<% val id = Web.stoi ($"id"); val user = Init.lookupUser id; @header[("title", [#name user])] %> <% val links = Link.listUserLinks id; switch links of (_::_) => %> <% foreach link in links do %> <% end end; val level = iff Group.inGroupName "contact" then Contact.ADMINS else Contact.MEMBERS; val contacts = Contact.listUserContacts (id, level); switch contacts of (_::_) => %> <% foreach (kind, cont) in contacts do %> <% end end %>
Member: <% #name user %>
Real name: <% Web.html (#rname user) %>
Hcoop e-mail: <% #name user %>@hcoop.net
Joined: <% #joined user %>
Locations: <% ref first = true; foreach loc in Location.userLocations id do if first then first := false else %>, <% end %><% Web.html (#name loc) %><% end %>
Hosted sites
<% Web.html (#title link) %><% if #descr link <> "" then %>: <% Web.html (#descr link) end %>
Contact information
<% Web.html (#name kind) %>: <% Contact.format (kind, cont) %>
<% @footer[] %>