<% @header [("title", ["MoneyMatters"])]; val root = Group.inGroupNum 0; ref showNormal = true; if $"hist" <> "" then showNormal := false; val id = Web.stoi ($"hist") %> <% foreach (amount, trn) in Money.listUserTransactions id do %> <% end %>
Date Description Amount
<% #d trn %> <% Web.html (#descr trn) %> <% amount %>/<% #amount trn %>
<% elseif $"cmd" = "list" then val admin = Group.inGroupName "money"; showNormal := false %>


<% foreach trn in Money.listTransactions () do %> <% switch Money.listChargesWithNames (#id trn) of [(name, cha)] => %><% | _ => %><% end; if admin then %><% end %><% end %>
Date Description Amount Last modified Participants
<% #d trn %> <% Web.html (#descr trn) %> <% #amount trn %> <% #stamp trn %><% name %>multi[Bill] [Payment] [Other] [Delete]
<% elseif $"cmd" = "primary" then val admin = Group.inGroupName "money"; showNormal := false %>

Primary Transactions

<% foreach (amt, trn) in Money.listUserTransactions (valOf (Init.userNameToId "hcoop")) do %> <% switch Money.listChargesWithNames (#id trn) of [(name, cha)] => %><% | _ => %><% end; if admin then %><% end %><% end %>
Date Description Amount Last modified Participants
<% #d trn %> <% Web.html (#descr trn) %> <% #amount trn %> <% #stamp trn %><% name %>multi[Bill] [Payment] [Other] [Delete]
<% elseif $"cmd" = "bals" then showNormal := false %>

Active Balances

<% foreach bal in Balance.listOwnedBalances () do %> <% end %>
<% #name bal %> <% #amount bal %> <% switch Balance.listBalanceUsers (#id bal) of [] => | (user :: users) => %><% Web.html (#name user) %> [History]<% foreach user in users do %>, <% Web.html (#name user) %><% end end %>
<% elseif $"cmd" = "deadbals" then showNormal := false %>

Retired Balances

<% foreach bal in Balance.listUnownedBalances () do %> <% end %>
<% #name bal %> <% #amount bal %> <% switch Balance.listBalanceUsers (#id bal) of [] => | (user :: users) => %><% Web.html (#name user) %> [History]<% foreach user in users do %>, <% Web.html (#name user) %> [History]<% end end %>
<% elseif $"cmd" = "nbals" then showNormal := false; val bals = Balance.listNegativeOwnedBalances () %>

Negative Active Balances (<% length bals %>)

<% foreach bal in bals do %> <% end %>
<% #name bal %> <% #amount bal %> <% switch Balance.listBalanceUsers (#id bal) of [] => | (user :: users) => %><% Web.html (#name user) %> [History]<% foreach user in users do %>, <% Web.html (#name user) %> [History]<% end end %>
<% elseif $"cmd" = "hosting" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false %>

New hosting bill

Free bandwidth cutoff (MB):
Member usage:
<% elseif $"cmd" = "hosting2" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; val id = Money.addTransaction ($"descr", Util.neg (Web.stor ($"amount")), $"d"); Money.addHostingCharges {trn = id, cutoff = 1000 * Web.stoi ($"cutoff"), cost = Web.stor ($"cost"), usage = $"usage"}; %>

Hosting transaction added.

<% elseif $"modHosting" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false; val id = Web.stoi ($"modHosting"); val trn = Money.lookupTransaction id %>

Modify hosting bill

Free bandwidth cutoff (MB):
Member usage:
<% elseif $"saveHosting" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; val id = Web.stoi ($"saveHosting"); val trn = Money.lookupTransaction id; Money.clearCharges id; Money.modTransaction {trn with descr = $"descr", d = $"d", amount = Util.neg (Web.stor ($"amount"))}; Money.addHostingCharges {trn = id, cutoff = 1000 * Web.stoi ($"cutoff"), cost = Web.stor ($"cost"), usage = $"usage"}; %>

Hosting transaction modified.

<% elseif $"cmd" = "bill" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false %>

New bill for the co-op

<% elseif $"cmd" = "bill2" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; val id = Money.addTransaction ($"descr", Util.neg (Web.stor ($"amount")), $"d"); Money.addCharge {trn = id, usr = valOf (Init.userNameToId "hcoop"), amount = Util.neg (Web.stor ($"amount"))}; Money.applyCharges id; %>

Bill added.

<% elseif $"modBill" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false; val id = Web.stoi ($"modBill"); val trn = Money.lookupTransaction id %>

Modify bill

<% elseif $"saveBill" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; val id = Web.stoi ($"saveBill"); val trn = Money.lookupTransaction id; Money.clearCharges id; Money.modTransaction {trn with descr = $"descr", d = $"d", amount = Util.neg (Web.stor ($"amount"))}; Money.addCharge {trn = id, usr = valOf (Init.userNameToId "hcoop"), amount = Util.neg (Web.stor ($"amount"))}; Money.applyCharges id; %>

Bill modified.

<% elseif $"cmd" = "evenForm" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false %>

New generic/even transaction

<% elseif $"cmd" = "pay" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; val uid = (case $"user" of "" => ~1 | s => Web.stoi s); showNormal := false %>

New member payment

Date: ">
<% elseif $"cmd" = "pay2" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; val amount = Web.stor ($"amount"); val descr = $"descr"; val descr = iff descr = "" then $"descr2" else descr; val id = Money.addTransaction (descr, amount, $"d"); Money.addCharge {trn = id, usr = Web.stoi ($"usr"), amount = amount}; Money.applyCharges id; %>

Payment transaction added.

<% elseif $"cmd" = "stripeApply" then val stripePmt = Money.lookupStripePayment ($"stripeId"); val txid = Money.applyStripePayment stripePmt; %>

Stripe Payment Processed (Transaction <% txid %>)

<% elseif $"cmd" = "stripeRejected" then %>

Stripe Payment Rejected!

<% elseif $"cmd" = "stripeReject" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false; %>

Are you sure you want to reject Stripe Payment <% $"stripeChargeId" %>?

" />
<% elseif $"modPay" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false; val id = Web.stoi ($"modPay"); val trn = Money.lookupTransaction id %>

Modify member payment

<% elseif $"savePay" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; val id = Web.stoi ($"savePay"); val trn = Money.lookupTransaction id; val amount = Web.stor ($"amount"); Money.clearCharges id; Money.modTransaction {trn with descr = $"descr", d = $"d", amount = amount}; Money.addCharge {trn = id, usr = Web.stoi ($"usr"), amount = amount}; Money.applyCharges id; %>

Member payment modified.

<% elseif $"cmd" = "evenForm" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false %>

New generic/even transaction

<% elseif $"cmd" = "dues" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false %>

Monthly dues

<% elseif $"cmd" = "dues2" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; Money.billDues {descr = $"descr", base = Web.stor ($"base"), date = $"d"}; %>

Dues debits added.

<% elseif $"cmd" = "even" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; val id = Money.addTransaction ($"descr", Web.stor ($"amount"), $"d"); Money.addEvenCharges (id, map Web.stoi (Web.getMultiParam "usrs")) %>

Even transaction added.

<% elseif $"modEven" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false; val trn = Money.lookupTransaction (Web.stoi ($"modEven")) %>

Modify even transaction

<% elseif $"saveEven" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; val id = Web.stoi ($"saveEven"); val trn = Money.lookupTransaction id; Money.clearCharges id; Money.modTransaction {trn with descr = $"descr", d = $"d", amount = Web.stor ($"amount")}; Money.addEvenCharges (id, map Web.stoi (Web.getMultiParam "usrs")) %>

Even transaction modified

<% elseif $"del" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; showNormal := false; val trn = Money.lookupTransaction (Web.stoi ($"del")) %>

Are you sure you want to delete transaction <% Web.html (#descr trn) %>?

">Yes, delete <% Web.html (#descr trn) %>! <% elseif $"del2" <> "" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; val id = Web.stoi ($"del2"); val trn = Money.lookupTransaction id; Money.clearCharges id; Money.deleteTransaction id %>

<% Web.html (#descr trn) %> deleted!

<% elseif $"cmd" = "equalize" then Group.requireGroupName "money"; Money.equalizeBalances (); %>

Balances equalized

<% elseif $"trn" <> "" then showNormal := false; val id = Web.stoi ($"trn"); val trn = Money.lookupTransaction id %> <% ref first = true; foreach (name, cha) in Money.listChargesWithNames id do if first then first := false else %> <% end %><% end %>
TRN#: <% id %>
Description: <% Web.html (#descr trn) %>
Date: <% #d trn %>
Amount: $<% #amount trn %>
<% name %> $<% #amount cha %>
<% elseif $"cmd" = "paypal" then showNormal := false; val apps = App.searchPaypal ($"email"); val users = Init.searchPaypal ($"email"); switch apps of _ :: _ => %>

Approved applications

<% foreach appl in apps do %>

<% switch #paypal appl of SOME s => %> <% end %>
Received: <% #applied appl %>
Approved by: <% ref first = true; ref found = false; foreach (id, name) in App.votes (#id appl) do if first then first := false else %>, <% end %><% name %><% end %>
Username: <% #name appl %>
Real name: <% Web.html (#rname appl) %>
E-mail address: <% #email appl %>
PayPal: <% s %>
Forward e-mail? <% if #forward appl then %>yes<% else %>no<% end %>
Proposed uses: <% Web.htmlNl (#uses appl) %>
Other information: <% Web.htmlNl (#other appl) %>
<% if root then %> Add this member.
<% end end end; switch users of _ :: _ => %>


<% foreach user in users do %>
  • <% #name user %> [add payment]
  • <% end end; switch (apps, users) of (nil, nil) => %>No matches.<% end elseif $"cmd" = "realname" then showNormal := false; val users = Init.searchRealName ($"rname"); switch users of _ :: _ => %>


    <% foreach user in users do %>
  • <% #name user %> [add payment]
  • <% end end; switch users of nil => %>No matches.<% end elseif $"cmd" = "checkout" then showNormal := false; val apps = App.searchCheckout ($"email"); val users = Init.searchCheckout ($"email"); switch apps of _ :: _ => %>

    Approved applications

    <% foreach appl in apps do %>

    <% switch #paypal appl of SOME s => %> <% end %>
    Received: <% #applied appl %>
    Approved by: <% ref first = true; ref found = false; foreach (id, name) in App.votes (#id appl) do if first then first := false else %>, <% end %><% name %><% end %>
    Username: <% #name appl %>
    Real name: <% Web.html (#rname appl) %>
    E-mail address: <% #email appl %>
    PayPal: <% s %>
    Forward e-mail? <% if #forward appl then %>yes<% else %>no<% end %>
    Proposed uses: <% Web.htmlNl (#uses appl) %>
    Other information: <% Web.htmlNl (#other appl) %>
    <% if root then %> Add this member.
    <% end end end; switch users of _ :: _ => %>


    <% foreach user in users do %>
  • <% #name user %> [add payment]
  • <% end end; switch (apps, users) of (nil, nil) => %>No matches.<% end elseif $"cmd" = "delinq" then showNormal := false; val dqs = Money.delinquentPledgers () %> <% foreach dq in dqs do %> <% end %>
    Member Pledge Balance
    <% #name dq %> <% #shares dq %> $<% #balance dq %>
    Int.toString (#id dq)) dqs) %>">Lower these pledges to 1 <% elseif $"lower" <> "" then Money.resetPledges (List.map Web.stoi (String.tokens (fn ch => ch = #",") ($"lower"))) %>

    Pledges reset.

    <% elseif $"cmd" = "freezeworthy" then showNormal := false; val dqs = Money.freezeworthyPledgers () %> <% foreach dq in dqs do %> <% if #joinedThisMonth dq then %><% end %> <% end %>
    Member Balance
    <% #name dq %> $<% #balance dq %> [History](joined this month)
    <% elseif $"cmd" = "bootworthy" then showNormal := false; val dqs = Money.bootworthyPledgers () %> <% foreach dq in dqs do %> <% if #joinedThisMonth dq then %><% end %> <% end %>
    Member Balance
    <% #name dq %> $<% #balance dq %>[History](joined this month)
    <% end %> <% if showNormal then val you = Init.getUser(); val bal = Balance.lookupBalance (#bal you); val deposit = Balance.depositAmount (#id bal); val showBal = Util.sub (#amount bal, deposit) %>

    Your balance: $<% showBal %>
    Deposit: $<% deposit %> (3 months of dues at the minimal pledge level)

    <% if (iff Group.inGroupName "money" then $"lookback" = "" else $"audit" <> "") then %>

    Sum of all active balances: $<% Balance.sumOwnedBalances () %>

    <% end %>

    Financial Information

    List all transactions
    List primary transactions
    List active balances
    List negative active balances
    List members who deserve account freezing
    List members who deserve to be kicked out
    List retired balances
    <% if (Group.inGroupName "money" and $"lookback" = "") or $"audit" <> "" then %> Drop pledges of delinquent members
    Switch to regular member view
    <% end %>
    <% if (Group.inGroupName "money" and $"lookback" = "") or $"audit" <> "" then %>

    New Transaction

    Bill for the co-op
    Payment from member
    Monthly dues
    New hosting bill (old style)

    Look up a PayPal e-mail address

    Look up a Real Name

    Apply Stripe Payments

    <% foreach stripePmt in Money.listAllPendingStripePayments () do %> <% end %>
    DateMember Name on Card Amount (After Fees)
    <% #name (Init.lookupUser (#webuser_id stripePmt)) %> <% #paid_on stripePmt %> <% #card_name stripePmt %> $<% #net stripePmt %>

    Most recent transactions

    <% foreach trn in Money.listTransactionsLimit 20 do %> <% switch Money.listChargesWithNames (#id trn) of [(name, cha)] => %><% | _ => %><% end %> <% end %>
    Date Description Amount Participants Replace Delete
    <% #d trn %> <% Web.html (#descr trn) %> <% #amount trn %><% name %>multi[Bill] [Payment] [Other] [Delete]
    <% else %>

    Switch to audit view

    <% val lookback = case $"lookback" of "" => 20 | "inf" => 0 | lb => Web.stoi lb; @payment [] %>

    Your recent account activity

    Show most recent transactions.
    <% ref running = showBal; val trans = iff lookback = 0 then Money.listUserTransactions (Init.getUserId ()) else Money.listUserTransactionsLimit (Init.getUserId (), lookback) %> <% foreach (amount, trn) in trans do %> <% running := Util.sub (running, amount) end %>
    Date Description Debit Credit Balance
    <% #d trn %> <% Web.html (#descr trn) %> <% if Util.lt (amount, 0.0) then %><% amount %><% end %> <% if Util.ge (amount, 0.0) then %><% amount %><% end %> <% running %>
    <% if lookback <> 0 then %> Show all transactions
    <% end %> <% end end %> <% @footer [] %>