<% val you = Init.getUserId (); val yourname = Init.getUserName (); val youremail = yourname ^ "@hcoop.net"; @header [("title", ["Member preferences"])]; if $"cmd" = "mod" then if $"dir" = "on" then Pref.setDirectory you else Pref.unsetDirectory you end; if not (iff $"discuss" = "on" then Pref.subscribe ("hcoop-discuss", youremail) else Pref.unsubscribe ("hcoop-discuss", youremail)) then %>

Error setting hcoop-discuss status

<% end; if not (iff $"misc" = "on" then Pref.subscribe ("hcoop-misc", youremail) else Pref.unsubscribe ("hcoop-misc", youremail)) then %>

Error setting hcoop-misc status

<% end; %>

Preferences updated

<% end %>
checked<% end %>> Include me in the public member directory.
checked<% end %>> Include me on the hcoop-discuss mailing list. (On-topic discussion and sporadically high volume)
checked<% end %>> Include me on the hcoop-misc mailing list. (Off-topic)
<% @footer[] %>