=================== System requirements =================== This requires a "working version" of SML/NJ on a POSIX system. It's best to use version 110.49 or later. Earlier versions have incompatibilities, bugs, or both. ============= Configuration ============= Modify the parameters at the start of 'build' as appropriate for your system. These settings may be determined for you autotmatically by a fancy configuration program in a future release. ======== Building ======== All sources may be built by running the 'build' script in this directory. It does a clean re-build of all source files and stabilizes all libraries produced. The build script is not appropriate for use during development. Use the standard SML/NJ CM mechanisms if you are changing the code and don't want to recompile everything each time. [There is probably a better way to do this, but I haven't figured one out yet.] =================== Using the libraries =================== After building, include libpq/sources.cm in an SML/NJ project's .cm file. The libraries are stabilized, so people without write access to the directory can use them without problems.