structure App :> APP = struct val baseUrl = "" val portalUrl = "" open Sql structure C = PgClient val db = ref (NONE : C.conn option) val rnd = ref (Random.rand (0, 0)) fun init () = let val c = C.conn "dbname='hcoop'" in db := SOME c; C.dml c "BEGIN"; rnd := Random.rand (SysWord.toInt (Posix.Process.pidToWord (Posix.ProcEnv.getpid ())), SysWord.toInt (Posix.Process.pidToWord (Posix.ProcEnv.getpid ()))) end fun getDb () = valOf (!db) fun done () = let val c = getDb () in C.dml c "COMMIT"; C.close c; db := NONE end fun sendMail (to, subj, intro, footer, id) = let val (name, rname, forward, uses, other) = case C.oneOrNoRows (getDb ()) ($`SELECT name, rname, forward, uses, other FROM MemberApp WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql id)`) of SOME [name, rname, forward, uses, other] => (C.stringFromSql name, C.stringFromSql rname, C.boolFromSql forward, C.stringFromSql uses, C.stringFromSql other) | _ => raise Fail "Bad sendMail row" val proc = Unix.execute ("/usr/sbin/exim4", ["-t"]) fun mwrite s = TextIO.output (Unix.textOutstreamOf proc, s) in mwrite ("From: Hcoop Application System \nTo: "); mwrite (to); mwrite ("\nSubject: "); mwrite subj; mwrite ("\n\n"); mwrite intro; mwrite ("\n\nUsername: "); mwrite (name); mwrite ("\nReal name: "); mwrite (rname); mwrite ("\nForward e-mail: "); mwrite (if forward then "yes" else "no"); mwrite ("\n\nDesired uses:\n"); mwrite (uses); mwrite ("\n\nOther information:\n"); mwrite (other); mwrite ("\n\n"); footer mwrite; OS.Process.isSuccess (Unix.reap proc) end type application = { name : string, rname : string, email : string, forward : bool, uses : string, other : string } fun apply {name, rname, email, forward, uses, other} = let val db = getDb () in case C.oneRow db ($`SELECT nextval('MemberAppSeq')`) of [id] => let val id = C.intFromSql id val passwd = Int.toString (Int.abs (Random.randInt (!rnd))) in C.dml db ($`INSERT INTO MemberApp (id, name, rname, email, forward, uses, other, passwd, status, applied, msg) VALUES (^(C.intToSql id), ^(C.stringToSql name), ^(C.stringToSql rname), ^(C.stringToSql email), ^(C.boolToSql forward), ^(C.stringToSql uses), ^(C.stringToSql other), ^(C.stringToSql passwd), 0, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, '')`); sendMail (email, "Confirm membership application", "We've received a request to join the Internet Hosting Cooperative ( with this e-mail address.", fn mwrite => (mwrite ("To confirm this application, visit "); mwrite (baseUrl); mwrite ("confirm?id="); mwrite (Int.toString id); mwrite ("&p="); mwrite (passwd); mwrite ("\n")), id) end | _ => raise Fail "Bad next sequence val" end fun isIdent ch = Char.isLower ch orelse Char.isDigit ch fun validHost s = size s > 0 andalso size s < 20 andalso List.all isIdent (String.explode s) fun validDomain s = size s > 0 andalso size s < 100 andalso List.all validHost (String.fields (fn ch => ch = #".") s) fun validUser s = size s > 0 andalso size s < 50 andalso List.all (fn ch => isIdent ch orelse ch = #"." orelse ch = #"_" orelse ch = #"-" orelse ch = #"+") (String.explode s) fun validEmailUser s = size s > 0 andalso size s < 50 andalso List.all (fn ch => Char.isAlphaNum ch orelse ch = #"." orelse ch = #"_" orelse ch = #"-" orelse ch = #"+") (String.explode s) fun validEmail s = (case String.fields (fn ch => ch = #"@") s of [user, host] => validEmailUser user andalso validDomain host | _ => false) fun userExists name = (Posix.SysDB.getpwnam name; true) handle OS.SysErr _ => false fun confirm (id, passwd) = let val db = getDb () in case C.oneOrNoRows db ($`SELECT id FROM MemberApp WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql id) AND passwd = ^(C.stringToSql passwd) AND status = 0`) of SOME _ => (C.dml db ($`UPDATE MemberApp SET status = 1, confirmed = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql id)`); sendMail ("", "New membership application", "We've received a new request to join hcoop.", fn mwrite => (mwrite ("Open applications: "); mwrite (portalUrl); mwrite ("apps")), id)) | NONE => false end end