HCoop backport of SML/NJ for ml-nlffigen
[hcoop/zz_old/debian/smlnj.git] / debian / smlnj-doc.doc-base.ml-lpt
1Document: ml-lpt
2Title: SML/NJ Language Processing Tools: User Guide
3Author: Aaron Turon
4Abstract: This manual describes two new tools, ml-ulex and ml-antlr, that
5 follow tradition in separating scanning from parsing, but break from
6 tradition in their implementation: ml-ulex is based on regular expression
7 derivatives rather than subset-construction, and ml-antlr is based on LL(k)
8 parsing rather than LALR(1) parsing.
9Section: Programming
11Format: PDF
12Files: /usr/share/doc/smlnj-doc/ml-lpt_manual.pdf.gz
13 /usr/share/doc/smlnj-doc/impl-pic.pdf.gz
14 /usr/share/doc/smlnj-doc/design.pdf.gz