(* This file has been generated automatically. DO NOT EDIT! *) (* [from code at "/usr/include/postgresql/libpq-fe.h":362.1-47] *) (* [by Matthias Blume's ml-nlffigen (version 0.9) for x86-unix] *) (* Send comments and suggestions to blume@research.bell-labs.com. Thanks! *) local open C.Dim C_Int val h = LibpqH.libh "lo_unlink" in structure F_lo_unlink : sig val typ : ((ST_pg_conn.tag, rw) su_obj ptr' * uint -> sint) fptr T.typ val fptr : unit -> ((ST_pg_conn.tag, rw) su_obj ptr' * uint -> sint) fptr val f : (ST_pg_conn.tag, rw) su_obj ptr * MLRep.Unsigned.word -> MLRep.Signed.int val f' : (ST_pg_conn.tag, rw) su_obj ptr' * MLRep.Unsigned.word -> MLRep.Signed.int end = struct val typ = FPtrRTTI_49.typ fun fptr () = mk_fptr (FPtrRTTI_49.mkcall, h ()) fun f (x1, x2) = Cvt.ml_sint (call (fptr (), (Light.ptr x1, Cvt.c_uint x2))) fun f' (x1, x2) = Cvt.ml_sint (call (fptr (), (x1, Cvt.c_uint x2))) end end