<% @header [("title", ["Sliding scale pledges"])]; if $"cmd" = "set" then val user = Init.getUser (); val shares = Web.stoi ($"pledge"); if shares <= 0 then %>

You can't make a non-positive pledge!

<% else Init.modUser {user with shares = shares} %>

Thank you for your pledge!

<% end elseif $"cmd" = "calc" then val user = Init.getUser (); val amt = Web.stor ($"amt"); val base = Money.costBase amt %>

Out of $<% amt %>, you would pay $<% Util.mult (#shares user, base) %> and the lowest share of the cost would be $<% base %>.

<% end val user = Init.getUser () %>

Base HCoop membership dues are set at $7/mo.. On this page, you can set a pledge amount above one, so that you pay 7N dollars a month, where N is your pledge amount, to help offset costs for members with more stringent budgets. If the members listed below weren't making extra pledges, we would need to increase the base dues amount of $7 to cover our costs.

Set your pledge number

Calculate your share of an expense

This form is mostly of historical interest, since we've switched to a flat dues scheme.


Members with pledges above 1

<% foreach usr in Init.byPledge () do %> <% end %>
<% #shares usr %> <% Web.html (#name usr) %>
<% @footer [] %>