
80 if test "$apr_found" != "yes"; then
81 AC_MSG_ERROR([the --with-apr parameter is incorrect. It must specify an install prefix, a
82 build directory, or an apr-config file.])
83 fi
84 ],[
85 dnl if we have a bundled source directory, use it
86 if test -d "$1"; then
87 apr_temp_abs_srcdir="`cd $1 && pwd`"
88 apr_found="reconfig"
89 if test -n "$2"; then
90 apr_config="$2/apr-config"
91 else
92 apr_config="$1/apr-config"
93 fi
94 fi
95 if test "$apr_found" = "no" && test -n "$3" && test "$3" = "1"; then
96 if apr-config --help > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
97 apr_found="yes"
98 apr_config="apr-config"
99 else
100 dnl look in some standard places (apparently not in builtin/default)
101 for lookdir in /usr /usr/local /opt/apr /usr/local/apache2 ; do
102 if $TEST_X "$lookdir/bin/apr-config"; then
103 apr_found="yes"
104 apr_config="$lookdir/bin/apr-config"
105 break
106 fi
107 done
108 fi
109 fi
110 ])
112 AC_MSG_RESULT($apr_found)
113 ])
114 dnl
115 dnl ========================================================================
116 dnl | END CODE FROM find_apr.m4 |
117 dnl ========================================================================