<% val you = Init.getUser () %> <% if $"cmd" = "stripeSuccess" then %>

Stripe Payment Succeeded

Your payment via Stripe must still be applied to your balance manually at present, and will be applied by the treasurer within a few days.

<% end %>

Add To Your Balance

Remember that we credit member balances for payments after subtracting service fees. This means that, to increase your balance by a particular amount, you must make a larger payment than just that amount. Stripe and Paypal have equal fees (for US residents); You can calculate the amount x to send from the amount y you want us to receive with this formula: x = (y + 0.30) / (1 - 0.029). Stripe charges an additional 1% fee for non-U.S. cards, even when paying in USD.

Add to your balance with PayPal

Payal fees are 2.9% + $0.30 for payments from the US. The fees for other countries may be different, consult the PayPal fees page if needed.

<% switch #paypal you of NONE => %>

You haven't set a PayPal e-mail address. If you are going to send a payment by PayPal, please set a PayPal e-mail address on the Preferences page first to ensure that you are credited promptly and accurately.

<% end %>

Add to your balance with Stripe

Stripe fees are 2.9% + $0.30 for each transaction regardless of country.