<% @header [("title", ["Apply for membership"])] %> <% if $"cmd" = "app" then val minor = $"minor" <> ""; val name = $"name"; val rname = $"rname"; val gname = $"gname"; val email = $"email"; val forward = $"forward" <> "on"; val uses = $"uses"; val other = $"other"; if $"agree" <> "on" then %>

You must accept the Terms of Service!

<% elseif name = "" then %>

Please enter a username

<% elseif rname = "" then %>

Please enter the potential member's name

<% elseif (iff minor then gname = "" else false) then %>

Please enter your name, as legal guardian

<% elseif email = "" then %>

Please enter your contact e-mail address

<% elseif uses = "" then %>

Please enter your proposed uses

<% elseif not (App.validUser name) then %>

Invalid requested username

<% elseif App.userExists name then %>

That username is already in use.

<% elseif not (App.validEmail email) then %>

Invalid e-mail address

<% else switch App.apply { name = name, rname = rname, email = email, gname = (case gname of "" => NONE | _ => SOME gname), forward = forward, uses = uses, other = other } of NONE => %>

Error sending confirmation e-mail

<% | SOME unix_passwd => %>

Application recorded

Check your e-mail for a message with further instructions. Save this password to use to access your new account if your application is approved:
<% Web.html unix_passwd %>
<% end end else val minor = $"minor" <> "" %>
<% if minor then %> <% else %> <% end %>
Desired username:
You should follow usual UNIX conventions, including limiting yourself to lowercase letters and at most 8 characters. It's helpful to pick a name you wouldn't mind using to identify yourself to both strangers and friends. Something based on your "real" name is a safe bet.
You also don't need to worry about whether or not the username you want is already taken. This application system will let you know if that is the case. You can probably use a shorter and simpler name than you are accustomed to getting at larger services, so we encourage you to try such names first.
New member's "real" name:
Legal guardian's name: Please enter your full name, as you would on a normal, legally binding contract.
Your "real" name: Please enter your full name, as you would on a normal, legally binding contract.
Contact e-mail address
Check this box if you would like to use hcoop as your primary e-mail provider.
If you don't select this option and you are approved to join, e-mail to your account will be forwarded to the address you provide here.
You can change this option later, but we'll probably have helpful things to e-mail you as soon as you join. It's important that we be able to reach members reliably, so please don't decide to use us as your primary e-mail provider unless you can commit to checking your hcoop mailbox just as often as any other personal accounts you have.
How do you plan to use a hcoop membership?
Any other information about yourself

You must agree to the following terms to be considered for membership:

Terms of Service Agreement

<% App.readTosBody () %>

<% if minor then App.readTosMinorAgree () else App.readTosAgree () end %>

<% end %> <% @footer[] %>