#!/bin/bash # Get an AFS token for the given user. # # This is used to deliver mail with the appropriate credentials. # # Usage: # # get-token $USER # - If user is root, call this script as $USER # # get-token $USER norecurse # - Don't recursively call this script, even if user if root REALUSER=$(whoami) USER=$1 LOGFILE=/tmp/exim4/weird-error.log if test "$REALUSER" = "root"; then if test "$2" = "norecurse"; then echo "Error: running as root even after trying to change to $USER" \ >> $LOGFILE exit 1 fi # Decide whether the user exists: getent returns 0 error code if so getent passwd "$USER" >/dev/null if test $? -ne 0; then echo "$USER is not a local user, so ignoring them" \ >> $LOGFILE exit 1 else USER=$(getent passwd "$1" | cut -d':' -f 1) exec su $USER -c "$0 $1 norecurse" fi fi # Make sure USER exists, and resolve UIDs to a login name USER=$(getent passwd "$USER" | cut -d':' -f 1) LOGFILE=/tmp/exim4/get-token-log.$USER if test -z "$USER"; then echo "$USER is not a local user, so ignoring them" \ >> /tmp/exim4/weird-error.log exit 1 fi # fuse stdin and stderr exec 2>&1 # all future output goes to this file exec >& $LOGFILE # print name of user echo "Running as user $REALUSER" # debugging output if test "$2" = "debug"; then shift; shift echo "Debugging output: $*" fi # set the credentials cache export KRB5CCNAME=FILE:/tmp/exim4/krb5cc_$USER.email # eliminate any previous tokens kdestroy unlog KEYTAB=/etc/keytabs/user.daemon/$USER # display command-to-be-invoked as a sanity check echo kinit -kt $KEYTAB $USER/daemon@HCOOP.NET kinit -kt $KEYTAB $USER/daemon@HCOOP.NET aklog # list tokens, for the sake of debugging #tokens