structure Stats :> STATS = struct val webbw = Config.statsRoot ^ "webbw" val webbw_last = Config.statsRoot ^ "webbw.last" val webbw_last2 = Config.statsRoot ^ "webbw.last2" type host = {ssl : bool, hostname : string, id : string} fun checkSsl (node, host) = let val id = case String.tokens (fn ch => ch = #".") host of [] => node ^ "/" ^ host | first :: rest => case rev (String.tokens (fn ch => ch = #"_") first) of "ssl" :: rest' => node ^ "/" ^ String.concatWith "_" (rev rest') ^ "." ^ String.concatWith "." rest ^ ".ssl" | _ => node ^ "/" ^ host in case String.fields (fn ch => ch = #".") host of first::rest => (case String.fields (fn ch => ch = #"_") first of [first, "ssl"] => {ssl = true, hostname = String.concatWith "." (first::rest), id = id} | _ => {ssl = false, hostname = host, id = id}) | _ => {ssl = false, hostname = host, id = id} end fun getWebbw last = let val fname = case last of 2 => webbw_last2 | 1 => webbw_last | 0 => webbw | _ => raise Fail "Asked for too old of a bandwidth file" val inf = TextIO.openIn fname val sum = case TextIO.inputLine inf of NONE => raise Fail "Can't read webbw" | SOME l => case String.tokens Char.isSpace l of [_, n] => valOf (Int.fromString n) | _ => raise Fail "Bad total in webbw" fun readEm L = case TextIO.inputLine inf of (NONE | SOME "\n") => List.rev L | SOME l => case String.tokens (fn ch => Char.isSpace ch orelse ch = #":") l of [d, n] => (case String.tokens (fn ch => ch = #"@") d of [d, node] => readEm ({host = checkSsl (node, d), size = valOf (Int.fromString n)} :: L) | _ => raise Fail ("Bad row in webbw [2]: " ^ l)) | _ => raise Fail ("Bad row in webbw [1]: " ^ l) fun splitLast [] = raise Fail "Not enough items for splitLast" | splitLast [x] = ([], x) | splitLast (h::t) = let val (l, x) = splitLast t in (h::l, x) end fun readGroups L = case TextIO.inputLine inf of NONE => List.rev L | SOME l => case String.tokens (fn ch => Char.isSpace ch orelse ch = #":" orelse ch = #"[" orelse ch = #"]" orelse ch = #",") l of d :: rest => let val (l, x) = splitLast rest fun split s = case String.tokens (fn ch => ch = #"@") s of [host, node] => (node, host) | _ => raise Fail ("Bad row in webbw [3]: " ^ s) in readGroups ({user = d, hosts = map (checkSsl o split) l, size = valOf (Int.fromString x)} :: L) end | _ => raise Fail ("Bad row in webbw [4]: " ^ l) in TextIO.inputLine inf; {total = sum, vhosts = readEm [], users = readGroups []} before TextIO.closeIn inf end fun getWebbwUser {user, last} = let val {vhosts, users, ...} = getWebbw last in case List.find (fn {user = u, ...} => u = user) users of NONE => {total = 0, vhosts = []} | SOME {hosts, size, ...} => {total = size, vhosts = List.filter (fn {host, ...} => List.exists (fn host' => host' = host) hosts) vhosts} end type disk = {uname : string, kbs : int} structure StringKey = struct type ord_key = string val compare = end structure SM = BinaryMapFn(StringKey) fun getDiskUsage () = let val proc = Unix.execute ("/bin/sh", ["-c", "/usr/bin/vos listvol gibran"]) val inf = Unix.textInstreamOf proc fun loop acc = case TextIO.inputLine inf of NONE => acc | SOME line => case String.tokens Char.isSpace line of [vol, _, _, kbs, _, _] => let val kbsOld = case SM.find (acc, vol) of NONE => 0 | SOME n => n val uname = case String.tokens (fn ch => ch = #".") vol of [_, uname] => ((Posix.SysDB.getpwnam uname; SOME uname) handle OS.SysErr _ => NONE) | _ => NONE val acc = case uname of NONE => acc | SOME uname => SM.insert (acc, uname, valOf (Int.fromString kbs) + kbsOld) in loop acc end | _ => acc val _ = TextIO.inputLine inf val users = map (fn (uname, kbs) => {uname = uname, kbs = kbs}) (SM.listItemsi (loop SM.empty)) in ignore (Unix.reap proc); ListMergeSort.sort (fn ({kbs = kbs1, ...}, {kbs = kbs2, ...}) => kbs1 < kbs2) users end end